30 plus positions again

Discussion in 'Arjohuntleigh' started by heavyhitter2, May 17, 2021 at 11:13 PM.

  1. heavyhitter2

    heavyhitter2 new user

    Sep 14, 2019
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    I have been watching the number of jobs that Arjo has been posting on LinkedIn, indeed, & recruit.net over the past 6-12 months and have noticed a huge trend.

    They seem to run ads for account reps in certain markets several times in a few months of time. It amazes me the HUGE turn-over they have. It was not like this in the early 2000s. I wonder what has happened.

    Positions for service techs, service field install specialists and surprisingly clinical educator specialists as well as Corporate Accounts Directors are all being re-ran just a few months apart from when they were originally posted which indicates high turnover.

    When I was there way back in the first part of the 21st century it was very different, many of those positions that they now run ads for over and over again were rarely open back then. I know many reps that had 10+ years of service there and a couple that managed to have a great career there and retire out to enjoy the beach, travel & being able to look back and have a great career at Arjo.

    It seems now your lucky if you get 6 months to a year or 2 without getting fired or fed up with all the changes and have so much stress along the way. All this and oh, lets not for get about our favorite Anne Sigouin the President of Sales & Service for North America.

    Sure seems ArjoHuntleigh has really gone downhill.

    I would love to hear from anybody that is currently there and how well they like it or dislike it.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Arjo is toxic, stay away. I worked there for many years... In various sales roles. I work for a new company that is great. Paid everyone 200% of their bonus during COVID. Keep looking. Good people and good companies are out there.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If you are a douchebag, please apply now. You will fit in great. In fact it is a prerequisite for promotion.