To the DM's... Something to think about

Discussion in 'Forest Laboratories' started by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2010 at 3:48 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Does anyone else notice that were constantly told to hold ourselves accountable for everything by our managers but they NEVER see themselves as the cause of anything. When the numbers are good they are a great manager but when the numbers are bad "we" are f-ups and not following the POA. They take absolutely no accountability or responsibility for anything unless it's good. I'm not trying to be some angry person writing this just to say some crap I just do wish that management would realize that by pushing us as hard as they can, making us feel like screw ups, and refusing to give any credit or saying "good job" they are really only hurting themselves. Good managers lead by example, trust, and support and bad ones just the opposite. I know that a lot of this crap comes straight down from the RD but if people don't feel valued and appreciated at least once and awhile they'll all screw you as much as they can (even if it means their paycheck might suffer some). Sounds silly but it's true... it's just human nature. If you're a DM please listen to this and really think about the direction you're taking with your team. I know after being out of the field for awhile you tend to be removed but NOBODY responds to fear or intimidation tactics. Treat others as you would want to be treated and please know that letting people know you appreciate what they do or just saying thank you for your hard work would go such a long way... just something to think about

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You must work in Texas.
    Everything is your fault as a sales rep, you must follow the POA because we know what we are talking about! I'm sure your D.Manager was the best ever when they carried their Master Visual Aid - Just ask them - they will tell you.

    To the DM's one simple line, one simple thought, one simple action.

  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You are so right!! Unfortunately Forest DM's don't have the business acumen to understanding what you are talking about.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    miss frisbie works so hard -her emails glow with b.s over and over!!!get a life sweet princess- YOU are Not in a real job-back to the shadows -dripping spoonfed morsels!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Did you want to convert that into english?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Wait...u must b a special rep in the northeast working for that duchebag Dave D. This is him to a T. He has no self awareness because he has no idea all his reps despise him and none respect him... even the ones he thinks are superstars.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Qualifications for being a DM in the Southeast:
    1. Be a female
    2. be able to kiss up to the right people
    3. you do not need much field experience, Just be able to blow some ballons up
    and put good candy on the tables at POA meetings.
    4. Must be able to change message consistantly in the field to confuse Doctors even
    more than the sales people are confused in what you want
    5. Lie, Lie and Lie
    6. Be able to say the company line during meetings, but be very uncompliant during private
    conversations and field rides.
    7. Understand that that there are no numbers can be put on an evaluation under 2 or over 3
    for any reason. No reason to give anyone a raise.
    Qualifications for being Specialty Rep or Reginal Trainer
    1. You must not have any ability to sell
    2. You must be female or minority
    3. You must really be able to kiss up to DM's
    4. Must commit to working 2 hrs per day
    5. Me before Team is a must qualification

    Congratulations to all for your continued efforts in making the Southeast 4th out of 4!
    Keep up the good work and pray for easy segments!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    OH yeah!!!Puppet Boy
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    All very true except there are plenty of males that meet these qualifications also. The whole southeast needs to clean house of rd's,dm's,and rst's!!
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: To the DM's... Something to think about, SERIOUSLY! Think about the evidence

    If you think sales people are motivated by money, think again. SalesMax is one of our highly validated and reliable assessments for selecting consultative sales persons. It is a unique psychometric test in the assessment arena because it not only measures sales personality (the most important measure), but also sales knowledge and sales motivations. It’s the latter measure I wish to address in this article.

    From years of observing SalesMax reports I have always been puzzled why the motivation of money is not a key sales driver. Last week the team at AssessSystems dived into the SalesMax database and crunched the numbers from the motivations scale. The results were in line with my casual observations. Of the eight motivators measured, the extent to which one is motivated by financial rewards, such as money and material possessions, ranks number five on the list.

    Before expanding on possible reasons, lets look at what the motivations scales in SalesMax measures.

    1.Recognition/attention – The extent to which one values recognition for work well done; enjoyed being the centre of attention

    2.Control - The extent to which one prefers positions of leadership with control, like being in charge.

    3.Money – The extent to which one is motivated by financial rewards, such as money and material possessions.

    4.Freedom - The extent to which one values personal freedom to make decisions and function independently.

    5.Developing expertise – The extent to which one values becoming an expert in developing skills in their chosen field.

    6.Affiliation - the extent to which one is motivated by interactions with other people. Enjoys helping and dealing with people

    7.Security/stability - the extent to which one is motivated by stability and security of life and their career

    8.Achievement - the extent to which one is motivated by overcoming successful challenges: enjoys challenges for their own sake.

    Read more:
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The path to true sales motivation is not perfecting…rather its accepting

    To keep a struggling salesperson motivated:

    Keep the talk of funnels, forecasts and activity to a minimum.
    Offer help without being overbearing.
    Put your trust and confidence in that salesperson. (OMG WHAT???? THAT'S CRAZY!)
    Stick with these guidelines and you'll not only do a better job of helping those who are having difficulties, but you'll see an overall increase in your sales team's motivation and enthusiasm.

    Accomplishment + Acknowledgment = Achievement2

    Most human beings are driven by an innate desire to make a difference, to be of contribution. By acknowledging the success and good works of your people, you will promote exponential increases inperformance. One easy way to do this is to follow Tom Peters' advice, 'catch your people doing something right.' Be generous with praise. Look for ways to acknowledge people for their performance and effort. If their efforts fall short of your expectations use the 'Stroke and Kick Approach.' "Stroke" by acknowledging something good in their actions then "Kick" with a gentle nudge toward improved performance. For example, "Jerry, your closing skills are the best in the company, but what can be done to improve the number of calls you make?"

    Where does this fit in?

    The need for belonging
    The need for independence
    The need for importance
    The need for knowledge
    The need for assertiveness
    The need for recognition
    The need for affiliation
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    These last 2 posts are all fine and good but you don't actualy think Forest managmement understand this do you??? These posts come from years of research and experience in managing people which is something very foreign to Forest.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Are you listening to all this Hud????? NW managers need to take notes.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    yes you do
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yah, this guys a joke. No respect from his employees. We all laugh at the thought of him.