La Jolla

Discussion in 'Biotech Startups' started by anonymous, Sep 24, 2017 at 2:19 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Not true.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    La Jolla's problem is centered on your of your Directors is the President of Heron, and Kevin T LOVES the guy. La Jolla is a dog, and Heron is a dog. Just look for the commonality between company leadership and the Board of Directors, and it becomes apparent that the same lousy folks are impacting both companies.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Who’s left at this place from management?
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nearly all of the DM team was either kept or brought back recently. Now they have a few of them doing contracts because there’s only 20ish reps and 8 DM’s and 2 Area Directors... you can’t make the shit up! VP of Sales appears to be going out of her way to ensure she is never employable again.

    They fired 75% of the sales force, so of course sales plummeted and Wall Street can’t figure out why. Zero chance this dog will hit the new 2019 number projections. Can’t wait to get my March retention payout and then run as fast as I can.

    Also looking forward to sharing some of the emails the DM’s were sending to reps personal accounts... let’s just say 2019 will be really interesting for some of these assholes.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    There are no secret emails. If so, post them here. Calling your bluff.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    No chance I’m posting them here. That could expose too many innocent folks. Sure I could pull names, but then it proves nothing anyways.

    *Fun fact for you: conference calls are recorded and discoverable. Certain DM’s should be a bit worried right about now.

    What you dicks did to all of these reps is shame and not one of you bastards stood up for or cared about your people. You just begged for more money for yourself and then shut the fuck up when ole Georgie gave in.

    You should have considered all the careless things you did along the way before blowing off so many people.

    I’m ashamed to have this shithole on my resume, but at least I know the end is near.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    So, why is the fact that conference calls are recorded such a hot topic. Are you suggesting managers said things about their reps that were incriminating in some way? Is the demise of the company in any way the DM’s fault? I can’t imagine based on what I’ve heard.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    DM’s for sure weren’t the reason for the demise. I’m just saying that not one of them was fighting for reps. They all just worried about themselves and getting more money. At this point I believe nearly all of the DM’s were either kept or brought back! And what company with 20 reps doesn’t need 8 or 9 idiot DM’s chasing each other around in circles!

    Rumor has it that a couple days after the layoff one DM sent a picture to his old team of himself having a drink with one of the reps that survived. As if they were toasting that they survived and mocking the laid off reps! in full disclosure, I haven’t seen that pic, but if it’s true, that jerkoff is a horrible person. On a side note, I would love to confirm that and make the guy famous. I have a name but don’t know him well and wouldn’t want to trash him if it’s not true.

    Back to recorded calls for a minute. Multiple Laid off reps are working to get the info out about conf calls where unapproved documents such as the Dossier were reviewed by the team at the direction of the DM. I know for sure the emails went to personal accounts because I’ve seen that. If the calls did indeed happen, there’s gonna be a serious shit storm coming. Let’s get some “Sun” light on these things (Pun intended)
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You really think anyone cares if the DM’s reviewed the dossier at this point? No one gives a sh@t.
    I don’t believe the DMs didn’t care! they had no clue what was happening. George told them they were disposable at the NSM. Everyone knows that La Jolla is a sinking ship. People are actively looking to leave. Maybe staying until 1st retention payout and then leaving. Why stay? At this point even the amazing drug can’t keep people to stick around.
    You can’t trust crazy.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    sorry to burst your bubble but no one cares. Seriously no cares about your emails, tapes, stained dress, etc.
    La Jolla was a mistake. Brush it off, look forward and move forward.
    Whe you are told the vacation policy is
    “ you know, like at your discretion” that tells you something.
    Peace and love. Peace and love.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    How are sales?
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    2 thoughts:

    First, nobody gives a shit what some stupid DM did at this joke of a fucking company. No DM touched anything close to the fucking craziness of our esteemed CMO. I swear that dickhead only did this so he could try and bang reps. Not sure it worked, but he sure tried!

    This was a total disaster and is all falling apart. This company will fold in the next 90 days and be sold on a scrap heap.

    Second, Jesus Woody, why not just type your fucking signature line at the end of this reply? Peace and Love? Maybe just add a comment about Colorado edibles to further expose yourself. You need to retire before you get yourself in real trouble. Either that or put down the Bourbon for a minute
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Is my old friend Gail in the San Diego area still with the company? She was a sales rep.
  15. person

    person new user

    Feb 20, 2019
    Likes Received:
    No, she was fired under mysterious circumstances last year, March or April. Not sure what happened. Four or five sales people quit this week after quarterly bonuses were paid. Rats jumping from a sinking ship. Probably the DM's will be next - they were paid a TON of money to stay on - payout next month. Really inspiring about how much they care about patients. Interesting that the company is looking for a Chief Commercial Officer.
  16. person

    person new user

    Feb 20, 2019
    Likes Received:
    No, she was fired under mysterious circumstances last year, March or April. Not sure what happened. Four or five sales people quit this week after quarterly bonuses were paid. Rats jumping from a sinking ship. Probably the DM's will be next - they were paid a TON of money to stay on - payout next month. Really inspiring about how much they care about patients. Interesting that the company is looking for a Chief Commercial Officer.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    but why leave now. After March 31 would be better

    Love and Peace, Love and Peace Buttercup
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    lots of internal bickering here about management and personnel. How are sales of the drug?
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We are arguing about who’ll pump your mothers fat ass u dumb janitor ho mo.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    How are sales?