Support for Palestine

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by anonymous, Apr 25, 2024 at 7:21 PM.

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Who do you side with, either Israel or Palestine?

This poll will close on May 25, 2024 at 7:21 PM.
  1. Israel

    0 vote(s)
  2. Palestine

  3. Neither

  4. Both

    0 vote(s)
  5. Other

    0 vote(s)
  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Me and a couple people throughout Regeneron have expressed our support for Palestine ever since Len and George sent a company wide email that was pretty much one sided in showing support for Israel while at the same time condemning Palestinians and equating them to Hamas. Also many of us were also dissappointed when a post on Yammer (now known as Viva engage) expressing for donations to the Palestine children's relief fund was taken down after a back and forth debate started because of comments left on the post from the opposing side. I would like to just gauge what the general sentiment is at Regeneron when it comes to this issue and whether people support either Israel or Palestine and just what most of you think when it comes to this issue. For me the complete silence on the destruction and killing happening over there is disheartening and very concerning. Anyway please let me know what you think and if you have had discussions with people about this topic at work and also if you have been made to feel fearful of speaking out because of the possibility of retaliation. Thank you all so much and have a wonderful rest of your day!
    pharmafix likes this.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    siding with your mom
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    My recollection is the email condemned a terror attack on civilians. It wasn't a Zionist manifesto or the company establishing a political position. Leave that garbage for Nike, Patagonia, Ben & Jerry's and the like.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why start there go back further 1948 the nakba when Israel facilitated by the british committed an even larger terrorist attack on over 700,000 civilians also learn about the various terrorist organizations the existed even before then such as the Irgun which was an Israeli Zionist terrorist organization that attacked civilians also. I know what ur going to say though why focus on the past and not on the present situation right? Well thats quite convenient then but Hamas was created by Israel as a counter weight to the PLO in order to fracture Palestinian unity so they created the terrorist and the terrorist did exactly what they were designed to do so now go back before Oct. 07th and justify Israel's terrorist actions on civilians. Lastly look up the bombing of the King David Hotel and tell me who are the real terrorist?
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I read the it the same way. It was condemnation for Hamas; not Palestinians. I for one, was shocked such a message didn’t come out sooner because many were feeling the heaviness and sadness during that time. But I did not feel like it was Zionist or took a political stance. If memory serves me; they even cited support resources for anyone who felt like they needed it- anyone.
    I didn’t feel it was pro Israel or pro Palestine I thought it was pro humanity. I think we can all agree that mass murder is wrong, regardless. Serious Question: would it be beneficial for another email to go out condemning the death of so many Gazans? Much has escalated since October; but do we really need another company wide email about this highly combustible political issue?
    These are not being posed as rhetorical; they are genuine questions on how people feel this could have been better.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They were better off not saying anything actually . Don’t just talk about the brutality of Hamas and then leave out how Israel has forced Palestine to live under occupation for the past 75 years. Just ask yourself what would you do in those circumstances if you and your family were living like that ?The email was not balanced at all and did not give any acknowledgement of the suffering of the Palestinians and assumed the same narrative that the media perpetuated as if the Hamas attack occurred in a vacuum which is simply not true since it is a fact that Palestine has been occupied for the past 75 years and 2.2 million people are forced to live in a small strip of land about 25 miles long and five miles wide and in a virtual open air prison where all movement including aid and resources are controlled by Israel and there is also a sea blockade. The west Bank and Gaza are apartheid states and this is no debate as even South Africa has acknowledged this and even brought this case to the world court. Their email did not but perpetuate the lies of what happened that day for example the 40 brheaded babies was straight up lies by the media and also it’s coming out now that many also died from the IDF either being confused on that day or from the strategy of the Hannibal doctrine. Anyway it definitely was not balanced and to say that means that you are ignorant to the reality of the Zionist occupation of Palestine and I don’t mean that disrespectfully either.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The email was not balanced at all and did not give any acknowledgement of the suffering of the Palestinians and assumed the same narrative that the media perpetuated as if the Hamas attack occurred in a vacuum which is simply not true since it is a fact that Palestine has been occupied for the past 75 years and 2.2 million people are forced to live in a small strip of land about 25 miles long and five miles wide and in a virtual open air prison where all movement including aid and resources are controlled by Israel and there is also a sea blockade. The west Bank and Gaza are apartheid states and this is no debate as even South Africa has acknowledged this and even brought this case to the world court. Their email did not but perpetuate the lies of what happened that day for example the 40 brheaded babies was straight up lies by the media and also it’s coming out now that many also died from the IDF either being confused on that day or from the strategy of the Hannibal doctrine. Anyway it definitely was not balanced and to say that means that you are ignorant to the reality of the Zionist occupation of Palestine and I don’t mean that disrespectfully either.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Also for any here visiting this board please don't forget to fill out the anonymous survey above so I can see what side of this issue most people fall on, thank you so much!
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Hamas and Palestinians don't want peace period!
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Also IDF and Israel don't want peace period and Satanyahu period!
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yeah ok

    I’m sure every employee, as they try to do their job, really needs a history lesson in their inbox explaining why all the rapes and murders on that day may have been justified. Get real.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Starting with you, all the islamophobes need to be NAMED, SHAMED, and FIRED.

    Make them realize they are unemployable in our industry.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    No one can give an accurate and complete history lesson as the whole area is populated by a bunch of blood thirsty barbarians that are as volatile as tnt and just as unpredictable.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yea we should stop with the history lessons at work and we should start with the eternal victims of the Holocaust, no more of having it shoved down our throats and of the deep embeded antisemetism of Europe. I think that's a good place to start.
  16. #16 anonymous, Apr 29, 2024 at 8:13 AM
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2024 at 8:20 AM

    anonymous Guest

    “People who don’t vocally agree with me on the latest media-fueled divisive topic need to be ejected from their careers”


    Regeneron does offer resources for your mental health, I’d suggest taking a gander over on HR4U when your march is over
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Islam is to blame. At its heart, it demands submission from all other faiths.

    I am Persian. Bahai. I know.

    Islam is currently, around the world in conflict with


    All over the world, they create conflict. They ruined Persia. You wokesters can spin it any way that makes you feel better, but the email was no pro-Israel.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You silly goose.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yea ok it’s not Islam that’s at war with them it’s all of them that are at war with Islam because Islam stays true to itself unlike all those other religions that you just names off! Also you being Persian has nothing to do with you knowing anything more than anybody else so that’s unneccesary info. In fact Iran wouldn’t be where it’s at today if it weren’t for Islam. All the other religions are just pissed off because Islam refuses to bend for any man unlike all other religions. God doesn’t change to suit anyone and if God does then it ain’t God but man that you’re following. Also Muslim countries happen to be in areas where there are a lot of resources that greedy people want so of course there will be wars in many of those areas since Islam doesn’t breed cowards that just give in. And it has nothing to do with wokeness and only reason you are submitting to an imperialist agenda is because you got a taste of the good life and now you think you are better and also you are a coward and are scared to loose your job so now your job becomes your baby daddy. At the heart of it you are most likely spineless and will prob give in to any agenda that baby daddy corporate America tows. Let me guess I bet your also Pro-Ukraine as well and prob one of the same idiots who virtual signal on Viva Engage with a Ukrainian flag as your profile pic. Back during slavery they had a name for your kind who thought they were better and kissed your slave masters ass.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Get a hobby gramps. How about pickle ball?