1. IMPORTANT: In the next few weeks, we will be upgrading the message board software. We expect minimal downtime during the upgrade, and we will attempt to complete this during low-traffic hours. We will post an exact time several days ahead of the switch.

    In preparation for the upgrade, we will be performing board maintenance, such as moving boards to Lost Civilizations where appropriate. Lost Civilizations is a category for companies that have either been dissolved or acquired. The boards serve as both an archive of the old company posts, as well as a place for former employees to reminisce or reconnect, as they will remain open for posting. We may also remove some board threads that have been inactive for several years.
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Fetzima pricing

Discussion in 'Forest Laboratories' started by Anonymous, Dec 21, 2013 at 11:49 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We went an entire week at the launch meeting without getting the price of Fetzima. Has anyone seen or heard what the average pharmacy price will be? Our managers said they had no idea, but being the awesome leaders they are, they didn't try real hard getting the answer from the brand team. I know that there aren't a lot of people who will be paying cash for it anyway, but it would like to be nice to know how much my own launch product costs when I hit my first office on the 26th.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If you are a forest rep it will cost you a BJ and a class 1 stage of the herp. Hope this helps.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    signed an ex FRX rep that never figured out that NOBODY pays the cash price for any drug.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Signed by a DM who claims managed care access is just a smoke screen. 20% of my doctors have patients who pay cash.