Employee or contract?

Discussion in 'AstraZeneca' started by Anonymous, Oct 16, 2014 at 7:55 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What is up with this?

    See contract people are = in resume (as any regular employee but big difference in pay, bennies and bonus. And cso are locked in? What the ($*%&!! is this all about?

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What are you talking about? Locked in?
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Are you drunk fuckface or just generally stupid?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Tied in!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    WTF are you asking?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think the poster means locked into lower pay and package. It is a odd.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Because of mass layoffs there are not enough direct jobs, so contract is the only way to go if you want to stay in the industry. My reps make an average of 90K base and 20K+ bonus. Health insurance is a little more expensive, but still in the top 15% of income earners Nationally. Not bad!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just do what I do, double dip!

    Doesn't have to be two pharma jobs. I am working in dental sales and pharma at the same time. In dental you are on your own, no ride alongs unless you choose (we call them co-travels on this side), use your own car, etc. If you want your manager to co-travel they do it to get business and help you close sales, not to check up on you and justify their job. Also, you have mfg reps who call on you and they buy you lunch or will take you to dinner because, like us in pharma, they want you to push their product to the end user.

    I make my pharma calls in the morning, some in the afternoon, I space them out. In between I see dental customers and this way there is no crossover, etc. No doctors accidentally slipping, when i go see them with my pharma manger since I'm not in the same offices with both managers., etc.

    The best part is that I drive a free AZ vehicle and the dental company pays me a car allowance for it, crazy! In addition the dental also pays a small salary for now and expenses. Eventually I will be a 1099 employee and it won't matter. I submit expenses for both companies on the same thing like parking and small things. Since you are required to use your own cell phone, laptop, and such in dentjugs here is no juggling company equipment.

    This is THE BEST thing ever!
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You will be found out. There is nothing worse than a lying cheat. Karma will get you so enjoy things while you can.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I love hearing some holier than thou vastly over paid, whiny pharma sample jockeys speak about Karma. You work in an industry built on and supported by lies. You sell a me too product that actually has no real advantages over countless competitors and gouge seniors and low income people. You enjoy all the spoils from this deviant industry them come on here and insult other's character. If you were brighter I'd make fun of you.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So you think it's ok to work for 2 companies at the same time, pay yourself twice for single expenses, use the company car for another company's work??? It's "holier than thou" to actually try to do an honest day's work and be an example to your children by not lying? You're not bright enough to "make fun" of someone who's actually trying to do the right thing-- as there is nothing real funny about that. And if the pharma industry is so evil and deviant as you say….than put your health where your mouth is and swear off pharmaceutical medications to prove your point.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The contract people are hacks only used for a short period of time.

    Next question
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I hear cso is much lower than the employee rate.
    No 90K/20K....more like a 60sK/teens in diabetes cso.

    Is this true?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Newsflash, Sir Arrogance!

    There are few regular employee opportunities anymore in comparison to flood of reps out and looking.

    You will eventually be a cso according to the latest statistics!

    Some very heavy duty people are now contract....
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Add to above another newsflash:

    Even contract sales positions are competitive. There are so many reps looking for work right now, that some will never be able to get back into the industry.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I don't know what exactly you're talking about, but PSS offers AZ DS4 reps around $60k. With top experience, you can get $65k or so. Target bonus is $13k.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hear the same. Shame on AZ for offering this low rate then giving regular team very big pay and bonus! Why the disparity, they are doing the same job! Both teams have equal quality of reps. Usually same experience, amount of awards and education. Products are NEW you have the money.

    Most people see this a major morale buster.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    AZ is super effin cheap. Leave any AZ contract and get on Merck or another company. They pay much higher.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Get out of contract!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Contract pays less, less benefits, less bonus, less job security, less vacation, less car, less 401K, Employee's view.

    Contract COSTS less pay, less HR cost, less fleet cost, less taxes, less overhead, less risk, Company's view.

    Contract rep, Company rep: Same results in Field.

    OK, Mr. CEO which one do you want to choose from?