What'd We Do Today?!

Discussion in 'Bristol-Myers Squibb' started by anonymous, Aug 3, 2020 at 2:58 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Shitty to be proud of. Shame on you. So many of you need to go.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Lobbed the old mule until it squeeled . . . . . . . .
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Personally, some of us in other divisions what to ask sales reps and BMS managers what else do you do to work harder at not working than work?

    If you have all your privacy settings in place, share. Don't be afraid. You don't fear how you actually spend your work days, do you now, 'saints' & 'angels' ?
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    When is this charade going to end?
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Went early Mass,
    prayed for incompetent dm,
    prayed for lustful regional
    got perfect kids settled,
    zipped out 4 Starbucks, dry cleaners, bank, rental prop.
    worked in work
    I'm that good, good, better than you...human.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nothing today or all week. Keep paying me your fake pious fucks!
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    In oncology. I do nothing. Great paycheck. Think I’ll stay
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Sales reps are not the brightest and a waste of resources so what do you expect from those fancy bachelor degrees?
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Recent day repeat cycle,

    Went for late coffee after taking care of the children and spouse,

    Kind of prayed for DM to realize their pretty much worthless in my world in a pandemic or no pandemic, overpaid I'm certain and full of crap that mostly enters her cranium from above. Yet they think they are perceptive, business savvy and lead me and the team. Confident under new "law enforcement threat protection". So I pray with a boulder of salt.

    Thought of our star studded, 'active' regional. Glad snow and pandemic slowed down his self-consumed rear from sniffing around our district. His 'wife's gotta be sick of seeing his disingenuous backside. But he provides what she needs. So, I'm sure she'd kill for him in tears.

    The good news! Got my social media addiction fix under control and private perusal that nicely passes these tedious days
    Zipped out to help my super hubby with an errand, some groceries and called my brother on the coast.

    Bottom line,
    Adroitly 'worked in work' with aplomb that even our arrogant attorneys could admire.
    Totally exhausted @ 4:15 people
    And yes, I'm still that 'good, good, better than you'...human.

    I play this pharma game like a concerto violinist. I never blink, smiling an everlasting smile.

    "Even so, don't think I won't judge. Don't test me. I've cutlery skills that'll do the job and leave no mark."
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    As previously posted, reps are not the brightest and milking that bachelors degree as long as possible. Car salesman in different attire is all
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Side Hustle, I’m new to the company. We have many reps with side hustles. Trainers, financial planners, substitute teachers, school coaches etc... Does the company not care? What about team members and managers? These side jobs take time away from the field and would be bad for team performance. Can I get away with it?
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Do the right thing, even when nobody is watching. What a waste of oxygen you leeches are. No wonder everyone in the industry laughs at the drug rep role!
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Everyone in the industry is laughing directly at BMS, especially in Oncology. Once a leader with Opdivo we have given up on that lead to Merck over the years. It's just a matter of time when we become another has-been just like when Taxol went generic.

    What did I do this week? Not a whole heck of a lot except get on stupid calls with the team for bitch sessions. Stupid is as stupid does.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Respect your way. Honest, the team calls are a waste. This is a good living but it is painful if you actually have pride in being productive.

    Every year it is tougher unless you just count your money, laugh the right laugh and play the next game which is often a modified rinse-repeat from marketing. But really, our managers and regionals are the most low value people in this industry I've ever seen. And Training has said that for over 10 years here to me and others. They offer little, micromanage and play a "role". But they are not leaders. They do nothing really tangible to drive business at all and it's 2021. They are managers that are not needed and certainly over paid. They should have a RIF of 50% of field and regional managers. There would be no negative impact on sales. People either work or they cut corners regardless. There is no justification. Certainly not in 2021.

    Come on upper management, reduce the number of sales managers and regionals in every division. It's become a bad business joke. It would save positions for field people who actually try to generate business.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Professional and pharmaceutical sales are incongruent, an oxymoron, incompatible and diametrically opposed terms.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Someone has to try to keep the reps theft from the company to a certain level
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That's probably the only thing they actually do. Sad joke. But they only catch 5% if that, of what really goes on. They look the other way and dream self-importance.

    Most of us in other divisions think the sales managers are as lazy as the reps committing daily fraud or just keep themselves busy with shit that doesn't move any business. So, help me understand,

    What do the sales managers really do that moves business?

    To our knowledge they do NOT:

    1. Position large blocks of prescription business in most divisions. They don't have the authority or skill.
    2. Strategically identify, deliver, present, defend large health system or even hospital contracts 2021.
    3. Have the latitude nor drive, nor skill to come up with compliant strategic "local" or regional plans that demonstrably move large blocks of business.
    4. Hire clearly high qualified fast track people into sales that can back fill vital positions far above. Rare if ever.
    5. Not play politics at every juncture to simply tread water or maybe position themselves for a promotion.
    6. Come up with truly innovative local ideas that are compliant in this day and age
    7. Fight for a sales structure that is best for patients care and hence, business, such as pt. care continuum.
    8. Work even more closely with all other elements of regional business to have more than a 'working knowledge'' but rather added value application.
    9. Real leadership skills versus managerial skill. The latter does not really drive business. This continues to decline and in fact, a major deficiency in not just ours, but all pharma sales. That is a fact as noted by top notch training programs.

    My bet, this thread by DMs will be dead like their empty value, their silence when it counts.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest
