
Discussion in 'Tornier' started by anonymous, Nov 19, 2015 at 7:24 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Wheres the Tornier damage control team? Pretty quiet. These horrible reps and managers keep quiting so you can continue to dominate the universe.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You losers keep quiting as we are slowly but surely getting rid of the dead weight and making this team the way we want it! We started with all the dead weight in the SW and have continued to run that regime out the door. Worse hire was the ASD in that area and all the under qualified and non clinical managers he brought in. I think we have gotten rid of all of them expect for the one that still somehow survives in the dessert. Once we get rid of him that entire blood line will be gone and we can get back to managers that actually know how to sell and cover a case in the OR!
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Team Tornier damage control, it seems SW is your big focus. Why are so many others leaving across the country? They suck too? Every geography is bleeding. Recruiters can't find quality candidates for you with the bad rep of Terry Rich at the helm. Managers covering cases is a great model for mom and pop shops like Tornier.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Mom and Pop..WTF. We are the #1 extremities company in the World. You are obviously confused.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Mom and Pop??? You must be one of the idiots from the SW or West that left or got fired. Obviously you don't know much about orthopedics or the complexity of covering a shoulder case. We had a bunch of so called managers that couldn't even cover a shoulder case! Hello, we are a shoulder company! What good are you if you can't even go into the OR with your reps and surgeons and be able to talk about the most basic elements of shoulder cases? You were all a bunch of over paid non performing and brought nothing to the company r*****s! Why a company would pay you guys $200k a year and you can't even cover a Total shoulder or Reverse shoulder is a joke! I know for a fact the ex managers in the SW brought no value to his reps and he had the best rep in the company on his team in LA with the biggest surgeon in his territory and that surgeon was disgusted because the manager couldn't even come and watch him do a case. Thank god for that rep being a superstar and saving the business!
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You really think highly of your, very replaceable, self. Reps are like pets. They don't last forever. Sometimes they don't work out either.
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I remember sleeping in my cozy Martiott bed next to a complete stranger for a week so I could be trained how to sell by people that have never ever sold a thing. I knew then I made it to the big time. Tornier is not a Mom and Pop shop just ask Terry and Amy.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You were not asked to sell. The purpose of you being there was to learn what you need to know about the products. It is assumed that your efforts and your DMs guidance will take you to the next level.
    In your case, probably not. Try focusing on the opportunity that you have. The week you spent gave you something that you did not have before. It may only be a small thing, but something nonetheless. Good day sir and good selling.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I'm just catching up on "As the stomach turns" soap opera. This is so spot on. BRAVO to the Ranter & Raver. That's why as former very successful rep as myself left when we saw writing on the wall with the merger, back when TR's cronies Waugh & Gabrial were swinging their dicks around. BTW I love that The White Suited PHD toting Amy Ables, uses best training program in industry as her only job security, (clearly her in above quote) where the hell else could she take a useless skill set except for the Ellen show. As for Terry "Saddam Hussain" Rich evenutally he'll be found in a spider hole somewhere and pay for his war crime against humanity. Please keep the thread coming, what a guilty pleasure.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Hey wizard of Bos... How's the bike shop doing?
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Hey UE DM's ask your LE counterparts what they made last year.... Prepare for massive depression. Valued here? Nope
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Hey UE DMs.... Let's have a great 2016 and focus on what is important in our individual areas instead of focusing on a different division. I am pumped up on what can be accomplished this year, leaving the bumps of last year behind me. Come on and get on the bus man!
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Gordon.... We never really knew you.....
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Over/Under on # of DM's that jump Q1: 5
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    under... But barely
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Just ask the newest DM, Barbicas, about dm comp....... not even close to what we were making or could have made, without these ridiculous quota's. I do agree with everything said before this, just not as mean spirited. Got to go deliver a set, ship out another, try to locate expired inventory, did that already 4 months ago, but it's still showing up on "a list", sign another affidavit, miss out on a bonus because of admitted bad data!!! When will this BS stop? when do we sell? when do we coach? when can we make some money, because I'm working harder now than I ever have, with nothing to show for it?
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Waaaaaaaaahhhh. You guys are overpaid clerks. The real work is done by the reps. How often are you seeing a surgeon?
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The real work is done by the reps?!! Really? You reps crack me up because you think because you stand in the OR and open a couple of boxes you are so important and can't be replaced. When are you going to catch a clue that 99% of the surgeons use the product because of the product and not because of you! Yes there are some relationships that the surgeon uses the product because of the rep but that is the minority. Be happy you have a job and are making some money because beleive me you can be replaced! Now go preyed your important and see your surgeon.