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Dermavant and Arcutis

Discussion in 'Biotech Startups' started by anonymous, Feb 10, 2022 at 9:32 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That dude is a hurting unit......what a knob job

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Jake D is such a pushover puppet in cafe pharma. Just toss shade at someone you wanna ditch, just do it multiple times/ proof or no proof, they're out. Check out all those Dermavant peeps ratting each other out here. Total fam drama! Jake D is the ultimate compliance fail in any crew. Straight up culture killer jerk. He acts like he packing a tiny tool
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Jake D is such a pushover in cafe pharma. Just toss shade at someone you wanna ditch, poof or no proof, they're out. Check out all those Dermavant peeps ratting each other out here. Because it works with Jake the tiny tool ego. Total fam drama! Jake D is the ultimate compliance fail in any crew. Straight up culture killer jerk. Dude turned Dermavant into a full-blown gossip bowl.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    CEO Todd Z breaks down crying on an emergency call. The head of sales Fred cries all the time. The Salesforce is treated like College Kids being told where to go and on what day, Zoryve Foam is crushing it .
    Todd promised after 8 quarters company would be sold, NOT.
    Reps leaving get sent letters from lawyers about Non-Compete clause. Bonus on NRX while they make a ton of $ on refills.

    Folks who are smart will Stay away from this sinking White Glove disaster.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The company started out great and turned into a nite-mare about six months ago.
    50% of the sales force make a descent commission
    Low volume territories barely make anything
    1% of Sales force are crushing it

    The sales force has been devalued and dehumanized and the culture is now run on a false set of #s
    plugged into a graph.

    So very sad that individualism has been kicked to the curb.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    When a leader cries, that’s the end. LEAVE!! Todd's leadership style is causing friction within the team. It's essential for a leader to listen to different viewpoints and engage with their team to drive success. Todd only talks to certain individuals (ALWAYS women- now he tries to talk to men after hearing this but he fakes it so bad that is cringe af) and seeks attention. He is an insecure guy! Leadership should be about fostering a collaborative environment, not about ego and seeking validation from female reps. He has zero interest in listening. He doesn’t listen, he thinks about what he will say next to hype some shit up with some big numbers acting like he is the Nostradamus of pharma and how much he will make for each and every rep. Well, zero because with this management company isn’t worth much. Another stupid shit he pulled;
    Comparing Vtama to Botox? That's a big red flag. It shows a lack of understanding of the psoriasis market and industry dynamics.

    In my opinion, Dermavant needs a leader who values input from everyone, encourages open communication. Addressing these leadership issues is crucial for the company's future growth and success. ARCUTIS is kicking our asses here

  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yup. TZ crying because he failed, not because he cares. He only wants you to say good things, never be honest. 8 quarters come and gone and doing worse every day. Dermavant is doomed with this leadership.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Todd soooo insecure. Talks to women because he hypes the BS company is 50% women. There’s like almost no diversity and all leadership white dudes. And when he talks to you he doesn’t want you to talk. He wants to hear himself talk and spew some bullshit hype and promises. He under estimated Arcutis, over sold the sales projections - totally unrealistic - and now we’re paying for it. Oh by the way, how is no one talking about the layoffs. You know Dermavant laid off a bunch right? Uh CEO crying, sales in the trash because CEO set crazy 150M target , competition kicking us, now layoffs. What next?
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Does no one realize they let go a bunch of dermavant headquarters people? Sales down, (stupid unrealistic projections set by CEO), TZ crying, laying people off. But nope all good here. Be some thick BS at national meeting.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We are getting ready to be sold to a generics company that's trying to be a Pharma company. You think it's bad. Wait until the Indians have us. You will have to pay them to take your lunch break.

    It's happening as we speak.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We have two pathetic Regionals to add to the list. Doug S is cringeworthy to listen to. Always thanking people for Nothing and having his nose up Fred's ___. Thank you Fred we know it took months to put together this amazing comp plan. Oh yeah , how about 3 hours tops. You will make 42% less next quarter. There are only 16 reps that will make Great $. Are you Real Doug or a rehearsed robot on these calls. FAKE PHONY BS where did they find John who has so many negative things to say about people during the interview process. He's so condescending as if he's some Rocket Scientist . Drop your condescending tude down a few pegs
    I might jump ship on out White Glove Dinner Cruise this Thursday if I have to listen to their phonyyy crap .
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Great because I can't deal with another meeting around the most fake upper management and regionals ever.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    • It will be so cute to see John and Doug both get awarded the trip because of how amazing they are. Spend money on them and let go others. Spend money on some British Guy that no one in the USA Pharma industry can relate too. Makes a lot of sense. For a #s guy Freddie boy your cutting in the wrong areas .
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Todd needs to lay off the Botox to see his real facial expression of Oh I F______ed Up
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Arcutis and Dermavant each has their own Cafepharma page now.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You'll let's not forget Doug allowed a DM who harassed a female rep to keep his job after he admitted to the allegations and then worked to make her life miserable so she would quit or get fired. Don't be fooled by the mask he wears. Shame on him.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Bet- will Fred cry on Wednesday or Thursday? I’ll go with Wednesday during comp plan.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So much anger and resentment it's a wonder why they are holding this mtg at all.