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Discussion in 'Avanir Pharmaceuticals' started by Anonymous, Jun 12, 2013 at 4:35 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Has anyone heard anything on offers or still waiting? Think it's strange that it doesn't appear to be offers yet, especially with start dates so close.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You did not get hired! you stupid shit! Why do you think you were not called so far??duh!
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I think offers were late because so many people offered a job refused it because of the shadyness of this company. I was offered a job but turned it down. I had another offer from a more reputable company. My gut just told me that this was not a good opportunity. The money was fantastic but this company is teetering on the edge of destruction and I don't need that on my resume....good luck to all who were offered a job and to those who were not, no big loss here, you will find something better and safer
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    To message #3. You are correct. Good to see you were smart to not come here! It is literally a nightmare here. Soooooooooooooooooo many people trying to find other jobs....it's a joke, a joke, a joke! Surprised the DOJ isn't investigating Avanir! Never in my life (and many others here) seen so much blatant off label selling
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    People need to call on their way out. I did.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh, mr goodie two shoe! Oh the company was shady, the company was this, blah, blah. you did not get the job, period. Do not come here and say YOU turned it down. Come on!! y
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    a few people have heard "no"; has anyone received an offer yet? if so, what start date did they give you?
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    a few losers have heard "no" who has been hired? Still waiting! And not heard anything! I am getting sick of sitting around and waiting for these prima donnas to call me.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hopefully they won't contact you. BTW offers have been made. If you haven't heard anything, you didn't get the job. At least, you are not first choice.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who? Where are they going? Big pharma? PODs? Assessments? This is a bs post. Talk to the people who left recently and want to come back. This is the same short seller posting negative things about avanir. Get a life.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Oh yeah?? When I get hired I will outsell you every month and every week!!!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just got my offer on Friday!!!!! I am so excited about starting with the company!!!! It a great product and the manager is really cool1
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    congrats on the offer! When did they say your start date was? When did they say training in OC was?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Did you get the Springfield IL territory ??
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Why should I tell you?
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How damn stupid are you?? Yes I got the Springfield territory and my name and mobile are xxxx...dumbass!!
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    fuck you asshole! i only asked a simple question!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I was contacted by a recruiter from Publicis about the position with Avanir; she said that they will want to see multiple years as a President's Club winner, then mentioned if you aren't performing or meeting expectations after 6 months, they put you on a plan. Hahaha. They want the cream of the crop, yet start dumping you after 6 months. No thank you! I hardly doubt it is the rep's fault if one isn't meeting quota after 6 months. Perhaps it is the product or inadequate training. An obvious sign of weak management leadership. I am a veteran rep for AZ.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well stay there! You are not good enough to work here and be one of the champs of pharma!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    To be honest with you, prior to being contacted by Publicis, I had never heard of Avanir.