Trokendi XR will be a bust

Discussion in 'Supernus' started by Anonymous, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:53 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Trokendi XR is predicted by most analysts to be a bust just like Oxtellar XR because of the current health care market in which we operate and the backwards model operated by Victor Vaughn.

    We only recorded 579 prescriptions in the first 2 months and only made the company $3.6 million dollars which doesn't even get close to paying our salaries. IT also means that wil the 80 or so reps we have that we averaged only 7 scripts a territory over those 2 months or 3-4 a month per territory. That is pitiful and we won't have jobs soon if this keeps up.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Generic Topomax in a (much, much, much) more expensive pill. That's got to be an easy sale. Doctors are idiots, right?
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You hoping from thread to thread without the facts?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yeah your right. Same conversion strategy didn't work very well with adderall xr, carbatrol, Vyvanse, or Intuniv. They were all extended release versions of a generic molecules and flopped too! Oh wait a minute....
    AXR broke a billion, carbatrol 250 million, Vyvanse broke a billion, and Intuniv well over 500 million. Geez, maybe it has worked before. (Btw- three of the four were developed by Supernus!)
    I have heard others ask you Shire folk why you care about Supernus so much but haven't heard an's the ONLY question on these threads that remains unanswered. Hmmmm
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Rock star reps like us at Shire made that happen. Also today's market dynamics are much different. At Shire we would bundle products together at discounted prices to make on formulary. What do you have to offer? Stock that nobody wants?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Is there any rock stars left at Shire lol. Or is this coming from a 4 year in shire rep that thinks he was an original rock star at shire.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You mean hopping, not hoping. And, that my good man, is a fact.

    Who said this is someone from Shire? You're asking the wrong person. I doubt there's many from any competitor that wastes their time on the Topix for drug reps.

    You have to be a hell of a salesperson to sell re-bundled generics. Apparently it can be done though. But, then again, those were the days where you offered doctors free vacations and such to write scripts. Now doctors seem to think you're wasting their time. It's much harder to sell such dross in today's world.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Thanks mom for the grammatical correction lol.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who else is starting to panic about Trokendi also? Seems like the Oxtellar launch all over again. Who else is having issues?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    My number one doc says he will NEVER use this overpriced product. He also told me that our products are a complete joke! :( not fun
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How is he your #1 doc if he won't use your products?
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    He is ranked my number 1 doc you dipshit! Was it that hard to figure out?
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It really goes to show the talent we could afford to hire around hear huh?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Great feedback so far. If you can't sell this product you should probably find a career outside of sales. Dipshit.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is a horrible product, nobody will use it! Who is going to want to pay for a expensive drug so they don't have to take it twice a day. FAIL!!
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Funny statement from someone whose company was founded by the same people who rode the hell out of Adderall XR and that's all they've ever done in the pharma industry. Pot meet kettle.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sorry to disappoint but this is looking VERY good. Why do all you Shire peeps care so much anyways? What kind of loser spends this much time worrying about another company to the point that they hop on an anonymous board over and over and spit venom?
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I love that fact you are naive enough to think I am not a Supernus rep that doesnt think I am paid enough, think my manager micromanages me, have to fake call because they want 7 a day, and my doctors think our products are a waste of $...i don't know which post are Shire reps but this 1 is a Supernus rep who is looking for a new job...I have a friend in California who already got a really good offer after he left Supernus so if you are looking to jump ship before it sinks look around because we are really marketable
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Are you talking about the 300+ pound slob in SF? Bahahahaha. Yeah he is real marketable! Couldn't sell ice to an Eskimo! Good riddance. Probably got a job selling Twinkees (he just didn't realize they stopped making them). And BTW, the expectation is not 7 calls a day. So you are either 1. A full of sh#t Shire Troll or 2. as delirious waste of space who doesn't even know what is expected of them. Either way you should definitely find something else to do with your life.