Hal Barron Racks up over $800K in travel in a year while GSK is laying off people

Discussion in 'GlaxoSmithKline' started by anonymous, Apr 15, 2019 at 11:02 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Un-freaking-believable. They are spending money like drunken sailors.

    Glaxosmithline is under fire from shareholders over the “excessive” travel expenses of its chief scientist. Hal Barron, the drugs giant’s highest-paid executive, received $807,000 (£620,000) in flights and hotels last year. One major investor said that they were “taken aback” by the “monumentally high” expenses ahead of the company’s AGM next month. Figures released by GSK show that Dr Barron, a high profile pharmacologist, last year racked up $464,000 worth of flights between his San Francisco home and GSK’s main research hubs in Philadelphia and Stevenage. He also spent $294,000 on accommodation in the UK last year, bringing his total benefits package to $807,000.

    GSK’s jet-set scientist racks up travel bill worth nearly $800k

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Think about this. In one year Ole Hal spent nearly 300K in hotel stays in the UK. Why not just by this greedy SOB a flop house on the South side of town? Seriously, the company could just buy a property for executive use. Own it outright, save money and take any tax write-offs. I repeat, 300K in hotel expenses...FOR ONE YEAR!!!! Hey GSK help the little guy out a bit..can you at least pay us our target bonus for 1 year? Just take Hals travel expense account and apply it to our (all reps within GSK) bonus pool. Hal, you are a schmuck! Shame on you!!
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We just had two layoffs..People lost their jobs and health benefits. Hal is out traveling the globe racking up $800K in travel expenses. Politically our industry is under a microscope and Hal acts as if money is no object. I hope Dr. Barron is investigated on this issue. Emma, you cleaned house but you brought in a piece of crap on the bottom of your shoe. From now on when I have a BM Im gonna call it "taking a Hal".
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why is Barron picking on our chemists?
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    He prefers investment in 23andme
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    GSK does have such a property. However after years of having Moncef stay there, it was impossible to remove the underarm stench. In addition, his shed eyebrow hairs were a respiratory hazard for guests. So, it’s not used anymore.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    #3..awesome! I just took my morning "Hal". lol!
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    #3..awesome! I just took my morning butt plug dry and blew my gay man lover.