Biologics Managers

Discussion in 'AstraZeneca' started by anonymous, Apr 18, 2017 at 6:33 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What do people know about the biologic managers?

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Not much other than from what is known, most are either Novartis hacks chasing a better biologic or AZ diversity hires.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    They all came from xolair. They all came for big bucks and they will discriminate against you. And yes they will not care about az because they only know the Novartis or genentech way. Good luck getting scraps at best in your confused market when the Me too drug is approved. Meanwhile xolair is breaking all sales records. No new drug does well in this market and it takes years to get there . Truth sucks so enjoy az ask your manager where they worked before.......Then wonder why u got punked and the reps are coming from Novartis genetech
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The Genentech way is not being micromanaged, time stamping calls, call average, reach and frequency. The thought of that sounds like a nightmare. Paying VERY well is the only reason anyone would leave to work for AZ.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    the leaders are all Novartis hacks that Rich brought with him...all eligible for novartis retirement and/or looking for their payday after benra tanks (I give benra 7 months before the firing start).
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Wrong dog breath! Get the fact jack!
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Rich b is calling the shots. We know your little games, better be careful az, we are watching very carefully and look forward to kicking you ass as you fight for table scraps when your third rate me too gets late approval. Nvs and Genentech reps are smart enough to not run to a third rate company like az. Enjoy your circle jerk and 5m dollar launch.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Only four of the Biologics DSMs (of 20) come from the AZ Respiratory sales force and only two of those have experience leading in a specialty team. Hodgepodge of people trying to trade up for a short term opportunity, realizing AZ's best days may well be in the past due to the excessive emphasis on hiring externally vs growing its own people.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Of those four, how may fit a diversity definition? And of the two that haven't led a team selling a biologic, how many were diversity? I know of one. Were both?
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The two without specialty experience are non diverse. The two with specialty experience are diverse. All four have good reputations.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Lmfao- rich burns hired all his buddies - you people at az don't have chance- dont kid yourself. He will discriminate all day long.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That's false. If specialty means biological experience (buy and bill), at least one internal never had it and came from RST as a diversity candidate.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why are you people so hung up on who is diversity and who isn't? Plenty inept "non diversity" walking around making love pure misery for everyone else. It's not like a diversity hire has ever done anything outstanding or consistent for other diversity people. Diversity hires in decision making capacity go OUT OF THEIR WAY to IGNORE other diverse people.

    So get over it. Nobody is getting anything except all these inept people.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Agreed. There is no racial discrimination when it come to being inept. You either are or you aren't and AZ has plenty of them!
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The two from legacy RST have a strong performance track record and have earned the spot. Their specialty experience comes from leading a specialty team. Let's face it, selling Biologics is not that different. The ability to learn, apply, and lead effectively are what matters. Those skills resided within people already at AZ and didn't require hiring externally to find.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The lifeboat is reserved. If you have a steerage ticket, forget about it.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Their experience comes from leading the RST as a "specialty" team? That is your answer? There were dozens who applied that fit that description w/ only two "earning" the spot. Give me a break. I would bet that both (although they may have been solid as managers) also were able to check another box. Comprendes?

    Many of those other managers who were not selected were told that it was due to excellent external candidates that had biologic experience.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yes externals had great oral suction abilites. They will do a fine job sucking the big one.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I know one of their managers was a former GSK manager. Her entire team hated her because she was always screaming at them. They gave her a very bad revew at evaluation time, so they moved her to a business development position in Ohio. Then she came back as the Nucala DM in Illinois. She thinks she is above and smarter than everyone else but does not know how to manage people or even be civil. She left GSK and moved to Boehringer and was only there a short time before landing at AZ. They will see what she is really like once things get rolling. Arrogant, mean princess.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The entire management team is from Novartis. AZ whored out to Novartis retirees..... Nice ethics
    as they get paid to go against a company they worked for and retired from. Scumbags.