NBU-How many RD vacancies?

Discussion in 'Shire' started by anonymous, May 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    We all know the goals are not set fairly across the nation. How do you go from achieving over 100% in Q1 to goals dropping hundreds of RX’s in Q2... Macon, GA. Or all those reps who tanked in Q1 and now they look like heroes! Look at them blowing out Vyvanse in Q2, it’s not that they are great! It’s that their goals were decreased by hundred’s of RX’s...not just 200-300 but 700+ even over 1000’in some instances. the “so called” justification, high level prescribers moved out really? I don’t buy it. The fact you have the Gulf states and SE killing Goal Attainment and they are the worst performing zones, performing below market, losing RX’s, losing market share and yet hey are cheered and awarded PC for ranking. The NE gets screwed year in and year out, continues to grow and beat the market. This is why the company is tanking... all these MBA’s out there and they can’t fix it, or they don’t want to. It’s hard to compete when you are in a complex market and still beat it and other reps in the SE and Gulf don’t even have to get out of bed, they can watch their territories tank from the comfort of home and still get a big payday.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    What sort of idiots are you even thinking about this. We are all about to get fired after Takeda buys us.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    He just won VP Circle...how do you do that while not making your numbers?? Quit spreading lies....
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Whoa Negative Nelly! We have been told by management that top sales performers will be retained by Takeda!! If you are in the bottom or middle tiers, you are naturally toast! Therefore, it is quite simple that we should all work 8+ hours per day SELLING!! I am in the top tier performer class and will be there for future Takeda promotions! Someone already stated this but we DO CONTROL our futures! Mine is going to be very prosperous and successful. Bring on Takeda!
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    FAKE NEWS! Nice try though Ben's mommy.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Define top rep, their are many to reps who are under goal. You are probably in the SE or Gulf...and get negative growth goals. You are not expected to grow or even work. You have excellent managed care and still can’t grow...
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Exactly...Why does Shire have zone and rep favorites? We are expected to grow in the northeast zone. Who is this Natalie in Macon that is handed numbers every quarter?? Numbers can be in the toilet for a quarter or an entire year but she is always on stage come award time. Stop picking the winners and losers in corporate please.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    stop making excuses and being jealous
    she earned her award list all fair and above board corporate does not fix rankings
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    For once I MUST agree with the rant about goal attainment! It boggles my mind when you look and rank the performers in Market Share Growth!!!
    About 15% of Reps growing share yet if you look at their attainment, it’s in the toilet!
    You can’t cobtrol volume; but you can control what % of the market you are getting!
    And if you hit attainment in q1, yes you got punished q2, guess it pays to suck and lose MS... must be nice to be a Ped Rep
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Can we be honest? NBU has too many reps and managers. We could cut 30% and do the same amount of business. less reps, bigger territories. That’s a better model. Let’s hope your numbers (no matter how accurate) show you’re successful.
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    No she didn't. I went back and looked at Macon's numbers. Negative in most important categories but kicking ads with Vyvanse. Perry must really love her
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Look everyone it's the NE crying again! Shut up with your 2% market share!
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Pretty sure she got promoted anyway. Got over it.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    According to LinkedIn, vacant RD positions are being filled. Charlotte and Cincinnati both posted in the last few days...
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I can tell you this has been brought up as far back as 2014 to KK when she got here and NOTHING was ever done about it. They lierally do not care one rat's ass. The game is rigged, they know it and they step on anyone who addresses it.
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This has been going on ever since they went to the quota system. Higher ups don't care about market share/volume growth, etc. All they look at is goal attainment. They literally don't care who is making them money as long as they aren't thing paid.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    When life knocks you down, just roll over and look at the stars! Quit whining snowflake!
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Good point, and they wonder why they are presiding over the decline of one of the top drugs in America. If you want the Ped market to grow give the reps some real goals, stop giving cush negative growth goals, if you want Mydayis to grow stop paying reps with a handful of rx’s Big $ for growing 50-60%. Reward those that are in the 100’s or 1000’s of rx’s... these are the reps killing it...But the dumb sh!t former sales force effectiveness person, twitchy, put this together.. I never met someone so unintelligent.
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Message to NBU Sales Reps: Success is based on hard work and an unflinching focus on selling. You simply cannot expect success by working 4 hours per day! When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Be like a Navy Seal and ACHIEVE YOUR SALES MISSION with NO EXCUSES! Good Selling.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why do I think you’re not in sales but rather the home office? Oh I know, because these are the cheesy tag lines and catch phrases HO says. You know, the ones the entire field laughs at.