Horrible company to work for...

Discussion in 'Applied Medical' started by anonymous, Oct 31, 2017 at 9:46 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Listen up boys and girls. We need you to really push Voyant. It's a game changer. It can read live human tissue.

    Unfortunately, It doesn't really read live human tissue. Like, the device key really isn't a brain deciphering what mm vessel it has in its jaws.

    Not even the Zone Directors can really explain it without spitting out algorithms, intelligence.

    Keep drinking the koolaid boys and girls and all your Voyant targets and evals will get shut down by Medtronic or hospital contracts

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Voyant recall coming.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yes, we are doomed.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Finally, someone straight up calling out the trolls on here. They have no proof that there is a recall other than wanting to trash the successful people in this company that have got off their butts and went out and did all the right things and sold Voyant. You all want things just handed to you. There is no Voyant recall and the new algorithms are working amazingly well.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Cafepharma really needs to ban these trolls saying there is a recall when it is clearly a lie. This is malicious.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I think it was a joke but getting so defensive kinda makes believe it’s true. And yes there have been several bleeders with new handpieces. Voyant is just another cheap knock off from Applied. It’s a good device but Christ took us 15 years to get Surgeons to trust our trocars. We got another 10 years until they consider Voyant.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It says Voyant recall coming. How can that be a lie?

    Ask Ed Rudituti about the failures or the engineers that have no clue.

    Ligasure has stapling and sutures that will prevent any conversions. Why would the hospital's wanna go through such fuss to remove a 20yrs old trusted and effective device?

    Plus the zone directors will blow any contracts they do get signed and customer will ultimately hate you after the trial when they dont convert.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So we are out there talking about new algorithms to all our surgeons. So when we get an evaluationl started, my surgeons are going to get the old stock because we have to go through the old stuff and not the new algorithms hand pieces, which is what I'm selling them on and what they're expecting.

    Only a few of our handieces have the new algorithms, not the entire line. So I'm lying to my surgeons every time I talk about these amazing new algorithms that are not even in 80% of our handpieces.

    They should pay us on Voyant signatures because that's all we are gonna get.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    A huge hospital system in the Northeast got rid of Voyant and now Voyant will never be allowed in any of these hospitals . Way to go Dennis. You and the people under you need to go.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Well that is a bold face lie!

    no system would allow Voyant. Maybe your piece of shit surgery center was bought by a system and sent Voyant back to RSM.

    move on to a start up, get better experience or get out of Med devices. I left few years ago and appreciate these reads as I take a stress free shit. Applied Lacks Leadership from the Top. Said is not a business man, and neither is Ted. DG has no clue, still running Surgical Plays from ‘94 but without credit cards and booze.

    Grass isn’t always greener on other side but working for a real company or real business people will change your perspective on how to make a living. Food for Thought
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I agree, but there is a settlement happening because Voyant is a loser and Applied's contracts are worse.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What hospital?

  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What can you tell us about this "settlement" that is coming?
  15. anonymousui

    anonymousui Guest

    Applied only knows how to do BAD BUSINESS.

    Cutting corners and bypassing protocol.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It's called BAD BUSINESS.

    Cutting corners and bypasses protocol.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I'm curious, where is Voyant gaining traction? I'm not trolling or toting company line. I'd like to genuinely know if there is any region of the country or health system that is growing with Voyant? So if you are just going to say "Voyant sucks" or "Yes, technology is revolutionary everyone wants it!" don't even bother. I want a real answer.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Or Nazi Germany
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I’ve been at Applied just over a year and my Zone Mgr can’t give us any success stories. This Voyant crap is getting old. I heard the company has been working on it for @ least 11-12 years from former employees ive spoken to and the idiot engineers can’t get it right? I would really like to know a hospital that’s NOT a community hospital that does 5-10 cases a month where we have been successful with this over the past 2 years. I am really starting to believe it’s just a piece of sh*t and surgeons are afraid to put their patients lives in danger.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yeah, I've been at Applied just about the same time frame and I concur. Does anyone know where it has been a sucess?