Region "Zero"

Discussion in 'Purdue' started by anonymous, Sep 20, 2019 at 6:26 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Wonder if the feds ever looked into Purdue's database of physicians who reps identified as "potential pill mills".

    What's ironic is that, if a rep identified a doc's office as a potential pill mill, the rep would receive no bonus on that doc's prescriptions for Oxy.

    Therefore, no rep in their right mind would turn a doc in, unles they were highly ethical. I know of only 1 rep in the entire company that fits that bill.

    Purdue initially trained the reps on how to ID a pill mill office. WHAT A FARCE!!

    I'm sure Purdue has tried to bury this as deeply as they possibly could.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    The funny thing was that when u reported an office and they were put into region zero so it would appear Purdue was doing the right thing but really it just took the rep out of the equation, made it look like Purdue was doing the right thing, but once in region zero, the sales from that prescriber continued to pour in and Purdue got it all without having to pay out bonus to any rep on it. And they were supposed to report these region zero docs to law enforcement but they never did! Why would they cut off all that income? They pretended to be interested in “doing the right thing and not marketing to this doctor” but they continued to let these sales from pill mills fill the Purdue/Sackler coffers and they knew these were nothing but pull mills! Disgusting! Also funny whenever u called to report one u reported it to Purdue attorney so it was privileged communication and if there was a lot of $ at stake, nothing ever happened to these pill mills!
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I call BS
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Yes, Mr Sackler, of course you would!,
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    This is absolutely true. It happened to me. Wondered why doctors were never investigated by law enforcement after my report. It took several years after I reported the doctor that law enforcement caught up with him.

    The time differential between when i reported him to Purdue and the time he was investigated allowed for hundreds, if not thousands, of patients under his care to die. He was prescribing thousands of milligrams of Oxy each and every day.

    Great job, Purdue. I hope and pray the feds look into this and charge each and every one of you with negligent homicide. So many lives could have been saved, IF ONLY your family didn't consist of nothing but greedy bastards!!

    One day....someone in your family will get addicted (then you may not look so far down your high falutin' noses at addicts). Wait, that's right, you've probably warned every family member to stay away from the horrors of Oxycontin.

    Why don't one of you take Oxy after a root canal or post-op?
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    true! I had one report where i spoke to the lawyer and relayed that the waiting room was standing room only, all sorts of young druggie looking kids in waiting room and the doctor not at all interested in ADT meds for his “patients”. Also report by a patient to another doctor in town that this doctor pulled a pill bottle out of his desk drawer and sold it to a patient for $60. Out of state cars in parking lot, No pharmacies in this town felt comfortable filming this doctors scripts and i told the lawyer it was the worst i had ever seen and it needed to be reported and shut down immediately, IMHO! Nothing ever happened and i think to this day he is still practicing!
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    If he's still practicing, why don't you step up and call the feds? What's stopping you?
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Exactly! A doctor who has killed thousands of
    patients? Yeah, right. BS
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nope, I was in HO, would maintain Region 0. the other poster is correct as how it happened! THe only difference is that the region 0 doc would be backed out of his/her quota
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I called Purdue and reported it through legal which is what my obligation was. I mistakingly trusted that Purdue would get the investigators involved because i relayed that it was the worst i had seen in my 15 years and it needed to be shut down immediately. Purdue had law enforcement connections and a law enforcement officer who worked for them. They had the obligation! I did my part!
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Not BS ! This is absolutely true! Not something anyone at Purdue would admit to but subpoena the right people and you will get this information. Joan Zooper was the attorney everyone had to report these to.
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Region "Zero" was one of the biggest farces Purdue ever dreamed up. Ridiculous.
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    A question once asked by a PP sales rep to the Regional Manager : "What is the motivation for a sales rep to turn a doctor in for being a pill mill? Implication: why would any rep turn over their highest prescribing doctor pill mills when those doctors brought in 10's of thousands per quarter to the sales rep in bonus money (if not more)?

    Answer from RM to sales rep: ahh, ahh, uhh, uhh, well....I really can't answer that question right now.

    Any representative sitting in the room during this interaction (and you know who you are) should be ashamed of sticking around and hauling in the big bucks.....Karma is truly a b*tch!!
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    That NEVER happened. Give the year and initials of that RM. Can't? Because it NEVER HAPPENED

    Now go back to your pod and keep schlepping that me too antibiotic and inhaler
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It occurred in 2002 and RM initials were CS. Anything else you want to know?
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Region zero was a way for Purdue to act like they were doing something and remove the payment of bonus for docs who may not have been doing the right thing, but Purdue then pocketed all the sales and did nothing. Now if they would have removed the doctor and taken all future sales from the prescriptions the questionable doc was writing and put it toward abuse prevention that might have been a positive! But instead they didn’t report it to authorities and let all the suspect sales roll in and pad the Sackler pockets! Underhanded and disgusting!
  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Region Zero was probably comprised of only a handful of doctors, since reps didn't want to report their highest earning potential doctors.

    Does anyone have any idea approximately how many doctors were actually reported and wound up in Region Zero?
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest
