Millennials at Abbvie

Discussion in 'AbbVie' started by anonymous, Oct 13, 2019 at 11:52 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Abbvie HR is facing a new breed of employee’s, Millennials!

    From what Ive heard,Abbvie Human Resources is getting bombarded with complaints to HR through the anonymous ethics hotline, which is HR in disguise. They are snitch’s and stupid ones at that. They think Ethics hotline is like their college professors, confidants who can be trusted. Well, they all got a big surprise. Their managers found out, HR put target on them and POOF they’re on a performance plan and under extreme pressure which they CANT hand
    le or even understand. Easily blindsided and through their own dumb actions. Older employees know how to keep their mouths shut, never rat on another employee and stay under the radar of Their manager and HR. Millennials lack face-to-face communication skills, preferring texting and iphone to human interaction.They’re suffering from separation anxiety after having spent their early years receiving the constant attention of helicopter parenting and winning trophies for finishing in 16th place. They have been told they’re the best, and their opinion is equal to anyone else’s, even those far older and more experienced than them.They are finding out the Worlds a cruel place and owes them nothing when they’re born.

    Heard their parents call HR 80% of time defending their complaints. There’s are grown ass adults having mommy and daddy call for them. It’s laughable and also is added to their file.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    you sound like an old man who’s burnt out from all those Starbucks runs keep snorting the blow
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    In reality I get the opposite impression - millennials walk around like they have something to prove. Meanwhile a boatload of people who have been Abbott employees for 30 years and are underachieving today are not on performance plans because they've basically achieved the AbbVie equivalence of tenure, but they probably should be.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yeah complaints about millennials are a dime a dozen but the truth is this veteran rep omertà that you proudly promote is the exact reason why we find it difficult to succeed within this organization and industry. We complain because the culture is toxic and advancement is exclusive to only those who know how to play the game, not on merit. We are demoralized and disregarded for new ideas or strategies that are adaptive in the rapidly changing landscape of pharma. Yet you “experienced” “sales professionals” swear by the archaic sales strategy that once brought billions in the 90s. Instead of criticizing the way YOU raised us and ridiculing our complaints or wellbeing, perhaps stand with us and finally listen to our pleas of much needed change. Mentor us so we learn from your mistakes, teach us success and guide us in the right direction. Because in the end when we near a cliff or an acquisition, you will be standing next to us in the gallows realizing that the option is retirement because you dismissed our call for change
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Spoken like a true out-of-touch, narrow-minded, super-right winged, look the other way when convenient for my own entitlement/benefit BOOMER. Take your pension and outdated ageism, sexism, racism, etc and just RETIRE ALREADY.

    And your red font screams "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A COMPUTER"
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Looks like he struck a nerve. Poor angry snowflake, you need a safe space and hugs from other losers like you?
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yeah we do. Because our generation actually cares for one another and I'm sorry if your parents/peers/colleagues/friends have treated you badly.
    It's ok to be vulnerable, would you like a safe space to talk and a hug also?
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Your generation is the laughing stock of America. Will you be dressed up in drag at the local library brain washing the children pushing gender identity to 4 year olds?
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Personally I'm 25 years north of the Millenials, but damn glad they are demanding improvement on all fronts. Maybe they can change the fact that America has become the laughing stock of the world...because, right now we look like ass-hats drowning in the cess-pool our own idiocracy.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Perhaps. Will you be at the local library taking "technology to stay relevant in the job market" classes taught by the person dressed drag?
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yes! Thank you! That's the exact mindset WE THE PEOPLE need to change this current climate.
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I see where you’re going with this. Agree, and “we the people” shall turn out in mass numbers in 2020 and boot out this sadistic socialist left wing party. Hell people are going to be camping out 2 weeks before election to end this nonsense.
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Then how come everybody wants to come here? The laughing stock of the world is the News media and do nothing left. These countries WISH their economy’s were as strong as ours.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Put the crack pipe down and crawl back under that rock kid! Go take the Tide Pod challenge.

    Hah Hah Hah!
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Well said.

    I'm a millennial but I wasn't raised by "helicopter parents". My parents divorced when I was 3 & my brother & I were latch-key kids who split our time between our mom & dad's apartments. Both of them worked (& still do) and neither of them ever "called HR" or gave me trophies for getting "18th place". I took out loans to go to college (& I'm still paying them off and probably will be for the next 20 years).

    I have worked for several managers (all white males) who have a stay at home wife and their kids have never had have a job before they graduate college. Dad coaches little league on the side from his Abbott job that he got because his country club buddy helped him get and mom writes up articles in the local paper bragging about their kids accomplishments.

    I sit in meetings listening to you preach about "hard work" and "merit" and I think you are a joke. Just like these posts and your red font.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    My friend, he’s a retired c suite shot caller from Abbott Labs whos filthy rich and not preaching in any abbvie meetings. Your reference to white male managers and cowardly act of digging on their spouses in itself, signals a bit of racism and sexism. Could it be you’re envious you didn’t have a 2 parent home? There are some fine outstanding youth in our society and we are not claiming all are weak.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Which generation are you?

    Gen X? Boomer?

    Pretty sure you are part of the generation that is bribing college administrators so your below average kids can get into Ivy League colleges. Your generation is corrupt and your ungrateful kids will eventually send you off to a nursing home. Keep up your Trump-like rant on an outdated chat forum that was started by Millennials.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why is "a retired c suite shot caller from Abbott Labs who's filthy rich" spending his time on AbbVie CafePharma whining about Millennials? And now he has someone who immediately comes to his defense?

  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The Crack Pipe has been lit
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    "C suite shot caller"?? LOL

    Does he "connect with the youth" by using EMOJIS and listen to that rap music stuff that kid's these days like??