abuses of power

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by jasmin, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:58 AM.

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  1. jasmin

    jasmin Guest

    Even the Supreme Court recognizes owedummy's endless abuses of power. Great questions about the Arizona case and it's not looking good for owebama. This supposedly brilliant man, who is supposed to be a lawyer by education, is an idiot. Some day he will realize he wants to be dictator instead of president.

    Take this statement:
    The Obama administration says the measure would undermine its efforts to give highest priority to illegal aliens who threaten public safety and those who belong to gangs that smuggle other aliens, drugs and weapons.

    Read it again. So owedummy's REAL issue with the Arizona law, and SC, and NE, and others that are being sued is that THIS ADMINISTRATION can't decide when to and when not to enforce federal law. Sort of like there being absolutely no suits against sanctuary cities who completely ignore and thumb their noses at federal law.

  2. Doc Who

    Doc Who Active Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    I like this comment to the article. U should pay attention SPN.

    js121 in reply to Shirley 12 minutes ago
    Corporations are now sitting at the table with republican members of ALEC. Corporations draft the "model" bills and VOTE on them. They are sent to Republican Governors for implementation. That is what the Republican party is now: ALEC Anyone who is a republican..should be fighting to gain control of their party; but, are being duped and are too illiterate to understand -- you don't have to be uneducated to be illiterate - just prejudice and intolerant to the truth.
  3. I have often wondered if OBlamer wasn't a fluke. He got in to Law School on an Affirmative Action pass, and made it through on wrote memorization. We do, however, need to give him credit for one thing: He IS very good at abusing power..
  4. I believe the Obama administration is saying in the quote you provided that time would be better spent policing and enforcing laws against actual criminals (be they legal or illegal) than making criminals out of people who simply want to work and provide for their families? I could be wrong.

    What a unique situation in Arizona.

    Seems they can't live with the undocumented ...or without them.

    On one hand, Arizonians who support 1070 seem to be providing lip service only and bitch & moan how illegals are a drain on the state in terms of healthcare costs, education, incidence of crimes & incarceration for the crimes, etc., yet I've read that net migration has declined over the past several years and especially since 2010 when Brewer's pet legislation was born?

    On the other hand, Arizonians who don't support 1070 are seeing local economies that once thrived because of people wanting to work..dwindle in the face of migration out of the state.

    Maybe time would be better spent by the fed and by the state in figuring out a way for people to come to work in Arizona legally? Just sayin.. And beyond Mitt Romney's tough stance on illegal immigration..what's his stance on creating jobs in the state?

    It does sound like the Supremes are going to end this in a 4-4 split anyhow (if Kagan is out on the vote) with the politics of it all wasting time, money and energy drawn away from the bigger picture, which is how to make make them legal if they want to work & live in Arizona...especially considering the fact that the Arizona economy thrives with them...not without them.
  5. #5 jasmin, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:27 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2012 at 12:34 PM

    jasmin Guest

    Arizona is showing strong support for Romney. Having lived in the state for many years, there is a small minority who feels they benefit from the illegals. Most people encourage and want legal immigration but the illegals are a huge drain to health care and the legal system. From border babies to unlicensed drivers, trash drug into the state, drug traffic and auto theft, school deterioration due to lack of English skills and transitional students, to the high crime rates, all ties back to illegals. So before you make nonsense claims that the Arizona economy thrives with them, you should get some real information. Until the borders are closed, there cannot be a discussion about paths to citizenship.

    There are solutions such as work visas and other legal paths. Ignoring illegal activity and entry into the states is wrong. There is a reason amnesty programs are not in place.

    The underlying issue that the supremes see is that owedummy thinks the feds are all powerful and states have no rights related to immigration. He routinely oversteps the authority of the executive branch.
  6. #6 CP Soothsayer, Apr 27, 2012 at 2:33 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2012 at 2:42 PM
    Here's some *real* information for ya:

    AZEIR leads effort to file amicus curiae breif opposing SB1070

    Through the leadership of AZEIR and the courage of five Arizona business organizations, an amicus curiae "Friend of the Court" brief was filed on Monday, March 26, 2012 with the U.S. Supreme Court in opposition of SB1070.

    The brief states the law violates the Dormant Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, interferes with interstate and foreign commerce and the justifications and purported benefits to the State are "illusory." Citing Supreme Court rulings from previous cases and statistics from economic studies and state agencies, the brief makes a compelling argument why SB1070 is bad for Arizona's businesses and the economy.


    and more:


    The second link^^ really spells out it for ya, SPN. Read & learn.
  7. They are the same crowd that declared 1070 racist before they had even read the bill.
  8. #8 CP Soothsayer, Apr 27, 2012 at 3:22 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2012 at 3:33 PM
    I'd have an easier time believing that statement if you provided some proof, Mr. Bubble. I have difficulty going on your 'recollection' only.

    And for the record..after reading it...they're right...it's racist and unconstitutional.
  9. jasmin

    jasmin Guest

    First of all, the thread is about the fiction that Arizona is somehow interferring with federal law by enforcing immigration law. They are not. The fed lawsuit is bogus and is simply a way to back door amnesty. Which it sounds like you totally support.

    If you want to get into the nitty gritty of immigration law, you should spend some time near the border first. Your posts are the collection of a small group of businesses who benefit from illegals. These include some apartment complexes, small businesses and school districts (who get paid dollars per pupil). So there is at times a short term beneficiary of illegals, but the simple reality is they use more public services than they contribute. In addition, crime, grafiti, gangs, health system impact, is real and undeniable. The theft of IDs is real. Car theft is one of the highest in the nation. The state level sees the negative impact. I lived with this for over 20 years.

    Finally, I discount anyone who says enforcing immigration is racist. That's a cop out with no basis. We have laws to control demand on resources. There is a process for people to follow if they want to become citizens. All of this nonsense to allow ways around the law is what is wrong. In Arizona, the majority of illegals are Mexican. That doesn't make enforcing immigration law racist toward Mexicans. It is, however, what we as a nation have established is needed for our national security and financial stablity. In other areas of the nation, the illegal issue involves very different groups. Immigration law should be enforced.
  10. #10 Vagitarian, Apr 27, 2012 at 4:26 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2012 at 4:28 PM

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Having family in Arizona and having spent much time there myself (in fact now considering buying a 2nd home there) I agree 110% with this post. I don't understand though why you lower yourself to using childish names like 'owedummy' etc. It's like you present a well written, classy argument and then when it comes to us, you've pissed on it. How could you be offended with people talking about Magic Underpants, then stoop to the same level?

    Also want to draw a parallel to Bush jetting back to Washington to recovene Congress in the Schiavo case. The state of Florida made a decision (as did the state of Arizona) and he tried to override it using the Federal government (as is Obama). Both men are/were power mongers.
  11. #11 jasmin, Apr 27, 2012 at 4:41 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2012 at 4:46 PM

    jasmin Guest

    Politicians are fair game, to a point. I have no issue with someone making up a name for Romney. Or in someone referring to 'shrub Bush'. But the magic underpants moniker is a religious slur, plain and simple. Many, many religions have religious vestaments. IF Romney made religion a central tentent of his campaign, then the barrier is removed. In the meantime, using this religious slur is no different than using a racial slur against owebama. Despite the mods saying otherwise, there is a reason the antidiscrimination laws include gender, race, and religion all together.

    As to owedummy? It fits my view of him. A huge spender of other peoples' money, and quite ignorant on top of it.

    I agree with you on the Schiavo case. That should never have been a federal issue.

    On an aside, I loved Arizona once but with kids and a family, getting older and seeing the underbelly a little more, I found it had few redeeming qualities left. Maybe up by Sedona and Flagstaff but not the Tucson or Phoenix areas. I've lived in every region but the south and the southwest is pretty low in my view of the ideal place to live. Just my opinion obviously.
  12. #12 Bubble Burster, Apr 27, 2012 at 4:55 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2012 at 5:02 PM
    I'll look for the quote, but doubt if I'll find it. It was in a radio interview over two years ago. Hard to find stuff on the cell.

    Regarding 1070, in view of the fact that the US law and 1070 are virtually identical, please tell me which parts of 1070 are "racist and unconstitutional".

    Are you aware that the issue before SCOTUS is jurisdiction?
  13. Vagitarian

    Vagitarian Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2006
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    Well that's the nice thing about differences of opinion in where one thinks is ideal to live. It would be horrific if we all wanted to live in the same place. At a certain point, there's no place like home.

    With regards to the 'names', I've done it myself (like Bushwhacker) and have vowed not to in the future. Sometimes it isn't easy due to the emotion involved.

    With regards to the mormon underwear, I discussed it with 2 mormon friends when the term 1st appeared here (I'ds honestly never heard of it before). They said they took it more as good natured ribbing than a slur (like some of the Catholicism references with the Kennedys and Jewish references with Lieberman) however, I've eliminated them from my verbage.
  14. Doc Who

    Doc Who Active Member

    Sep 13, 2008
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    In other words spn is against the US constitution.
  15. Only a complete idiot could equate Bush to Obama in terms of being a "power monger". It is absurd to equate Obama's lust for tyrannical control over the people of the U.S. with Bush trying to protect an innocent woman from being killed by the gruesome technique of dehydration. ESPECIALLY when her husband was husband in name only and the woman's parents were begging for the opportunity to care for her.

    You do understand that you can't get away doing to animals what was done to Terri Schiavo? And yet you are OK with it? That is absolutely sick.