Cat alarm. . .

Discussion in 'Cafepharma Playground' started by GorgeousGAMS, Apr 17, 2012 at 8:00 PM.

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  1. GorgeousGAMS

    GorgeousGAMS Guest

  2. libluvsbukkake

    libluvsbukkake Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    I know that you love cats GG, but that is fucking annoying. Mine were never that ambitious though.
  3. leonidas

    leonidas Active Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    That is funny. Made me smile on my long trip away from my cats.
    Where are you honey? want to hook up? Went coast to coast now in Fl. Anywhere close?
  4. GorgeousGAMS

    GorgeousGAMS Guest

    Hello Libs and hello Leo (my hot Spartan). Glad you are busy but sorry to hear so much travel. I am just busy with work and finishing school. Getting down to the wire now. Family stuff came up that kind of threw a wrench in everything lately. Oh, well. You know where I am. . . and there I am most days of the week. We are on "trackers" now. Life certainly does not get easier. Anyway, call sometime. I am on the road a lot.

    We now have a cat with a voice like a mangled beast who stands on us at about 4:30 in the morning and cries to be fed. It is tough to not want something "bad" to happen to her. My little dear cat as taken to being "cold" all night long and wakes me up like every two hours trying to find that perfect warm spot (usually between my legs BTW). I finally bought her a couple of sweaters to wear. We'll see if that works to keep her from being so dang annoying.

    Leo: How'd you like the Christmas Carrot video? LOL
  5. libluvsbukkake

    libluvsbukkake Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Smart cat.
  6. leonidas

    leonidas Active Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Hense the phrase 'pussy cat'
  7. jasmin

    jasmin Guest

    We loved our cats but hate mornings and relish days we can sleep in. We moved their feeding to night to keep from being woke up in the morning. If she wants warmth instead of company, try plugging in a heating pad under some towels.
  8. GorgeousGAMS

    GorgeousGAMS Guest

    Well, the one is hyperthyroid and needs to eat three times a day or she loses weight. So, no option on feeding times. The cold one has a heating pad, but chooses to try to constantly crawl under the covers. I am looking at her right now in this stupid dog sweater. She hates it. Well, the other cats hate her now. They are so weird. Maybe I can modify the clothing for a better fit. LOL
  9. LOL! Our cat sleeps in fairly late, so we're lucky in that respect I guess.

    Hey, do any of you have a cat that does a "victory lap" after using the litter box? My cat will go tearing through the house, yowling and carrying on simply because he's taken a dump. Beats all you've ever seen.
  10. Fucktard

    Fucktard Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2007
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    That's why I have dogs.
  11. Walking Eagle

    Walking Eagle Active Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    Dogs have been know to play with those springy door stops,too.....
    AND sometimes decide they need an extra potty break at 3 in the morning.
  12. GorgeousGAMS

    GorgeousGAMS Guest

    LOL - "victory lap" - that's too funny. I used to have a male that was pretty damn excited after ever dump and would get all frisky. My thyroid kitty does sprint across the entire house after eating. . . and I do not mean a brisk run. I mean she looks like a while ligtening bolt shot out of a canon racing from one end of the house to the other. She is also up every morning at 5 am with her horrible talking and pacing to get us up so she can eat. Between that and the "cold" one, I sometimes wonder if we get any sleep.
  13. libluvsbukkake

    libluvsbukkake Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    My dog digs at the grass and takes off in a quick sprint. She too is friskier.