Tax Inversion Stealing from US taxpayers

Discussion in 'Pfizer' started by Anonymous, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:01 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Good point, but alas, Tea-Baggers do not want society to function. Just look at the Southern Red States with Repub govs that refused the expansion of Medicaid. They have the highest rates of unisured citizens. Hello, Rick Perry; hello, Bobby Jindal. Now go away.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What the fu@^ are you talking about? My assertion was Pfizer pays a high rate of taxes and millions pay none.

    Geez, keep up w the grown up conversation.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    OK. Pfizer is one on the most active companies supporting Obama, and to an extent, Obamacare. Then, Pfizer tries to buy AZ for tax shelters outside of the US. Hmmn
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Why should Pfizer be ashamed? A public company serves one thing----returns to their shareholders, not the US Govt. It is their job to get the best return for the shareholders who collectively own the company......reducing the tax burden is one way. If your so concerned about US companies not relocating their corporation to another company, then explain why the US Govt. does not incentivize US companies growth to remain based in the reducing the tax burden on repatriating oversees cash holdings, reduce the tax burden in the US to meet the UK corporate tax rate. Don't see anyone complaining that some companies like GE is allowed to pay no taxes granted as incentives by the US Govt.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Dont know where your head is stuck. But the post you responded to is correct. If the democrats stopped trying to control their base for votes by keeping them on entitlements, the middle class wouldn't be burdened with paying those excessive unnecessary taxes. You both are really talking about the same thing. One problem is that keeping people on entitlements is the only strategy the democrats have to keep political power.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ok smartass, if the avg. tax rate for large corporations is only 12%, then explain how Pfizer pays 27%. BTW, if Pfizer recorporated to the UK, their tax base would be 21%, as that what AZ pays. Seems like Pfizer would have no problem staying in the US if that 12% your talking about was really true. Then, try explaining how the loopholes could be ended, and who could end it in the US. Hint: its tax reform recommendations promoted by guess who.... the conservatives, not the democrats. You should read up yourself before you call others stupid.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    And Buffet is a democrat!!!!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Now this is a real brilliant remark. Texas has one of the lowest unemployment rates, people cannot flee other states that are bankrupt (like California) fast enough to get to Texas so they can get a job and survive, all while being the largest border state allowing thousands of the lowest, uneducated, illegal cartel gang members free access to live in the state to suck the teet of the taxpayers with all the freebies they get to live on. Newsflash whacko, tea-baggers are doing a much better job functioning running Texas, than your sicko libterds are doing ruining the state of California. There are just some that will always remain must be in their DNA.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It's true. Liberalism is a "mental disorder".
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sad pieces of Shite.!
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It the new world order. It's happening everyday all around us, freedoms being taken away everyday by enacting unconstitutional laws.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You mean like limiting stupidity, ignorance, greed, predatory practices, and racism????
    Stealing...although just NOT OK. !!
    The Times They Are A Changin'
    Move up or get fitted for the orange jump suit.
    Get off the Toxic Tit.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    To the original title: nope.

    Tax code stealing from $ made in other countries. Corp's for all intent experiencing double dipping. Not right.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Keeping more of the money you earned isn't stealing. It's like saying you are stealing from the bank when you make a withdrawal or stealing from the teenage from down the street who tries to break into your home when you leave town because you locked your door, set the alarm and hid your valuables or it like saying you stole from hackers by encrypting your files and creating complicated passwords. I could go on.

    The government is not the good guy any more than Capone was when he was handing out free turkeys on thanksgiving day to the citizens of Chicago.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I still find in incredulous that the "left" still don't get it. Taxes are theft. The more you feed the monster, the more it wants. Yes, taxes are needed for a society to function, but to a point. Going after money made in another country that is already paying the tax from profits made in the country is in essence a type of double jeopardy.

    Go to and look at all the areas. Scary. Tax revenue goes up and yet we are almost $18T in debt. Those numbers don't even include unfunded liabilities (SS & Medicare/Medicaid, and RX program). USA is screwed and all you can say is collect more? We are well past the tipping point. The need to cut taxes (both corporate and individual) need to start while also going after Welfare fraud. Enough of the producers supplementing the lazy. Start w/ no additional $ for any kids being born after being put on the "dole" and random drug tests. If found to be on drugs, no $ for you. If you can afford drugs, tat's, etc.... then you don't need "help". Oh and EBT cards are good for FOOD only. While I am at it, bulk food and generic brands.

    Can't wait for the thought provoking name calling responses.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Tax inversion is not theft because the law currently defines it as such. The huge underground economy, which does not pay taxes, is a cash business. This unregulated economy does not pay for either insurance or social security. If taxes were collected accordingly, we would not have the deficit or debt that we have now.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Really! The vast majority of them would be on welfare, medicaid/CHIP, free school lunch program, increased educational need from school districts. Where do you think this money comes from? And thats not even considering the increased level of fraud perpetrated on this govt. systems with the increase in undesirables. What about the burden of increased levels of criminal activity they would bring. News Flash, these folks are not the highly educated from other countries that would be contributing taxpayers into the system. They are mostly the leaches and takers.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Your post is difficult to follow. Much of the construction business is cash. Some are immigrants but many are natives, and they seem to live well. Yes, the work is very hard. There are leaches who employ these nontax payers who also take advantage by paying a little less for their nontax paying services. The recreational substance mega-industry pays no tax. But, I suggest that the drive to legalize and tax this business will have dramatic, negative outcomes. I say tax reform often without knowing what that outcome would resemble. Stop hating and help improve our system.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What do you not get that you even said yourself. If they are in a cash business, then they can claim they have no income. Let's see if you can explain what no income, + children who need an education mean on the entitlement system. Even if you could tax them, it still would account to nothing more than a wash at best. But then you would be forgetting all the criminal activity that is brought in with them. And you could never deal with the fraud of not reporting their income. Just in the IRS, they have paid out millions... in fraudulent tax returns from fake SS #'s. What group do you think this may come from???? The problem with liberals is they have no ability to comprehend the full picture with the naive tunnel vision they consider. Get your.... out of dreamworld and accept reality.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Tax inversion is tax evasion, not tax avoidance. It's a scam. Pfizer should revoke its US NYC Citizenship.