[[[[[[[[[[[[[MILWAUKEE JOE's MANIFESTO]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Discussion in 'Shionogi' started by Anonymous, Mar 15, 2013 at 7:42 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    $50.00 phone gift card-$70,000 stipend-Honda-three weeks off-expec$e $kim account

    Working (and I use that term loosely) in pharmaceutical sales is a profound
    mindf&*k, that actually changes the chemistry of your brain and programs you
    for some very negative consequences.

    The most important change that happens is how incredibly and fundamentally
    lazy you become. When you begin to understand how phony and gamelike the job
    is, you will have a very difficult job ever functioning in a real job in the real world,
    that often pays far less than your drug rep job. If you have only been a rep for a
    couple of years, you can escape without the damage, but us lifers know that there
    is no easier money in all of corporate America than working in Big Pharma, and it
    is very easy to get used to the money...

    Also, pharma sales can turn decent ethical human beings into the worst sociopathic
    liars imaginable, just to protect that salary and bonus that they have become
    accustomed to. Let's face it, selling the poisons that We manufactures, one can
    justify anything in their minds, to stay under the spell of the management brainwashing,
    and keep collecting a paycheck. (Especially as the nation's economy continues to collapse
    in free-fall.)

    There are reasons that pharma messes with your head so badly...As human beings, we
    are generally healthy when we stay rooted in reality, and pharma is anything but...

    Living a work life that is based on lies, fabrication and deception, does work out ok for
    spies and maybe politicians, but it will mess with the head of normal, decent human

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    .double dipping and loving it every day, only hard part is putting all those miles on the company cars, do you think I can expence a car jack ? Maybe rent one of them out?
    .your hero,
    .Milwaukee Joe