Our Company Sucks

Discussion in 'Zimmer Dental' started by Sales, Dec 11, 2019 at 12:55 AM.

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Zimmer Biomet Dental is the...

  1. Best job you have ever had!

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  2. Worst job you have ever had.

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  1. Sales

    Sales Guest

    It’s end of year and companies are having holiday parties and giving out much needed and much deserved bonuses. My friends at companies much smaller than ours are enjoying holiday bonuses the size of our commission paycheck. My friends in larger companies are experiencing the same. Everyone seems so happy.

    Well let me be the first to say I am not happy. My company sucks. For 5 straight years they have cut back my pay and have reduced my benefits. It doesn’t matter if i hit my number or not. My pay sucks compared to 5 years ago. I keep hearing that i just need to “hold on, the guys at corporate will get fired and the comp plan will be restored”. Lies. All lies.

    We crush it on the streets everyday for our company, putting on a happy face and telling our customers they should do business with us. We cover up for all the ineptitude from our leadership. We play along with all the redundant sales reports and sales force requirements which increasingly cut into family time. We push ridiculous new products to doctors that don’t want or need them so that our product managers can tell corporate they managed a successful product launch. All of it is garbage.

    I hate this company, I resent it. I only stay because I love the doctors that I work with and believe in the work I am doing for the patients.

    I would not recommend this job to anyone. FYI they used to pay us double what they offer you now. No matter what your recruiter or hiring manager tells you this company does not care about you, the doctors that are their customers, or the patients that receive their products. They care ONLY about money. I know that is an important factor when you run a company, but not when it is the only thing you care about.

    Zero culture
    Zero team work or team atmosphere
    Zero accountability on anyone but the reps
    Zero hope
    Zero loyalty

    One more tidbit for anyone considering working here. The comp plan has been reduced every year for 5 years. So take what ever your offer is and reduce it by 8% for next year and another 8% for the year after that. While everyone you know enjoys a steady raise, you will continue to slowly bleed out.

    And so you know what everyone thinks of the “new talent” coming in, you are not great. But why would you be? If you were great you would be interviewing for a job that pays their employees well and incentivizes them with love and perks. Here you will make less than you were promised, and you will be showered with threats and fear, regardless of whether or not you hit your number. It’s Hell.

    Merry Christmas...

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Ditto to the original post. Well said.

    I am a manager at this company and sat through a conference call today that outlined “Best Practices”.
    1. Set up meeting
    2. Confirm meeting
    3. Set up demo meeting
    4. “Ask for the order”
    With coaching like this I don’t know how anyone could ever fail. It is like sitting at your daughters soccer game and listening to the coach continue to yell “Kick It!”

    I have two open territories and I cant hire either one because of an end of the year spending freeze that prevents me from traveling. I haven’t received a single qualified applicant from recruiters because no one is interested in making less money than their last job. I have a third territory that is about to open up because I am being forced to push a good rep out for poor performance, even though I know I cant find anyone as good as him in the labor market.

    Perhaps the only job worse than being a sales rep for ZB is being a manager for ZB. Sub-market pay. Unrealistic expectations. Poor quality of life. A rep comp plan so poor that I have to hire under qualified applicants, which in turn forces me to be on the road constantly holding their hands,

  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Love it or leave it please
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Perhaps you should read the original post more closely.
    He/She clearly loves the docs and the work they are doing, just hates the company.

    You can love to travel and hate to fly.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    so leave already and make way for real leadership
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Just be glad your not that loser joe useless Radman! Total fraud
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Make way for someone as well liked and qualified as you?

    This company is already full of leaders like you. What it needs is big picture leadership that guides the work and a lot less micromanaging.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Brian Hansen is committing to $9 billion worth of acquisitions? I guess he wasn’t around the last time we tried our hand at acquiring a company. It has taken us 6 years to “recover” and our morale is as poor as ever.

    Perhaps that $9 billion could be better utilized by reinvesting in our own company, specifically our employees. It is no picnic working for Ebenezer Scrooge.
  11. Would you like to discuss real leadership? I am confident that like our “leaders”, you have no idea what real leadership is. I do. I have lead successfully in my professional career as well in my private endeavors. Let me give you a quick lesson on some basics. Perhaps our “leaders” will have someone read this to them and pick up a few morsels.

    1. Leaders are honest and trustworthy - Don’t tell us how important we are and continue to demonstrate that we are disposable. If you are going to treat us as unskilled, low value employees, then tell us that we are low value employees. When you tell us one thing, and continue to demonstrate another, it creates confusion, anger, and disillusionment.

    2. Leaders are supportive - Leaders must view their employees as their product. They must always prop the employees up and help them to improve. They offer support in very real and tangible ways. They create opportunities, vision, and compensation that helps all employees succeed. Fear is never a motivating factor. Sales professionals don’t want to be a part of a company that pits team members against each other. They want support, collaboration, and positive culture.

    3. Leaders understand that their team is made up of individuals, not just a group of workers - Each employee is more than just a worker. Each is an individual with individual goals, interests, and passions. A real leader encourages this, and works to create a proper work life balance that keeps the employees engaged and excited to be at work.

    4. Leaders recognize the importance of premium compensation - An employee must be able to depend on their compensation, or else they will be constantly distracted and looking for ways to supplement their income. When an employee is hired under one compensation package and then have it revoked and are given a new package, it MUST far exceed the previous package. Telling an employee that the plan exceeds the old one does not make it true. W-2’s tell the real story. Complicating compensation plans is also a killer to employee morale. It must be simple, direct, and lucrative.

    5. Leaders promote from within - Real leaders develop their team daily, so when opportunities become available there is no one outside the organization that can be a better fit for the opportunity than the team he has developed. A quick review of the new “leaders” in our organization will demonstrate what type of development is going on in our company. Our “leaders” don’t think anyone they are “leading” is developing enough to promote.

    6. Real leaders are mentors - Mentors are excited about creating a legacy full of successful careers. Mentors are not threatened by the successes of others, they are buoyed up by theirs success. The reality that Zimmer Biomet Dental does not promote from within is a direct indictment of the failure to mentor those on our teams.

    You are welcome.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Thank you for taking the time to write this. It is well written and very accurate.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  14. Sales

    Sales Guest

    How many reps quit this week? I know of 5.

    So experienced reps keep leaving for better jobs with better pay, better future, and better leaders.

    Meanwhile our “leaders” send us messages on the last day of the year to motivate us like “who is going to make the final push for COE?” And “Make sure all your orders are in by 3:00”, and “lets treat today like the Super Bowl and make 10 extra calls”. WOW! Such inspiring and moving words.

    Someday this company will realize that they can not succeed without an experienced and tenured sales force. The only way to get that is to treat us as professionals, pay us as professionals, and hire professionals instead of inexperienced pretty boys.

    This leadership sucks, and as a result this company sucks. Why would anyone treat yesterday as the Super Bowl when extra effort does not result in extra rewards? Do our leaders think we are motivated by a loyalty to the brand? That died years ago.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Sounds like a page out of Nobels management playbook. Did they send cool memes with the inspirational emails as well?
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Who the shit was the lady who sent the “Super Bowl” message? I don’t have a clue!
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I heard they were let go.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You wish!!! They quit!!!! And more people will be quitting
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    i don’t know how this company could afford to let anyone go. It takes them 10 months to fill an open position (according to my recruiter) during which time revenues slow or stop, and their competitors have free reign on those accounts.

    Typically you don’t let people go unless you have qualified applicants interested in the job, or they have participated in gross misconduct.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I guess she is the person collecting all the extra payroll funds that used to go to the reps. And why not? She is clearly super valuable! Just look at her Super Bowl message. She wants everyone to go out and make 10 extra calls or visits and do so before ordering closes early on the last day of the year.

    So to be clear, your great advice is for me to go visit 10 more accounts than i can normally visit in a day and to do so in less time than a normal day??? Let’s not forget that the message went out after the morning began so our schedule was already built. Brilliant.

    Perhaps the only thing worse than these terrible “leadership” messages are the idiots that can’t wait to press like on those messages. Terrible kiss asses. Our “leaders” can see right through you, and the rest of us do too. You are the same idiots that cheer for Deaver’s awkward dad jokes at the sales meeting.