Company financially hurting

Discussion in 'Sunovion' started by anonymous, Apr 19, 2019 at 11:44 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Agreed! With Brovana growth declining and having less then 2yrs left...and Lonhola killin’ It at $13m per yer...(prior to Yupelri kicking the shit out of it) were set up nicely to replace over a Billion dollar drug Seriously, I really hope all you Respiratory brothers and sisters are doing the right thing...

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    it’s Getting worse. Cutting speaker programs. Drivers logs being audited. No fund for lunch and learns

    What’s going on
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Get ready for restructuring. Many will lose their jobs.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Don’t worry TF and his restructuring of the institutional team will save the day! Respiratory sales will soar just like Aptiom sales did with this team.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Not about soaring, it’s about not losing anymore money from expensive reps that don’t produce.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Unbelievable push in respiratory at the end of Q1, but nary a word at the end Q2.

    Cut budgets from basically unlimited to having only enough to do a couple good sized lunches and then buying several cases of Walmart water so we can hand out a bottle water at lunches, LTC, morning snack, afternoon snack and of course speaker programs. Good thing it’s summer - need these offices to stay hydrated.

    Mileage logs - for real?

    Meeting with no itinerary or instructions on making travel arrangements, hmm.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Do the math!
    Roughly 160 reps with a couple layers of management, at a clip of around a couple hundred g’s per person. That’s not good business. Spending around $60MM and making around $15MM.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    A year and a half in and the financial’s don’t look so good.
    The only place really making money is in LTC. Uhm, working on LTC modules for the “upcoming” meeting, while management is expanding a double secret sales force into LTC as we speak.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Let's see...........
    200 million upfront for BBI, plus unknown amount in developmental costs
    450 million for the ciclesonide molecule rights
    624 million yo buy Cynapsus--the company with apomorphine
    75 million dollars for the rights to eslicarbazepine from Bial
    Millions for Utibron, Arcapta, and Seebri
    Up to 430 million for Lonhala when it bought Elevation Pharma (100 mil upfront
    100 mil on approval, and later payments)

    I would like to ask all of you still holding on at this company: Do you think this was money well spent?
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It was recommended today to use coupons when purchasing meal or try to negotiate a better price.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Lol. The respiratory franchise is a lead anchor. Ride Latuda and Brovana revenues as long as they last. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize that major changes/downsizing is necessary. It has to happen soon.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The smart people have already left. Most of the top performers who remain are interviewing and trying to leave. We are not backfilling positions.... key corporate level executive positions have been vacant for a long period of time.... THAT SPELLS TROUBLE !!
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    DD new head of respiratory. Not re[lacing reps for open territories. No speaker programs. Budgets cut. This is just one division

  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Dan in charge of respiratory, awesome ; he can save it just like he saved neuro. No reps needed, Dan will just. Fly around county and increase scripts
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If we hit their magic number by the end of FY2019, do you think the hiring freeze will be lifted for Respi? I can’t decide if I think they are giving us more time or if they are only postponing a decision that has already been made to see how this HUB stuff plays out as a trial run for the neurology drug before launch.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I believe the latter. I think decision is already made. Even if they hit 38 million, that still does not cover respiratory payroll..... let alone other sales and marketing expenses.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    dont worry Dan is here.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest