Discussion in 'Lundbeck' started by anonymous, May 12, 2020 at 8:52 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That is the key, make sure you have a helpful office that is happy to get a few lunch and they know to leave the Zoom on for at least 15 min, so that the computer people will see you were on zoom for 15 min or more for a call. If need be you can read your visual aids into an empty screen in case they are listening.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They are not listening to anything! They may not be the brightest light bulb, but they sure as hell aren’t that stupid either. Your advice is good, and it works! Offices are being bombarded with reps want to do internet contact! It has already failed and they just refuse to admit it because they don’t have a backup plan. Ride this as long as you can. We will be back in the field soon enough, then we can use the excuse we can’t get in. We win all the way around.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Don’t you people have to hit some sort of scripts metric? If you’re not talking to people, aren’t your sales going to be impacted?
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Sales at all pharma companies, especially those with me-too drugs, will go down. This little experiment with internet selling is a joke and a failure. Oh, we will get on the stupid, useless conference calls to make our managers happy and act like we are killing it, but we all know better. Offices have closed, docs are home, and we are pretending to be internet sales reps. I mean this is absolutely unbelievable.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    LMFAO on the above poster referring to us as internet sales reps! Right on...

    I say we are now telesales reps begging remotely for the virtual contacts daily to keep the ASMs, Tres - Kaya and company all happy. Funny tho how the ridiculous metrics are being shoved down our throats and no one in my district, or others I know are anywhere close to 3-5 contacts daily, one being virtually and at least one virtual lunch wkly. WTF
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Kaya, Kaya, Kaya. John, John, John. Tres, Tres, Tres. You all know any metrics generated for VE are mostly all bogus. We all now have become used to being home doing nothing or nearly nothing for full pay. The genie is out of the bottle. We can never go back to our old ways of being in the field and lying about calls. Just give it up and let us stay home, send out a few emails, do a few staff only lunches and resign yourselves to our new normal. We have turned into lazy, entitled, internet sloths, and are very happy being sloths.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Uh, someone in Valby is eventually going to demand ROI. If you have another job or career lined up I guess you can continue “sloth mode.”
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Hilarious! Now that you mention it, I have been feeling a little slothly here lately.