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LOL cheap pay the same for CSO as Direct hire

Discussion in 'Exact Sciences' started by Anonymous, Feb 7, 2015 at 9:57 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This place is a joke they act like they are some cutting edge biotech and pay PCP pharma comp (because all you do is call on PCP). Recruiter posting direct hire 65-70k no car and if you get lucky you can make another 25k wow cutting edge sure. Same freakin pay as Quintiles had. Stock you can't exercise for years to come please.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yep a shit job for the uninformed or burned out pharma rep
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    shit job......good one......
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yeaaaaaaahhhh......there is that whole battling cancer thing. Honestly, this company doesn't want a ME ME ME former pharma rep who thinks they deserve 6-figures for ANYTHING they bring to the table. You pharma reps are a damn joke, filled with an inflated sense of self-importance. You do know you are mocked, right? But your company tries to distract you from the clown costume you wear with high bonuses and free cars.

    Welcome to the 21st century children. You FAILED in college, and now believe that you actually didn't because your little parasitic jaws latched onto a medical company that said "Well, SOMEONE has to sell this stuff."

    ES is fighting cancer. In a few years we will be fighting different cancers. If you can't find passion in making sure physicians are utilizing the best detection tools available, then keep moving. The very last thing I asked when I took this job was about salary. The cause was too great to NOT take up. One day, when your spray tans have faded and your fat ass can't swallow another office lunch, you will realize you peddled pond scum for everything you own and probably killed more people than you saved.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The very last thing you asked was salary? Must be nice. This test costs $599 and they pay there reps below market. I am all about ME because when the stock takes a dip like Big Oil, it's all about THEM. So fuck you
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So sorry you didn't get the position. Don't be so angry. BTW stock will not dip it will soar! Also, Check your grammar -- it's THEIR not there.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    LOL so freakin true !!!!!!!! Anyone who thinks Exact Sciences is some super special Cancer fighting company is brain dead. Do you see anybody who came over from any Oncology company ANSWER HELL NO ! Why you would think if it was going to be such a great new company they would attract all the top Oncology reps from Diagnostics and Pharma . Clearly they did not give a rat's ass from the cheap pay to saying your fighting cancer calling only on Primary Care.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Did you hear about the big firing at the top? You are clueless. Stop drinking the Koolaid.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think not! No one was "fired"; resigned maybe. And the koolaid tastes good. Baahaa. Go troll somewhere else. All is good here.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Doug Ikeda? Gone in a flash. Interesting.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Kool aid and stool testing sounds yummy.
    Calm down super rep you sell a freakin bucket that people take a dump in. Damn son could you not find something else.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What a hideously moronic comment. It is a SCREENING TEST. T-E-S-T. The method of gathering the specimen is all you see? These are diagnostic tests reinforced by real education. Go play in traffic honey, the adults are changing the world over here.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They are cheap with the $ and it's a start up sure that's normal. The main focus of Exact is the Primary Care office call point lame .They have attracted some reps from the worst Diagnostic companies on this board Polymedco and Oxford. Sure sounds like a great move if you live in a flyover state.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sorry you didn't get hired
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    "Changing the world" .... you are a fucking MSR ( I can say that b/c I am too) , not fucking Gandhi. Get over yourself. I don't care who you work for or what you are selling. You need to chill out and stop throwing down whatever EXAS is giving you.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Exac's mission is to "eradicate colon cancer". Watch a dip the stock price and see how quick our asses are eradicated.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Damn that is good !!!!!!!!!!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sell those buckets my subjects signed King Conroy
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If you want to change the world I hear THE PEACE CORP is hiring !
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Obviously somebody didn't get hired in Pharma. It's ok.... This is the next best job for those who nobody wants. Let's act like our job is important because we are pushing a shit in the cup test. As a doc.... I want the 100% accuracy and selling the colonoscopy is easy when u tell them it's 100% accurate compared to... What 92% with a high amount of false negatives. Don't talk so low of the Pharma reps... You aren't any better in my book.