Thanks for NOT having role-play certification

Discussion in 'Novo Nordisk' started by Anonymous, Jan 9, 2011 at 10:33 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just wanted to say kudos for not wasting our time with silly role-play cert on this go-around.
    We were all pleasantly surprised to not see it on the schedule. This new format of integrating it into the slide decks and getting it done during the day sessions makes for a VERY LESS STRESSFUL POA!
    I hope this format is the future of POAs!

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    We usually change the POA format every year.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Folks, just because it is not on the schedule, we will be doing some type of detailing presentation during the POA. Please look at this as not "silly" but something that needs to be perfected whenever we get a chance! We WILL be working on physician dialogue during the training but do not think of it as a negative.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    whoever number 3 dont know what you are talking about POA was last week... No certification
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yah, the plus was not having the formal certification-As the original post said.
    There was still role play within our groups, and there was dialoge practice but Im glad we didnt have that full day waste of time "silliness" of certification.
    This was a good POA. No stress and I learned a lot.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    If Novo truly cares about their employees like they claim, they need to listen to the sales force who has made it very clear that the cattle call type of role play certification is not productive and quite demeaning. I know there are some RBD's ( you know who you are) that get off on this belittling type of certification, but that sounds like a very personal problem to me and you might want to see someone about that.Treat people with dignity and respect and watch the rewards come!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You lie for Novo Nordisk. How much more demeaning can it be!!!!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The reason the RBDs etc.. get off on the whole role play things is because they just recreate the environment that they came from , Pfizer , BMS, GSK, etc.. etc. They don't have an original idea accept to act like that produces results. They are lifers in pharma and they are scared to really try a new approach. In the present and future of pharma the bs just doesn't work and they can never admit that.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You need to speak for yourself!
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    ..... and have the nerves to get paid for all that bs!
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I was informed that this is not the future for National POA's. We will have a day of role-play recertification at the next National POA in Calf this June. Enjoyed it very much in January, but that was only an Area POA meeting. Maybe they will still keep future meetings all casual. Blue jeans are great!
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So, if Novo "truly cares" about their employees, then they should do everything the employees want? How about showing that you truly care for your employees by making sure they are proficient in their jobs, and good salespeople get exposure to various RBDs and DBMs throughout the company, and your DBMs get feedback on the effectiveness of their coaching so that they can help you get better at your job. Is investing an entire day at POA in ensuring we are all good at our jobs a slap in the employees' face, or is it a way Novo shows that they give a shit? I vote for the latter. Quit bitiching about being measured in your job's called work.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Ok, you missed the entire point.. again, it is not about complaining or being unappreciative of Novo's intention's I trust that they are good, but what I am saying is that the method does not work. We are not in the military, we are suppose to be educated professionals, paid good money to do a job that most of us enjoy, so we should be treated with that same continuity of respect. End of story!
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    And we ALL know that NONE of us actually sell the way we role-play.
    Role-play cert is a lame waste of a day, where we check a box for corporate. We all situate our role-plays according to what we need to be graded on. We do it that way, and then we dont do it again that way until the next POA.
    So great, if they want to pay to keep us an extra day to do absolute nonsense, fine. I just check the boxes and go about my way.
    I agree, I enjoyed actually learning something at this last poa. Everyone seemed mellow, and not freaking out about role-play cert. But, if they think its necessary then woooohoooo lets check the damn box.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yeah , you really didn't get the point that was being made.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How funny!... Oh my... I must have hit a nerve. Not getting enough control at the home front so you wanna take it out on the NN reps?... such bad behavior, what would mama say?
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Uh.....if you are in Pharma....then you are being managed just like they do in the military.

    Just ask any of the DBM's/RBD's that came from Phizer, BMS, or any other major pharma is run EXACTLY as military rule.

    You just thought you were a civilian! You are in active duty my friend!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I get the analogy but this is nothing like the military. I was in the Navy and wouldnt disrepect the branch by comparing it to pharma...
    Ha. More like a screen play. Role play role play, play a character when you're not infront of an audience who wants to see the performance. When the scene is over, back to being you.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You make no sense. I'm done!
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Perhaps I did miss the point. It appears from your previous posts that you think role plays serve no purpose, and that NNI is somehow treating its employees poorly by asking them to do role plays. Is that your point?

    FYI--educated professionals should understand that being evaluated in their job proficiency on a regular basis is part of the job. It's not disrespect, nor is it military style leadership (you've apparently never been in the military). It's called having a job. If you can name one job in any industry that never has to get evaluated in their job proficiency, then I'll concede.