Fran’s UCB Minions Exit

Discussion in 'Sun Pharma' started by anonymous, Nov 9, 2019 at 10:50 AM.

  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So when are FL’s people leaving for UCB? No hate but go ahead and resign if you are leaving instead of planting seeds of doubt with current docs about Ilumya during your detail. You all aren’t being subtle. Leave so good displaced pharma folks may have opportunity at job you are resigning from. FL is all about money so don’t think it’s about anything else. Don’t you all remember how he and ST talked about how wonderful Sun was for 16 months and then a week later resigned? Man that took balls. And FL stop contacting docs trashing Ilumya. Not a good move as it makes you look just as slimy as AG.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I found this post to be ... UFB, here’s why:
    1. OP states/ implies current reps are trashing their own drug as they know they’re leaving. Hey - good hires, they sh!t the bed they’re still sleeping in. Smart.
    2. OP states/implies the Sun can only hire displaced pharma reps.
    now there’s some honesty for once - Sun can’t attract employed people, so by definition, you’re getting the lower end of the talent pool
    3. I’ll just skip ahead to the last comment about slimy people (FL, and AG, as ref above):
    4. Gotta love the brains behind someone coming here and the sh!tting the bed.
    and for them to stay while aG is here, well that speaks volumes about your lack of integrity.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The Ilumya TM in my territory is leaving soon and is communicating all the problems with Sun and feels it’s best to leave. When I go in I’m asked if I’m leaving also with all of the problems at Sun. Everything to do with Ilumya continues to be a total shit show. If you are leaving why badmouth? It’s such juvenile sketchy tactics FL is implementing.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Good drug but Sun’s reputation is killing it.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Have all the people who said they were leaving at the NSM put in their notice? I don’t know one who really has.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The issue is people b!tch hard about leaving, but then don’t, either because they’re lazy, or because no one else would hire them.
    So Sun is worse off because they stay in place.
    But Sun can’t attract people other than this type, as evidenced by territories being in the 3rd rep in a year. It’s just a mess.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    People heading to UCB resigning in December unless they try to double dip paychecks and stretch it out.
    A lot of people neither lazy or lower talent, not fair to say. Many people in situations they can’t leave right now that have nothing to do with their abilities so gotta give people a break. I don’t fault anyone for staying or going.
    It sucks a lot of people are miserable here, hate going to work and they all came here because they believed in management’s web of lies and deceit. Shameful management. That’s who I personally blame for the epic disaster of Ilumya and low morale.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    yes, some def stuck and need to stay for $/health benefits so that’s cool. I’m in that bucket for now.

    shameful ‘management’ (management by title, not by any demonstrated competency) indeed.
    Need to clean it up, start with the Abhay.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Agree. Management is title only, most of them are worthless. AG needs to GO! Docs can’t stand Sun. Wife just went through pharma lay-off so staying here for now for paycheck and health insurance. Miserable place to be for sure.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I'm a double dipper. I don’t feel bad in the least. My FRM cost me $$$ and ranking. The inability of Howard to effectively run ANY part of his business will continue to cause massive turnovers in the Ilumya group. Abhay you have a problem and Howard is its name. That and Steve Cooper has a group that has provided zero coverage to sell from. It’s over but I’ll pay myself a penalty of a few months of double dip for putting up with this insanity.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    he’s a pompous ass.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    All talk and zero action. Same as his last company.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I guess he’s at least as good enough to be able to sell himself in an interview, but he’s so slimy and it’s all about him
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    He did nothing but collect a check.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I agree so much with you!!! This post is dead on. I lost out too. Double dip all you can! This place is so F’d up. I’ve never seen a place where problems are so glaring but no one gets held accountable. TMs get our asses handed to us like crazy. I’m done telling people we are first line when WE ARE NOT FIRST LINE. And the FRMs don’t do jack shit! One resigned recently and admitted screwing over certain TMs “just because” and this POS was getting paid bank while she sat on her fat ass at home.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I have an offer in hand and I'm counting down the days before I head over to UCB. Gonna enjoy some time with my family in the interim. I can't steal back the money from selling this drug in a dead situation with no MSL or FRM, so i will pay myself in time until I leave. I wish all the best to those trying to get out of this cesspool.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Puh-leeze say you’re not going to UCB to work for Fran.
    If you are, then you deserve to get screwed again.