I am a Rock Star Manager

Discussion in 'Galderma' started by anonymous, Sep 8, 2016 at 11:04 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest


  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Who DC?
    I don’t believe it!
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    No MC who has 1 rep to his name sits home 3 days a week and sends hate mail
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    is there a coup being had on the managers at galderma this is great reading what a mess
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This thread is sad. Y’all need to think before you post on here. The things that are said on here can directly impact people’s professional and personal lives. Don’t believe the scuttlebutt on here. Galderma has given you instructions and resources on where you can go with any grievances. This isn’t the place. If you need to know where to go, look in your idash app. or ask someone. We’re all better than this.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Well said! Y’all a bunch of wimps on this site who need to hide under the guise of anonymous because you lack accountability for yourself, so you come in here and blame other people for your insecurities. So many ex Galderma employees love coming on this thread to stir the pot and get the reaction it did.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Stop answering yourself redneck.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Well said! Personal lives shouldn’t be discussed here. But a good chili recipe is priceless. Mine is excellent but I am looking for a way to take it to the next level. Suggestions?
    Also any way I can make a chili that doesn’t make me fart for the rest of the week?
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Another anonymous tough guy
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Are you kidding me? Lack accountability for yourselves?
    DC is a RSM and doesn't work and is useless to our team. You don't find that to be an issue?
    CK screwed up budget for the entire East Region with his frivolous and non-compliant spending. You don't find that to be an issue?
    I don't have a bone in the fight with MC, but it seems the ladies that work for him have a big problem with him, so they leave. You don't find that to be an issue?
    You are nothing more than the typical slow Southerner. Still wearing your pastels after Labor Day are you?!
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    With thanksgiving approaching how does everyone prepare your turkey?
    Also any stuffing recipes would be appreciated.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I agree on all points.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Very important to add sausage to your stuffing..it helps keep it moist.
    Keep it simple..bread..celery..onions..milk..
    Many people do not like raisins added .

  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    CK was East’s downfall.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What's CK doing now? More of his high priced entertaining?
  18. OuterCircle

    OuterCircle Guest

    Dear Jerk

    He’s actually grieving because he lost a sibling . Hope you feel like the Anonymous
    Coward you are. Why don’t you ask him in January.

    Have a great Thanksgiving and tell your family that you go on a site and trash people withtheir initials and you remain hidden. Tell them you keep trashing this guy whose sister just passed away and you think it’s
    See if your family laughs with you.

    Wake the F up
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I am Thankful for opinions and perspectives. I laugh at a lot of this banter. But then again, I can fart too.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Do you know how sad you stinkin lot sound like on here ? That's why I packed up & went med device 5 years back . Try some real selling you pathetic whinny sheep . Take control of you life while you can , there were never rock star mangers here , just duds looking at R & F numbers or replying to chain emails .

    If you are still at G you already lost and fear of putting yourself outside the pharma bubble has won in your life . Keep lying to yourself that what you do sales if you like , I guess that's easier right ?