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Cayenne Medical

Discussion in 'Arthrex' started by Anonymous, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:49 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Have any of you seen Cayenne Medical in your territory. I noticed one of thier brochures in one of my surgeons office. Any experiences or thoughts on them.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They are out there, that is for sure. All surgeon driven, and surgeon invested. Their products are all PEEK and fill the tunnels with PEEK, not graft. For example, their Aperfix device places about 12-15mm or graft in the tunnel and the rest is filled with PEEK. purely mechanical fixation of the graft, when the little wings are deployed. Their Tibial implant is a knock off of the Intrafix, designed by the same engineer.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I have started seeing them gaining business in my territory. So what is there story that is causing surgeons to switch?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The Aperfix is easy to use and to reproduce. Its a single tunnel, double bundle construct. That is what appeals to surgeons. However, 12-15 mm of graft in fem socket is NOT enough. Are there any journal articles out there proving this? I have a surgeon who has revised two of these with Arthrex retrobutton's due to implant failure (the wings broke).
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I spoke to a surgeon today who switched and he said the Aperfix system is giving him the best ACL results in less time. Has anyone else seen them in thier territory.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'm seeing a bunch of this product. Any chance the rep who has this is the Donjoy guy in your area's? Do you think the agent is working them a deal on the DJ stuff to get them you use this POS? I don't get it... no clinicals, no history? They just arnt switching to it b/c its a couple mins faster.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The guy was selling DJO surgical(encore). I have had two surgeons say that this blows anything we have out of the water. WTF. Any ideas
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh and apparently they have a lot of big name sports med surgeons backing thier stuff
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Don't forget the cost, as I believe it runs 60-70% less than a typical Arthrex construct. That is the sole driver in one of my hospitals.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What is Estimated Cost for the Aperfix Femoral and Aperfix Tibial components?
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I would have to say that the person who said that the sole reason for the people using Cayenne at his hospital is a Arthrex rep who is losing business. This is technology that has to be sold to the surgeon. Its not like a suture anchor or peek tenodesis screw where most companies are similar and surgeons would use whatever. So to say that they are using it solely on cost shows your lack of knowledge of your competition. The propblem is that you have nothing to get those surgeons back with.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I personally hate arthrex. But you need to look at the why/how its being marketed. Yes its a very quick and dirty procedure. You need to market your retro buttons which is faster. Find out your pullout strengths and compare them. Even if the cayenne is stronger tell them the truth and discuss it. The real problems with these are revisions. I have seen a couple these not collapse in a revision. So would either drill through and end up metal debri or drill a new tunnel. Also cost might be an issue.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Cost is not an issue. Also revisions are not an issue. I really doubt you have seen a revision. Even if the fins didn't retract and you had to drill you wouldn't have metal debri. I don't know if selling on the fact that your product in your opinion is easier to revise. Better just keep you relationship.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hey Cayenne Rep, your drinking some serious KoolAid here. There is no doubt that your femoral component it difficult to revise. And yes, I have seen an aperfix revised with a retrobutton. The implant completely released and there was Peek and Metal barely hanging hanging on in the notch. NEWSFLASH- you cannot drill through metal, therefore it is harder to revise!
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Cost may not be an issue but I bet any companies button can be sold cheaper than your cayenne. Even with all the disposables. It is simple and less to go wrong mechanically.
    Heres a New Marketing plan for any Button the tu type fixation.
    1. Simplcity.
    2. Cost.
    3. Strength.
    4. More graft in the tunnel will make for granulation and absorption of the graft. IE biomet new button.
    5. Cortical bone fixation if you back up the graft with a screw to eliminate winshield washer effect.
    6. I still hate Arthrex.

    Biggest problem are idiot reps not measuring right and then the button is to long. I now thats why one of my old bosses loss out to cayenne. He was using retro button. But he fucked up and the doc switched the next case. So I have seen revisions and metal debri.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I hear the team that invented the AperFix stuff are amazing. Don't think they are at all related to the group that did IntraFix but who knows? I hear they have a lot of stuff coming that could cause us all problems.

  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Newsflash:The metal in the aperfix device is straight down the center of the device. so in the rare event you have to do a revision you would drill through peek not metal.

    could you elaborate on the statement that less can go wrong with a button. Do you have any example of something going wrong with the Aperfix or are you pulling stuff out of your ass.

    how are you going to say the button is cheaper and then say you need to back it up with a screw to eliminate windshield wiper effect. "Hey doc the button is cheaper. oh but i forgot to mention you need a screw to back it up"

    The aperfix is just as easy as any button procedure. you just slide in the device with the graft and turn a knob.

    So lets see the only problems you can find are hypothetical ones you dream up. The cost is about the same until you add a screw and the button becomes more expensive. Could you please come talk to my surgeons who are using the aperfix. You will only solidify my position as the go to guy for ACLs.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hey genius have you ever tried to drill thru PEEK. Good luck with that as well!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    There is a nice journal article explaining the ease of revision with the aperfix. In the rare event you do need to revise one its not that big a deal. I really hope you guys are trying to sell the value of your products and not trying to negative sell the Aperfix. That will just make you look bad.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Why can't you drill through PEEK? I came from spine and drilled through PEEK interbody cages all the time for revisions.