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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I just listened to Joe give his talk. All of a sudden everyone wants to tell a story?! Come up with some original materials. I used to think this company was a joke, but now I realize it's an entire comedy.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    A dark comedy!
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Joe - why are all the board and senior managment 50 shades of beige? Why no black faces in white places? Why ?? Black Lives Matter and we need to know. Show us your true colours!!!!
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Anonymous RACE Baiter at his finest! Go play your race games elsewhere, perhaps the city government in which these riots are happeneing!
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    why are you so sensitive? how many times have you Lainie Keller and Art Shannon been accused of racist remarks that you react like this?

    The management is all beige as is the board, Facts
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    How many times do you throw shiit bombs only to implode on your face? Throw up verifed FACTS instead!
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Now it all makes sense - could it be that Joe left Perrigo behind because he was being investigated for using racist language??? The only person he brought with him was Art - and now hes added lying Lainie... wowza!!!

    Facts are your board and management are all 50 shades of beige.

    Just look in the mirror -
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Little race baiter gets called out for propaganda and his response is more propaganda! Have a good night race baiter! #LOL
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I love when Racist throw the Racist Card around! What do the leftist say . . oh, accuse your enemy of what you're actually doing! LOL!
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why does Matthew Papa work at Salix and did he and Scott Hirsch push out Mark McKenna. Scott was nearly fired from all sell side jobs bcuz everything he touched turned to shit. Horse shit
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The two senior Bausch people here lazy lane and artful dodger don’t understand how the internet works. If its on for a minute its on forever. Ranking people’s earning potential based on grammar is indeed a very big tell of prejudice and racism. We saw the video too. It’s a human rights violation and Lainie has an incredible amount of hate for minorities because of her self righteous superiority. Sad that they have to troll these sights and harrass us.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Come on cafepharma, you can't take the side of racist bully who has made it her life's mission to denigrate and classify people based on simple grammar and english writing skills can you? Too bad you took down the pinata chain, we are gonna enjoy it at the shore house this weekend. Big party at Big Mike;s and everyone is going to be there. I guess the silver lining is that with the lazy lane and artful dodger spending their time here, theyare making HUGE mistakes in their actual work. HUGE. The debt raise is FAILING. oh, and i hear they are interviewing for new media people at BHC and the meetings are being held in Madison office. I wonder why?


    Joe took the most incredible opportunity and ruined it by surrounding himself with jovidiots who are already turning their back on him. So sad, too bad, you're gone.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Many share holders who wish to remain anonymous are beginning to losing patience and confidence with Joe Papa. If he wants to stick around he will need to make some significate changes with his senior leadership team. He should probably start with dermatology.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Joe needs to go and take christina, paul, scott, sam, BH, art and lainie with him. Joe, however, does not have a track record of keeping people around or travelling with them to his next gig, ie Perrigo team left behind. He doesn’t even give them references. I bet they have a Joe pinata this weekend. He is on thin ice.

    Joe to Jail.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Cafepharma, when you selectively delete comments because you got complaints only helps actively racist people who denigrate and qualify people's earning and income and access to education based on their race, creed and colour. Lainie Keller has made it her life's work to criticize people and she even said your english is bad, go fill out an application at McDonald's. she freaked out realized how much that exposed her and then you deleted things. The screen shots exist as does her yelling profanities at a Mexian man.

    Also, calling someone an race baiter is EXACLTLY what racists say. Usually the wives and daughters of Klansmen. Instead of doing her job, she stalks people here which ends up with Christina getting the Ackerman award.EPIC FAIL. Artful dodger is a dark, evil, andgry man. he loathes joe but still serves his master.

    I hope Cafepharma going forward, you let us vent here, which is why we come here, it's our safe space to vent. Why BHC's two senior people spend their full days stalking this is an indicator there is a HUGE PROBLEM and it's about the be reelased.

    To all my derm peeps: happy 4th of July. Our founding fathers gave us free speech and on this holy glorious day, I say speak up. No Tyrant can quash us or quiet us. Speak up speak loud speak fearless!
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Many shareholders have sold and cut their losses. The ones left are FURIOUS They cant even get in touch with anyone from Joes office or IR. So they talk to Sam el-doesnogooddby or wtf Will nogoodwill in treasury answering questions about derm. so sick why dont you bring in your other sons girlfriend Joe? maybe she can work the same magic as matthew does?
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    There is a lot of problematic behaviour here. This needs to be addresses swiftly.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    There is a lot of problematic behaviour everywhere. Joe, how was the Hong Shu Gai you had yesterday?
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    For the longest time artful dodger and lazy lainie were giving out wrong info. imagine that. wrong data and info. Joe you are an idiot for keeping them. The debt deal is dead in the water. Scott is so pleased with his greasy toad self. Netlix part two is coming for you and all the ghosts of perrigo past are coming for you.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Cafepharma when you delete the obviously racist and incriminating posts by senior BHC team members who are stalking us lowly derm reps you are COMPLICIT. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day and it’s time to do the right thing. Lainie Keller is a racist mean bully. Art Shannon worse, two faced backstabbing jackass. Both would be unemployed without their stalking this blog. Just so you know. It’s not ok.