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Funny watching young reps...

Discussion in 'Pfizer' started by Anonymous, Dec 28, 2010 at 7:25 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Trying to text and twitter their way to meaningful relationships. Sad.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Your generation has over a 50% divorce rate and created millions of unmarried baby mommas with your libtard welfare system.

    You shouldn't throw stones gramps.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hey dipshit. Your generation doesn't even go to the trouble to get married. No accountability. No responsibility. Nothing but a trail of texts and tweets. Losers all.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Being jealous of younger reps who are offered bettter opportunities than you will get you nowhere.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The current 20's and low 30's are the least creative, least productive least insightful generation in history. Pathetic as a group. Unless of course you consider rap an accomplishment.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Doctor here. This thread was indeed quite amusing.
    The fact is that we, as healthcare professionals detest the younger incompetents and we detest Pfizer reps as well.

    Most in my profession prefer professional maturity over these 'twits'. God help all of you. We laugh when you leave the office.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You're so dense and obtuse that you don't even realize that your generation created this generation of misfits. Your libtard laws and cheap sex created the amoral and unethical turds we have today.

    As for being a "loser" because of "trail of texts and tweets", could you actually say anything more stupidly? What the hell does that have to do with "accountability" and "responsibility"?

    BTW, I'm not a twentysomething "dipshit" and get off the computer you anonymous hypocritical internet commando!!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Don't call anyone anonymous until you state your name on this forum. You're the hypocrite "anonymous."
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    61 year old gramps, geezer, whatever you want to call me. Retired after 30 years; therefore I call myself a MILLIONAIRE!! Something you newbies can only dream of. My arthritic thumbs are too old to text, but I know what LMFAO means, and it always comes to mind when I think of you GenY's that will never experience the Golden Era of The Pharmaceutical Industry, in whose afterglow me and my fellow retirees are basking as we enter the best years of our lives with no intention of leaving any of our money to you spoiled brats.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Until.....Pfizer de-funds the pension plan after it jerks it away from all of the current employees. The economy is also heading towards inflation and devaluing of the dollar, which means your "millions" will soon be worth much less. Young people today will survive and adapt towards future careers that will involve technology, communication and information sciences currently in development.
    You and your old geezer buddies whose thumbs are too arthritic to text will have a choice, in about 10 years when social security runs out and the aforementioned things have happened, of either trying to re-enter the work force or sitting home in your retirement community eating dog food (unless you have already died).
    If you are proud to work in the "golden age of pharmaceutical sales" it stands reason to believe you are sufficiently brain damaged, especially if you think that the best years of your life are the old, wrinkled, hard of hearing constipated years. This job was more of a joke back when you peddled Entax LA and Motrin, the politicians just didnt expose it as much. You probably spent all of your time on a golf course or in a waiting room reading a novel waiting to see a doc. Time to watch matlock, drink your metamucil and go to bed, gramps.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    20 ish somethings-
    Beautiful, Unlimited Opportunity, Maybe a bit gullible, not always respected, however people are jealous of you so that's why they are a88holes

    30 ish somethings-
    Uh Oh...Watchout, Very little time left before you are f***ed and are
    stuck in a bad career decision. End is in sight!

    40 ish something-
    Hey, welcome to the land of..."You're way too damn old to be a rep!"

    50 is something-
    Hoy Vey! Sorry you're still having to deal with a fukd up reality of being
    treated like SOS because you refuse or can not retire!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Retired from Pfizer at 60: "You GenY's that will never experience the Golden Era of The Pharmaceutical Industry, in whose afterglow me and my fellow retirees are basking as we enter the best years of our lives with no intention of leaving any of our money to you spoiled brats.

    Retired from Pfizer at 65: "WOW, did I really have a million dollars as part of my pension?? What's this letter from good 'ol big blue saying that our current obligation to our valued employees has been re-evaluated? Get my glasses, am I reading this right?

    Retired from Pfizer at 68" "Dangit! First Charlie Pfizer says that I aint getting no pension no more, now I gotta get by with no social security? I wish I would have saved a little more! I wonder if I can get a job somewhere. At least I can go to the doctor for free now"

    Retired from Pfizer at 70: "Say, do you work for a pharmaceutical company? I did for many, many years. I've been waiting to see this doctor for 3 hours now. I guess its good that we get free health care now but dang, you have to wait all day. Do you by chance need any help with catering or anything like that? I could relly use the extra cash"

    Retired from Pfizer at 75: " Can I uh, help you with today, uh, what's that thing we're supposed to say? Oh, How can I help you today? You want Pizza? It has to be on the menu sir. You say you are the manager??
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Here's the reality:

    Within the next 10 years (5, more likely, in order to "right size" the mass spending of JK) all you "young" reps will be fucking fired. You'll get notice that you're no longer needed. By giving you a "severance package" and no longer paying your salary and bennies, the company will save around 2 billion worldwide per year. You'll be replaced with direct to client marketing. Doctors aren't stupid. With a one sheet glossy "quick reference" guide to the compound, and an accompanying IB, samples will be sent directly to sites and assimilated/stored/processed by site staff. Everyone wins. You no longer waste physician's time, the office cows are forced to lose weight without your catered lunches, and Pfizer saves ass loads of money.

    Time to think about how you're going to put your Junior College Communications Certificate to use elsewhere. Douches.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You need a lesson in economics. Pfizer cannot defund an existing pension to those currently receiving a pension or to those who are currently contracted under the pension that is in place. Do you even know what that means? A company can freeze a pension (that does not eliminate the terms under the pension contract before the pension is frozen to existing employees), alter the terms of a pension in some cases, or can eliminate the offer of a pension to NEW employees. If a pension fund goes bankrupt (even though a company is required to fully fund a pension program)the funding becomes covered under the pension guarantee benefits program by the govt. This should be common knowledge to anyone with a basic education. I would not give any credence to what comes out of a young ingnorant fools mouth.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well, you need to apply your vast knowledge and high powered perception to the current state of the airline industry then. Several big airlines, including UAL Group (the parent company of United Airlines have taken the step of freezing pension contributions to its employees. Ford and Standard Register have also done the same.

    Here's another bit of late breaking news. Yes, pension plans of US based companies are protected by our country's Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp (PBGC) which a government body funded by premiums from companies that operate defined-benefit pension plans. If only one company like United Airlines, for example, decided to walk away from its pension obligations, PBGC says it would be saddled with claims worth $6.4 billion. This kind of mismatch provides a powerful incentive for companies like United Airlines to walk away from their pension obligations. The airline has contributed just $50 million in premiums to PBGC. Any company could do this if it wanted to, and there is no legal reason why it cannot.

    PBGC had an $11.2 billion deficit at the end of 2003. Now, its potentially exposed to bills for as much as $85 billion from possible pension-plan terminations -- about $23 billion from the airline sector alone. I have a basic education, and I have no problem determining what could potentially happen if companies walk away from pension plans looking at these numbers. I also can assimilate the point that nothing legally binds a company to paying pensions out. The PBGC is a slush fund that is billions of dollars in arrears, it has no legal provision that makes companies pay pensions out. Any government entity that attempted to do so would run afoul of both federal antitrust law and the stipulation that the US Government cannot seize private equity and dictate disbursement.

    I would not give credence to anything that comes out of an old, know-it-all curmudgeon's mouth. Anyone that can follow current events and apply any type of deductive reasoning power to our changing economic landscape will always be light years ahead of the jerks who think they know everything because they have "wisdom" and refuse to accept the dynamics in out current economic marketplace
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'm retired from Pfizer with over thirty-plus years of experience in this industry. I've seen this career go from a once honored profession where physicians actually looked forward to seeing a representative from a company in their office. You simply put your card in and were told the doctor would you see in a few minutes. The reason they saw you was that you were professional, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and presented information that was of use to them in making professional decisions regarding patients. Today, they don't need you because you really don't have any information they can't get already, insurance companies dictate what can be prescribed, and you take too much of their time when they could be seeing a patient and getting paid for it. They take your lunch because it's a benefit for their staff. It's a break for them, and the last thing they want to hear is a presentation from your mouth. You have no credibility with the physician because of the training you have been given. Telling a fifty year old physician how to treat a patient, coming from someone in their twenties has no credibility at all. They all know that what you're there for is to get a "signature", and offics are more than glad to get that for you just to get you out of their office so they can treat the patients who really need the doctors attention.

    This is sad, but not true. You absolutely provide no value to offices anymore, not even providing samples, because patients expect to get these each time they come for a visit and this has itself created a nightmare. As a patient now sitting in my doctors waiting room and observing the representatives who come to the offices makes me sad to see how this profession has been so cheapened. Your no longer needed or wanted.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Geezer #9 here. GenY responders here are under the misapprehension that my age group actually needs our pension. Between 401K's, stock retirement plan before that, etc., the pension money is only necessary for pocket change when I go on vacation or to buy presents for the nieces and nephews at Xmas time. Hell, kill the pension tomorrow, and SS for that matter. Better yet, I'll leave you my pension money in my will. You guys will need it for there will definitely be no retirement benefits for you. I'm also living alot cheaper than you will. For example, my deeply discounted employee retire healthcare program probably allows me to pay about 20% of what you will be paying on the open market after you are aloha'd and your COBRA expires.

    Oh and BTW ( howabout that for texting jargon!)-Have a good holiday. Maybe you guys can spend New Year's eve playing "Musical Spreadsheets", guessing which one of you losers will be deselected on the next round of layoffs.

    Once again, LMFAO!!!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'd rather die young and leave a beautiful corpse than grow old and bitter like this asshat
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    #9 gain. Do I sound like a bitter asshat? Well, this bitter old asshat is spending New Year's Eve later on at a party hitting on my hot 37 yo neighbor while the old ball and chain is out of town with the kids. If it looks like I'm scoring, I'll slip away, take 100 mg of old reliable Vitamin V and I'll be in Blue Heaven the rest of the evening.
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What a model of integrity!