Business Insider Article

Discussion in 'Taro Pharmaceuticals' started by anonymous, Jun 7, 2019 at 10:56 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    business insider published the unredacted price fixing complaint— here an excerpt from the complaint

    This common goal was stated succinctly by Defendant Aprahamian, who advised the Taro Pricing Department in training documents from September and November 2013 that "[g]iving up share to new entrant (as warranted) shows responsibility and will save us in the long run" and "[d]on't rock the boat – [g]reedy hogs go to slaughter." As demonstrated throughout the Complaint, Aprahamian’s idea of “responsibility” meant constantly reaching out to competitors in order to coordinate giving up share to reach a “fair” allocation and keep prices high.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    yikes...Ara should plea and take down the higher ups

    Similarly, Defendant Aprahamian of Taro often spoke with CW-3 of Sandoz about coordinating price increases between the two companies. Almost invariably, he would conclude the conversations with phrases like "don't take my fucking customers," "don't take my business" or "don't be stupid."