What does B.P.O stand for. Literarlly & Functionally????

Discussion in 'Novartis' started by Inside Basel den., Nov 21, 2007 at 5:50 PM.

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  1. Ladies and gentleman, everyone here may/will need some good knowledge of the innermost workings of your Co. Lets explore the famous or infamous, dependig on your views and experience, the BPO, with its branches in every affiliate and the world HQs in Basel den.
    Lets hear from those who know, for whatever reason, what the BPO stands for, what it does, how it does what it does, who are the benefectors or victims and so on.
    The floor is open for the fruitful and long discussion. Don't be shy or afraid.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Bachman Purner Overdrive Re:

    Taking car of business everyday
    Taking car of business everyway
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    First, Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends. Secondly, those who hit this post, close to 100, are the lucky ones. You did not know what BPO stands for. The joker or illiterate was wrong. And why you are lucky? Very simple, it means you did not have any dealings with BPO or any need to deal with BPO. That is basicaly a good thing, because dealing with BPO ain't a good news and could be a very bad news for you. Not dealing with BPO means you don't know about it and that also has its own reason. Your masters at Novartis do not want you to know about the BPO. Not till you need to or must know. If you found out on your own outside dealing with them, it would be by chance but not because someone would deliberatly tell you about it. So it is not a secret but it is not for you to know, till you must or till it is too late. So as you can conclude by now it simply is not a good thing to be dealing with the BPO. This both with local affiliate BPO or the World HQ one in Basel.
    We'll give it some more time for someone to come forward with an answer. The current, former and still around members of BPO are also welcomed to comment. However, knowing the nature and mode of operation of BPO, this is very much unlikely.
    ps: it is possible that someone visiting here knows of BPO but they are too scared to comment or have signed such a release that can not even think about it let alone discuss it.
  4. So far good interest but no takers. As pointed out, if you don't know, if you did not have to know what BPO is, you are the lucky one. If you are afraid to comment because you were unlucky one to be dealing with them, that is Ok too.
    BPO = Business Practices Office(r). If you work for the office you are an officer, called also BPO. Every affiliate has one, at least one officer while the World HQ hase number of officers in the Business Practice Office.
    What does BPO do? That is not an easy question to answer for it is basically a very secretive operation. It has multiple functions and operations. From what we know it is a kind of internal "security" responsible for the security, stability, integrity and so on of the Co. It is like a big brother watching you and over you and over the whole shebang. Any problem any issue dealing with anything that can compromise security, integrity or any aspect of Co's well being is responsibility of the BPO. This is a serious business and if you have to do anything with any of the issues they deal with , you may not like it or stick around for too long.
    One of the area of their responsibility that we know something about is what they like to call the "misconduct". This is a catch word for anything one can do that is against the company's codes of conducts and/or the law. By this you would assume that every misconduct is targeted the same way by the BPO, to find it and to erradicate it. Wrong. There is misconduct-1 and there is misconduct-2. Simple example of misconduct-1; you can't steal from the co. If you do and get caught your ass is out at best. Jail at worse.
    Misconduct-2; can you make a false claim? can you promote off-lable? can you bribe your key doctors? Can you say planned, deliberate, allowed, approved, planned misconduct that is part-of-the-compnay's MO? Sure you can and sure you have seen it done or you have done it. Am I getting worm?
    Now both types of misconduct (MCD) are the responsibility of the BPO, but they are handled way differently.
    Of that next time.
  5. Thanks for this. What you see at this website is the official version and the it should be. This is for public and your consumption. If you need to unload something by WBing, it tells you how to go about it and also that it is your duty and obligation to do so. When you do it the way it is Rxed for you, than your troubles will begin and end on unhappy note.
    In the next while we will show what happened in one real life internal WBing and what were the concequences to the WBer. Stay tuned and read the website. While it is educational for you, ours will be eye opening.
  6. What is important to you that you get educated on BPO's handling of MCD-2, for one day it may come in handy.
    See the MCD-2, is your company's activity that IS against Co codes, laws and morals but not against the wishes of your bosses at all levels. Why? MCD-2 is good for them and the company for it brings in additional results, be it sales, profits or shareholders' value. How is that? Simple. If you remeber the "miscondust"-2 is a catch word for any unapproved, unethical, illegal, immoral even criminal business activity that the Co. is using to enhance the results of their general business activity. Simple example: You promote Diovan, claiming it is indicated for mild-miderate BP (its label indication) but you also make a claim that has cardio-protection (not approved yet) and that can be used in CHF instead of ACEIs. This is at the time that VelHeft was just presented in preKatrina New Orleans. You were asked to do this by your bosses to expand Diovan's indication and make it more attractive for the doc to use it in his BP patients that also have CHF. Since ONLY BP treatment is approved by FDA , you have used false claim to promote it off-label and thus you broke your federal laws regulating promotion of pharmaceutical. Your bosses from marketing, sales and other levels know that but they are deliberately using the MCD-2 to gain additional benefits from promotion of Diovan. More sales to more patients etc. Now nothing will happen till something happens. Like someone blows the whistle on this deliberate use of MCD-2 to the BPO office as you and everyone in the Co is obliged to do. The WBer better have good evidence and it is not hard because all kinds of internal documents will be issued re the MCD-2. But not external ones that you for instance leave with the doctor. The maybe crooked but they are not stupid.
    Once the BPO is informed, they know what to do. It is not what you think. They will not move in guns blazing against your bosses. Not at all. remember they love to use the MCD-2 and is also allowed, tacitly or otherwise. What is not allowed, the production of the evidence that can compromise the whole thing. The BPO, will quietly move in, investigate, usually terminate that specific MCD-2, find out how and who was responsible for evidence, they will be talked to, retrained or sometimes fired which is rare. The whole thing will be covered up as much as possible or presented as something "normal" like switching to something different. As soon as that is done, your bosses will be hard on developing new and improved MCD-2 for the same purpose. It may take some time so for a while no MDC-2 maybe used so those who were aware of the incident (some reps may know on top of the WBer) may think that it is over. Never is, for the use of MCD-2 is so effective and addictive that those who use it once never can stop. Even if the co. gets fined big time as BMS was for instance, they will still continue.
    So you see the role of BPO in this case was not to punish those who broke the rules but to cover up their tracks and let them start again with the new ones. The reason is that the use of MCD-2 is in fact part of overall business approach of the Co and now they have an "office" that looks after its implementation as described.
    What happens to the WBer? Of that next time.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I can tell you what happens to WBers, they get pushed over to positions they don't want, they get bad reviews and pushed out of the company, or they will be quickly terminated.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Or they get followed into their local watering hole on a non-football Sunday afternoon by 2 men they have never seen.

    There the 2 men come in and suddenly become the most generous people on earth and proceed to buy the MAN drink after drink after drink.

    Then they guide the conversation over to "what would you do?" senerios.
    And holy cow, the coveted "Would you tell on your company if they did something wrong, but no one got hurt?" question.

    Their hope is to find out what exactly is their liability, and how far that MAN may or may not go.

    However, all the free drinks in the world couldn't stop the MAN from seeing things even more clearly after the encounter.

    So this MAN plays along and says, I would never do that, I am not a rat!
    The MAN gets up to leave and is nearly tackled. It seems the 2 men are even more eager to purchase even more free drinks and further the conversation along.

    After 3 hours of free drinks from 2 complete strangers the MAN finally leaves with the knowledge of what really is at stake. More importantly, what lenghths Novartis and its BPO made up of ex-fbi agents, are willing to go.

    So I send this message out to you BPO/Novartis.

    I saw you comin' Did you see me?
  9. Yes. This person knows exactly what he is talking about. My impression is he was the MAN and this is his version what can happen to you and anyone else once you have business with BPO. Before you do and at the beginning everything looks. feels and smells nice and easy. As the case evolves things may change dramatically as in this case. The "people" you deal with are quite special ones. Yes some come from FBI, some from CIA some from MI6, some from the old and new KGB and so on. You get the message. They are highly trained and experienced in all matters of security and counter-whatever. So dealing with you as a WBer is just another piece of cake for them. It is as easy as pie and they almost always win for the company.
    This does not mean they are unbeatable. You need to know how how they really operate. Later on you will see how another case unfoulded and how the BPO (officer) assigned by the very, very top of your Co to look into it, handled it. The very, very top promised to the victim an "appropriate solution to your case", and he felt it was going to be in his favour considering the case and evidence showing he was the victim of retaliation (against the Codes' Article 11) it went as you guessed, in opposite direction.
    So you learned another thing today. Your BPO is an organization that would put all those other organizations (listed above) to shame as to their efficacy and determination. Those who populate it joined to make some real money after their tour of duty for thier countries.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Nothing a few 9mm..rounds wouldn't take care of , remember just point & shoot, ask questions later..hope this helps
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Maybe in Texas. The problem is they can do it better and with bigger rounds. Anyone who is dealing with BPO must inform of what is going on, as many of his/her true friends, relatives and others like their lawyers, and provide many with copies of evidence. This must be let the BPO know so they know you are ready and they are not protected from exposure in case some "accident" happens to you. Nothing can be left to chance for you are dealing with the darkest side of bigpharma business and that ain't a joke.Keep in mind 3 most important things; know what you are doing, be prepared and do it right (with help from those who really know).
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Done, done, and done.
    I have no problem with the men from the BPO, they are just doing their job.

    If accident were to happen then every news outfit in the free world gets a copy of my story, and I am quite the story teller.

    I will be at that same watering hole tonight if anyone would like to discuss this further.

    This time, I'll buy.
  13. Man I am impressed. R U 4 real? If so our stories my be almost the same. I am done with the BPO, have taken it outside and will explore last two options to win. If the Co survives those two last options than they deserve to get away. Otherwise their ass will be done big time. We (many of us) who are working on it and know everything with all the documents in multiple copies on file, are quite confident we'll come out on the top, in the end.
    Yes the BPo is doing their job, however in this case we are convinced they made a capital mistake in mishandling it by leaving too many lose ends. One being a complete failure to recover the incriminating documentation and pacifying the victim. They were offered a number of elegant solutions that would have assured them of complete elimination of evidence and no responsibility for the offences and misconduct, yet they stubbornly refused to accept. The BPO seem to have too much authority that they use and abuse. They think their employers are untouchable for some reason. Well very soon they will see that is not the case.
    As for you, keep alert and keep them at distance. You can and will win for all indications are you know what needs to be done and how. Keep us informed it is important for those who still may come into confrontation with them, usually not of their choosing.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    With the current shit that is going on, BPO will be very busy. Scary stuff.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Can you believe it, no one showed for their free drinks.

    Oh Well.

    I was scared for too long at this company.
    I will not be afraid any longer.

    I am asking please that anyone else knowing anything more about this BPO stuff post a reply.

  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    hahahaa this really doubled me up. I really cannot beleive what crap people here are talking about. The BPO is a single guy in Basel who gets the complaints and allots them to others to investigate. The US has another BPO who does the same jobs. The so called ex FBI, secret service , mossad, KGB guys belong to Corporate security. There are no 9 mm bullets flying around. Ptrobably if you jokers intereact with those guys you may come away with a different mind set. Have had one experienc with them and they were intelligent and helpful.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ah Ya , more like Mall Cops or rejects from Police Academy 10 ,
    Pharmteam . No 9mm? Switch to 45's or better yet the new 50mags , just for fun. Gotta admit they are pretty good at checking name badges
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    As the last poster said, the local BPO assigns the investigation to someone else. In fact, one case I know of, HR was assigned.

    This is a huge problem because, as we all know, HR is completely corrupt. Good HR = benefit paper shufflers. Bad HR = all other hatchet wielding, protect mgt at all costs weasels. Remeber kids, HR + the BPO = a very good way for management to bury ethics problems...
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You had nothing of interest or danger to them or the company they protect. Most likely you confessed that you charged a dollar for parking when you dropped in a quater. Try WBing with some heavy evidence of false claims, bribery, fraud, off-label and similar things that your bosses planned, designed and ordered you to do in writing as you sell in the field. Then yu'll see how nice and helpfull they are for the bosses not you. Your ass will be out as soon as they can make it "ligal" and proper. Or you'll leave on your own when they put you into an "exit" job. And so on.
    The rule is; the more damaging the evidenece to the integrity of the co. the more they will protect the protagonists of the misconduct and the more the WBer will be in trouble. You are in fact expected to keep quiet about what you now just as in that other organization where they call it "omerta". Why is that? Because the unetical and illegal things your co does to promote their drugs beyond "normal" business practices IS allowed and encouraged by all levels of management. Just watch your product managers and see what kind of stuff they come up (llegal, unethical) and their bosses say fuck all to that. As long it works they love it. They do not need WBers to disturb the shit. The Codes that call for you to report such things are only for the PR, you naive moron.