You want job security?

Discussion in 'Shire' started by Anonymous, Jul 27, 2014 at 8:15 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Talk to your top customers and ask them how upset they will be if you get axed due to this takeover and replaced by some shabvie rep who only works 2 days a week, seriously, have you ever seen one of those drones in the field?

    I will bet you that if you get enough customers riled up that they will gladly switch patients to generic XR.

    The ONLY reason Vyvanse continues to grow IS the sales force! We can get rid of marketing, senior leadership and those worthless BOSE people and we will continue to grow Vyvanse, get rid of us and watch it drop like the titanic.

    We deserve a retention bonus!!

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh you poor, poor soul! You actually think we're worth something. How cute! How sad! I am sorry to inform you that while some offices will miss seeing you for a bit, they will continue on. Please don't let your delusions make you do something stupid, like asking top customers to switch patients to Generic Adderall XR. Don't embarrass yourself. That just makes you look like you have never gave a damn about anyone but yourself.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Exactly! You are no more than a free lunch. They don't care who provides it. There is very little loyalty left in any business. Customers are very fickle and will go with the lowest bidder.
    Drs. have become business people first, drs. second. The office cows love us all for their free lunches. You will be forgotten in a week whether you believe it or not.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yes. Business mentality has basically destroyed most industries around the world. Everything is about running a company through automation to get the quickest result for the cheapest cost all while making the most profit. The human touch is lacking and people just seem to go along with it. Too bad. The simple times of the past are something to be remembered and admired.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So about 6 months after the merger prepare yourself for the fun and games that will be devised at the penal colony, once called "pharmaco" and now Shabbie. First there will be the friendly little meetings where everyone will be reassured. But beware, in the back of the room some drone will be watching your every move, checking whether you smile in response to the spin, or make snide remarks. This will all be be duly noted. Let's just say, it's kind of like going for a condo sales pitch presentation in Mexico. The first few people you meet will charm your ass off. The next will be a little more biting. By the end, watch your back, don't trust anyone, everyone will be pitted against eachother throwing eachother under the bus at every chance possible while you are trying to achieve ridiculously high metrics devised with your dismissal in mind. Devised to make sure they have a reason to give you the boot. Prepare for fun times at the Big Pharma Penal Colony.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They wouldn't even know you were gone! They could give 2 shits about us! Johnny"Swing Dick" will take your place, and inside of a week, most of the docs won't even remember your name!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Absolutely true. Been there three times, and survived by smiling, agreeing, projecting a positive image, and yessing everyone to death. Wanted to puke and tell them all to go shit in their hats. Have a family to support and had no real choice. They know they have us by the gonads. Prepare to have the most miserable 6mos to a year of your life!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yes, and I have been through about 5 Drug co mergers/acquisition situations and can say the AbbVie one was the most repulsive with the most reptilian behavior that was right in line with what you might expect from the dinosaurs who run the show and their obsequious followers. Get ready and practice those smiles. Good luck. OK, back to "Extant". Great show.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Simple equation for security - - - consistently be in the top 5% of sales performance. I am secure because I PERFORM!! Get out there and "git er done"!
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Be prepared to be surprised. You may not go in the first round, but you will be axed sooner or later.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'm sorry but you are new to mergers/acquisitions, aren't you, and rather naive? When the cuts come they go across the board. Might want to get rid of your area, for example, so even if you walked on water, out you will go. It's rather cold and up there in the pink clouds and ivory towers, they don't really give a rat's ass about tom, dick or harry or the winner of the president's award 10 years in a row. Prepare yourself, watch your back and as they say "don't rest on your laurels". Your individual performance has very little to do with anything. Of course, if it's bad they will kick you to the curb for some trumped up charge so they don't have to pay you severance. It just isn't pretty. When you see the org charts flying all over the place, scattered near the copiers or all over directors desks, and hear the fast pit a pat of mostly male feet on your industrial carpet, get your Shabbieass ready. They are an ugly crew of pirates.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is very true
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Look already started! Your RD is not your friend. One day your on beach meeting new sales director, enjoying life as a FST, then a follow up letter about a ridealong, about handing out 8 bagels to 6 nurses. You become an idiot, non-compliant, representative that is not "open to coaching"!!! Bite back, hold your cards, refresh facts with your doctors about calls, get in writing if your able, your RD accuses you falsely of screwing up, skrew them! They can fire you at anytime yes, BUT they can not harass, or discriminate, which is all subjective and determined by a judge where you live. Wrongful unemployment is harassment, judging you as unprofessional is discrimination (a reach yes, but judgment of you as a person or for whatever reason can be discrimination). We built this house, these squatters are not only taking over residence, they are getting rich doing so. Oh and trying to deny you of pennies as they fire you! Stand strong - don't roll over and die!!!!!!! You are a smart professional person who generates the Shire or Abbvie revenue. KK stay sharp, micro us all you want, tell us with families how to balance life. Dish it up and we will dish it right back, you'll wish your back in Kansas Dorothy. Oh wait you are in Kansas with a plane ticket we bought you!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    All I can say is give that Shabbieass hell when the time comes. You won't regret it. I'm still smiling. Here's the number one business tip that I learned after 18 years in pharma, passive aggression is the ticket, but always be nice to the face of The Man. Go get'em, tigers.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How did that work for shire top performers in 2012? No one is safe.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    BAHAHAHAHAHA....Off You Go, Dumbass!
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Get your head out of your but and face reality.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Nice try! They won't care. Idiot.