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Vaccines reorg?

Discussion in 'GlaxoSmithKline' started by anonymous, Mar 1, 2024 at 4:53 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I know exactly because a guy i know packages lettuce. He has a machine to do most of the work of running it through a sorter and packaging with plastic.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What are the key traits you perceive as his most detrimental as a leader in the VBU?
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    #1 He isn’t willing to release more customer funds so selling teams can have more impactful interactions!!! Biggest business mistake ever!!!
    He’s also a driver of bs opportunity engine metrics, thinks VBU is a reach and frequency pharma sales model, he can’t speak coherently, and he looks completely unhealthy.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Add to that the fact that he doesn’t speak well even when following a teleprompter. Bad leadership optic for sure. No customer funds, no additional business. Especially with poor access, and the ever changing business environment. Not a recipe for success.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    From all accounts, if validated, he is a turd promoted on race. So unfortunate that GSK is repeatedly made such mistakes
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Another DEI appointment.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Did you get the answer you were looking for?
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What a crap comment. Grow up!
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    One bad mutha trucker!
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    His inability to effectively communicate is his #1 weaknesses. He just sent a message claiming that this was not a job reduction activity. Either his lacks reason or he is that incompetent that he couldn’t foresee that moving to ecosystems would reduce jobs. The fact that they didn’t enact a hiring freeze is irresponsible. You have newly hired reps that were retained and those positions could have gone to people that have been successful and have tenure with the company. The fact that they just spent millions sending us to a meeting and laid us off 2 weeks later is just wasteful. Wasted money and our time. And the fact that he is still not taking accountability and is stating that he did not say from the stage that there would not be job reductions is a slap in the face. Let’s play back the video from the meeting. It has been communicated to us on every level that this was about a job reduction exercise.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Don’t worry displaced folks, we have the right people now!
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I’m pissed and I’m not displaced!
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    His message today didn’t help. The people above your FLL live in an echo chamber and only hear what they want to hear. I have no confidence that any changes will be made. It’s all window dressing to save face for Maya. Truck and Joaquin are committed to following thru with this train wreck. If Maya had a spine she would immediately halt EVERYTHING, get field input, and figure out a path forward. Staying on this course is not the answer.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Truth hurts doesn’t it snowflake?