Why is Hem/Onc Pay so Low?

Discussion in 'Jazz Pharmaceuticals' started by anonymous, Jun 1, 2023 at 8:44 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I saw a posting for a Hem/Onc job. Does pay really max out at $162k? Why so low?

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Where did you see that posted?
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I’d take 150k to work in that culture
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    162k is definitely not the max. Most reps have 15-30+ years in the industry and are well above that. If you’re light in experience I suppose that might be accurate.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That's good to hear. I was feeling sorry for you guys.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    125-162 isn't hem/Onc money. $162 should be the low end. Typical jazz.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Difficulty with reading comprehension? Typical moron.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Reading comprehension? Check the posting dumbass Why is it in the job description as $125-162? It is a legal requirement in New York to properly disclose salary information and yet Jazz appears to not being doing that. We all know jazz doesn't care about laws. I hope the applicant doesn't get clubbed to death.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Companies frequently list positions with inaccurate salary info for a variety of reasons dumbass. I’m not saying it’s right. I actually work here and you don’t. The onc salary range listed isn’t even close, which I stated.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The salary is commensurate with the cutting-edge novel products we sell. Face it, we aren't really all that in the Hem/Onc world.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    First company I’ve worked for where oncology makes the least. EMD salaries are much higher for reps and managers.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    How do you know the salaries of reps and managers are different in these BUs? Are you basing this on the inaccurate salary range in the onc job posting?
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I have seen the Onc ranges across roles and came from another BU to EMD. They started higher as a rare disease team for both RSM and NAM roles. Onc doesn’t pay well at Jazz and they are treated as glorified specialty sales slightly higher than PCP.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Interesting. I had heard that as they brought on oncology reps in 2020 that they had to bump up other BU’s bases to be more in line. I will agree that with an increased focus on call metrics that it can have a big pharma feel sometimes.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    At Jazz we are very concerned about equality. Soon we will all make the same amount. From each according to his abilities to each according to her needs
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Thinking of accepting a job here if offered. Where does pay typically start?
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If you’re at that stage and have to ask that question then shame on you. Ask the recruiter. Ask the hiring manager. At least ask for a range based on your relationships and experience. Have some ball$ Nancy.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    $150-190. 40 target bonus.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    so it is low then.