1. IMPORTANT: In the next few weeks, we will be upgrading the message board software. We expect minimal downtime during the upgrade, and we will attempt to complete this during low-traffic hours. We will post an exact time several days ahead of the switch.

    In preparation for the upgrade, we will be performing board maintenance, such as moving boards to Lost Civilizations where appropriate. Lost Civilizations is a category for companies that have either been dissolved or acquired. The boards serve as both an archive of the old company posts, as well as a place for former employees to reminisce or reconnect, as they will remain open for posting. We may also remove some board threads that have been inactive for several years.
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Discussion in 'Stryker' started by Anonymous, Nov 2, 2014 at 4:12 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    CMF products will eventually begin to REGULARLY get contracted in with ortho/spine/NSE and once that happens it will drive prices down and reduce the need (and effectiveness) of reps. There is no doubt that a talented rep can drive revenue in a case. However the OR is wise to these tactics and will end up putting you in a bad position with your customers. 20 years ago one CMF rep covered an area that is now covered by 5 reps. They made a lot of money. I think the next 10 years in device will transition back to that model (less the $), or one with tech reps being managed regionally

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    TS has his eyes on this group and major changes are in the works.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who is TS?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I've heard this is a pretty good gig, no call, low stress docs. What's there not to like?
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The job is stressful. Don't kid yourself. May not matter if Stryker buys Smith and Nephew. They will look to cut costs. This is a division that is likely to be consolidated. 1 year left of no change and then in 2016 expect major changes.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    He runs Neuro technologies at stryker. Hasn't been impressed with the CMF business as they continually miss their number, while running management top heavy business. As previous poster mentions the consolidation is on the horizon. We have heard that the NSE division is making internal changes to absorb CMF and it should happen within 12 months. We will most likely see 50% reduction in head count where most managers "resign".
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Stryker CMF is a very profitable business. Doubt management would touch it and risk future profits. Anyway, not the MO of Stryker. They are a divide and conquer company, not a consolidate and divest company. Just ask Synthes CMF how the whole consolidation thing is working out for them.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    competitive rep
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    being profitable alone will not save this division from being split up. If they roll products into NSE and Trauma and can increase profitability by lowering head count and reducing staff in Kalamazoo wouldn't that be a smart business decision?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    No, it wouldn't. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Too many "ifs" not enough proof that this sort of structure would be better for CMF.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Making such naive assumptions obviously shows you never made it past Business 101. Stick to selling for the competition!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The margins on the implants are high, however the margins decrease rapidly when one factors in the cogs, RMs, ADs and so forth. Times are changing and Stryker is adapting to the changes. Neuro Tech will help solve these issues. There really is no need for a cmf rep.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Income = Revenue - Expenses

    Reducing Expenses increases income

    This may be an assumption but how is this naive? When changes like this happen decisions are made and things are implemented quickly. Tough to dodge a bullet after it's left the barrel. Like it or not this would make sense for the business in a few years. Pick up as much market share as possible while the competition is deteriorating than adjust to the market. It's naive to think that Stryker will have the only dedicated CMF sales force if everyone else splits it up.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You are correct on everything you are saying, you are probably debating with someone about to find themselves out of a job very soon.
    Out of anything I have read here, the idea that CMF will retain 50% of it's headcount is the most laughable. If you merge the products into the NSE bag, I can see keeping the top CMF Reps and then giving them NSE territories at the end of the year vacant from Reps fired for not making Quota on the NSE side. The infrastructure can all be absorbed into like providers internally, or a contractual service (as many other Divisions are doing) to be managed.
    The other bonus of this is that you help to extinguish a lot of bad behavior. No need to outline here, but when the rep is typically managing the inventory for an account, sometimes externally....
    Merging CMF and NSE makes great sense. The downside is you will most likely see a lot of people lose their jobs
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Big changes coming at CMF, missed their number again.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    it won't be better CMF it will be better for Stryker and the shareholders
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Good try at stirring the pot. You realize our fiscal ends at the end of this month, not last. Go away troll.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Correct and you will miss number again.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Drink that Kool aid!