Micromanager or STALKER

Discussion in 'Dealing with Your Manager' started by Anonymous, Apr 6, 2009 at 6:05 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I had a new manager sit on my street and call me up at 7:30 in the am wanting to ride with me. I'm sure this was learned this from big pharma, but there comes a time when you have to draw the line between job and home life. I feel that this action is STALKER like?

    What do you think?

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This behaviour is very inappropriate. I would tell him that you would like at least a days notice. What if you were going to call out sick?

    This type of behaviour is from a manager that is controlling and wants to drive you nuts unfortunately.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Years and years ago (in the days before cell phones and laptops), my old boss told me a story about one of his colleagues who used to tell his fellow DM's about his idea of field visits.

    A "normal visit" was to park down the street and wait for you to leave. A "suprise visit" was as he showed a key ring with car keys for each of his reps, to be sitting in the front seat of the car waiting for the rep.

    Anyway, his reps got fed up with this and asked for some advice. Their wives would see him down the street and worried that their husbands' jobs were in peril (it was a long time ago). My boss told them that once they saw the boss, what they should do is grab the "off territory form," fill it out and have their wife stick the copies in the mailbox. Then, they should put their PJ's back on and go to bed.

    About 9:30 or so, the manager would be knocking at the door and what the rep should do was come out, sneezing and coughing, and telling him he's too sick.

    Since this was in the day before cell phones and computers, the manager couldn't find another rep to ride with and he'd have to waste his office day early in the week (paperwork may or may not have arrived).

    After a while of this, all the reps in this psycho DM's district went to the RM and threatened to quit if the DM wasn't fired. He was.

    Micromanager or Stalker .... both mean the same thing, right?
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Get you fat ugly ass out of bed and in the field by 8 and you won't have anything to worry about.

    Lazy motherfucker.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    First off I left the house at 8, second off what clinic is open at 8? There maybe a few but not many. By the sounds of your stupid comment you must be a big pharma guy too and you would be at crispy creme feeding your face and your fat nurses.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I would lean toward stalker...certainly this is an individual who is NOT NORMAL and never will be. Your manager is neurotic and probably psychotic.

    Can you hide your car in the garage at night? If so, is there a way to determine if he/she is staking out your house without being seen? If yes, perhaps you can use your spouse's car that day. Just leave the house in a disguise and change before your first appt. Ignore your bosses calls until the afternoon. You'll have all the proof you need that you worked that day.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    In capital equipment I had a real pinhead micromanager (bad combination) who came up with the most bizarre shit. He was a classic asshole. Intentionally he would request one thing via voicemail and then ask the opposite by e-mail. That way, whichever you did, he could say you didn't follow his request. Here were other things he had done: You have an imminent order that is hung up in purchasing. This pinhead actually suggested to offer to show up at the company's purchasing department and volunteer to help them make copies and messenger the paperwork to obtain the signatures. What an idiot!! One time a customer of mine was receiving a large shipment (was a big order) and the truck delivered 5 of the 6 cartons. One box was missed and then got lost in some warehouse. When the service engineer went to do the installation, we discovered the item was missing. The pinhead micromanaging a-hole actually told me it was my fault because I should have been on the loading dock with the customer when it was delivered. What a total idiot. This jerk would call you up a half dozen times a day and wanted to intrude in all of your business. Needless to say, customers totally hated this guy too.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is sales it ain't a 8-5pm job. Dingleberry!
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    My only idea I can think of to counter your crazy DM is to fight fire with fire. Start calling him at 6:30 am maybe 7 am request different reports that he needs to request from the home office. Copy emails to the RM stating you request your DM's presence at certain lunches. Bombard him and the RM with pointless voicemails. Call him on Friday at 4pm asking him to check things for you and make him do it over the weekend. Do the classic sick day when he rides with you. Its all a gamble but I bet he stays far away from you after you play with him a little. And the next time you talk with the RM politely mention how its tough to have your DM calling you for a ride along from your street corner and see if you get a response.

    The other route is the innocent route. Next time he does something crazy like calling from the street corner take him out to lunch or breakfast and in a good natured manor ask what it will take to earn his trust? Jokingly say that you will do anything to earn his trust. Its a very serious subject, but brought up in a light hearted manor it can be done. Good Luck.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Or... just give him a BJ.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    start leaving your house by 7am and be miles away from him!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That is funny,,,, When we talked about it, he said if you leave early I will just follow you..hahahahhah What a nut job.

    I stay with my girl and he doesnt know where she lives.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Brilliant! Best response yet.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Call the police and report a suspicious vehicle in the area. Better yet, call the police, tell them that you just saw a guy in a suspicious vehicle looking into the windows of your neighbors house. In most areas, window peeping is illegal. I bet he doesn't do it again!

    Is your manager's name Ted?
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yes his name is Ted! Why is it Ted? Because everything in the world is about you. Fucking self obsessed bitch.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ted Bundy probably.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It's sad that you gutless tools would actually put up with that sort of crap. If I had ANYONE from work show up at my door, I'd either A) open the door stare at them, laugh and close the door. Or B) call the cops.

    Anyone who would put up with that sort of crap form some moron manager is a nutless wonder.
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    WOW This sounds like Ron L. A greasey haired get a life DM from First Horizon/Sciele. He learned this technique from Petey, who still did it to his DMs.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is so freaking ridiculous I cant even belive this crap goes on. Im in advertising sales and yes Ive heard of these stories from time to time but please. If you are making your number what is the big deal? Its like people in pharma but really not have ANYTHING TO DO!!! How do i get a sales job where you really dont have to do anything? These managers sound like complete fucking ASSHOLES. Pharma really sounds like it sucks! not that advertising sales is any better but I have never heard of this bs
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Micromanager or STALKER Jim Kladney

    Can anyone tell me how bad of a production manager Jim Kladney was at KV, because his lack of safety and use of chemicals is killing us at Weidmann Electrical Technology.