Veeva Tracking Capabilities?

Discussion in 'AstraZeneca' started by Anonymous, Sep 24, 2014 at 8:31 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Anyone tech savvy enough to know what the tracking capabilities are of Veeva?

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who gives a shit? You are paid an awful lot to go talk to some people, just go do that and there is nothing to worry about.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It's capabilities are about what you'd expect: time calls are entered, how long a call is open before being closed, and basically anytime you type anything in the system.

    People even freak out about the last part, but there's no team or floor dedicated in the corporate office to tracking your every move. Theyre not collecting big data packets looking for outliers either.

    The only time you should worry is if you have a tech savvy manager. He/she can run specific reports and find patterns. This, of course, would assume he/she is smart enough to put it all together which is unlikely. I have, however, seen some pretty sweet spreadsheets someone very, very tech savvy developed that will take large amounts of this data & summarize it graphically. Those are not widely shared, though.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Do your job you lazy POS!!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You people crack me up. As if tracking was never been done before Veeva??? Yes, AZ has been able to track where you are and what you've been doing for years now. do your job and dont give them any reason to pull reports. As a DM, I wont bother with it unless you give me reason ...i.e. not showing up for work when you are supposed to be in the field. And trust me.. we can find this out without a tracker. Some years ago, i fired a rep who wasnt working. i pulled the tracking report just over a week before she was let go just to confirm my suspicion. turns out this rep didnt work for over a month.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Retired DM here. A rep of yours went an entire month of not working and you didn't know it. What kind of manager are you? That's awful...
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We only use UPS for tracking. We manage our soccer team.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    No. i knew the rep wasnt working which is why i inquired. as a DM, a solid case must be built first before termination. You're very perseptive. Stay retired.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Veeva can't track you, moron. The exact same things get document that have in the past. Call times, sample sig time stamps, etc.. The only reason a manager pulls your calls is because they ride with you and you have no idea who anyone is in your offices, where you are going, your data, etc.. RED FLAGS.. That makes them suspicious, then they pull calls, look at your company car mileage from past expense reports, budget spent, etc, and they see a pattern..

    Just go work.. So much easier to go work, than to cheat..

    Oh an BTW, they know where your iPad is... Ever have one stolen or lost, call the help desk and listen while they track it's position and wipe it clean, then call the police???? Just because you don't have airwatch doesn't mean they can't track you.. They don't actively, only if you give them a reason, like not working.. Dummy.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Lol! They can't, idiot! Regardless of whatever application we use to, they can't track anything.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Perseptive? Maybe I need to come out of retirement.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    And even if mgr could or did do that, HR would make him or her do same analysis with other direct reports, just to show there was no bias or targeting. A rep with a brain woukd say to mgr: okay, so you're showing me some kind oif trend, how does it compare with all other reps? Oh yiu didn't look at others? Just me? Lol nice try."
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Turn off the cellular signal.
    Turn on airplane mode.
    Turn ON your mobile hotspot
    Connect iPad to ONLY the hotspot wifi signal and do it ONLY when syncing.
    Simple, and done.
    iPad will give or take signals only when you have it connected to wifi.
    Keep it in airplane mode.
    If you are ever asked about it, then yiu know they're trying to track you BUT they would have to apply same looking glass at everyone.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They are tracking new and different data points to catch the cheaters
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It knows who is posting on CafePharma
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It's called "Find My iPad" and it's turned on when you activate your iPad. No getting out of it being tracked. Don't worry though because nobody is tracking you.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Not true.. Stop trying to scare folks. All of my family are in IT, 2 have worked for apple in the past and no they cannot track you. If you know how to set your settings, you're good.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    AZ doesn't have the time or money to track slackers like us. Besides, if they did, they would find that 99% of us lie about calls and work short days, then they would have to deal with that fact. They simply don't want to deal with it. Enjoy working short days, because AZ doesn't really care, and they can't fire all of us. Business as usual!
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This. And if they were interested in tracking you, your DM would need to have a good reason. It's not like they have the time/money to do it for everyone. As long as you're in the field and see a few docs, send samples, you will be fine.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We really should do the tracking on the Home office people because it's obvious they haven't been doing their jobs for years