The role of the VP

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by jasmin, Apr 27, 2012 at 1:15 AM.

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  1. jasmin

    jasmin Guest

    Hey ILA, if you're visiting the boards, this one's for you. ILA schooled me on my acceptance of Palin as VP despite the fact that I don't think she had or has the experience to be president. I felt she fit the needs of the VP role very well. Of course ILA reminded me the ultimate role of the VP was to serve as president if needed.

    Here from one of the most brilliant political strategy minds, is an article you'll enjoy, with advice for Romney.

    Many presidential contenders view their potential vice president largely through an Electoral College prism: Who can deliver a vital state? Sometimes the vice-presidential decision results from the campaign's flow. But such political decisions run into one hard reality: Running mates haven't decided an election in more than a half-century. For example, research by Bernard Grofman and Reuben Kline, political scientists at the University of California, Irvine, suggests that the net impact of the vice-presidential picks in 2008 was roughly one-half of one point and is generally less than one percentage point.

    What about running mates helping to carry their home states? Political scientists Christopher Devine of Ohio State and Kyle Kopko of Elizabeth College argue the home-state advantage is often modest and almost never dispositive.

    A running mate's principal political impact is on behalf of the presidential candidate's themes or issues. The vice-presidential candidate helps reinforce what the presidential candidate is emphasizing. Choosing a running mate reveals much about the presidential candidate himself. Though still only a candidate, this is his first presidential decision.

    It is one best made by asking about the skills, philosophy, outlook, work ethic and chemistry of a prospective running mate. Do they have good judgment? Can they be counted on to give their unvarnished opinion? Are they loyal? Who can best help the president govern? In other words, set aside politics. Put governing first.

    His job (Bush's) was different: to select his best partner in the White House and a person the country would have confidence in if something terrible happened to him. The country was better served by Mr. Bush's decision than by my advice. There's a lesson there for Mr. Romney. Choose the best person for the job. Leave the politics to the staff.

  2. Doc Who

    Doc Who Active Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    BU$H did not have anything to do in picking a VP. It was Dick.

    No other vice president ever in essence picked himself for the position, as Mr. Cheney did as the head of Mr. Bush’s vice-presidential search in the 2000 campaign
  3. Doc Who

    Doc Who Active Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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  4. The role of the current VP is to stay drunk for as much of the day as he can.
  5. Surferdude

    Surferdude Guest

    Now that your BFF ILA is banned, MFAS will take over, since it was one of his screen names. Go ahead, MFAS....
  6. Doc Who

    Doc Who Active Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    That is the best way to deal with the Judeo republican party.
  7. libluvsbukkake

    libluvsbukkake Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    He loves drinking Barry's Scotch I hear. Now I know why he took the train home every day. At least he had a Designated Driver.
  8. You've been told that ILA and I are two different people. You persist in believing your delusional lie. I suppose the only explanation is that it's a comforting mechanism like a kid sucking his thumb.

    You never make yourself look like a bigger loser when you post junk like this.
  9. Biden is the designated drinker.
  10. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Are you taklking about the same Dick Cheney who 'decided' the office of VP wasn't part of the executive branch? You do have a sense of humor after all.