What % of reps are hitting 100%?

Discussion in 'Genoptix' started by Anonymous, Nov 4, 2011 at 1:01 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Does anyone know how many are actually hitting 100% YTD? Is it 50%... more? or less? My DM doesn't answer that Q.

    I'm really disappointed in the lack of competitive action Genoptix is doing (rather Not doing). Competition is eating us alive!! I thought Novartis had the deep pockets and "exciting times were coming" and Novartis will be a great turn around from prior executive management...don't see it.

    I actually see less support from management and treatment from management is like a bad parent trying to discipline...without any trust. So disappointed in the culture here, actually sad. You can't build dedication and commitment with threats. Very poor managers here.
    I will be leaving.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The beatings will continue until morale improves.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    For a morale boost Lindsay and I vill be dressing like skiers at the Jan NSM.

  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Crap like the Senior Mgmt team rolls down hill.

    Company's #s suck and if your #s do too expect a not so nice chat with your DM especially if they're not meeting budget as well.

    As Tina and Lindsay told us we will all reap the benefits from the purchase by Novartis.

    Guess they meant unemployment benefits.

  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    if you could sell as well as you are always complaining and were just as consistent, you would be in Presidents Club. you are right about one thing, it is your time to leave.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Thanks for the words of encouragement Lindsay
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    A perfect example of the management philosophy at Genoptix. Every fact is an excuse, every opinion is a complaint, every idea is impossible.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well said.

    Tina and Sam blamed the company woes on the sales force in 2010 in investor news conferences by saying the sales force needed more training on how to sell Compass.
    They took no responsibility for overpromising to Wall Street impossible to meet goals. Hard working reps and managers got screwed when they could not meet inaccuratley set too high sales budgets. Last year upper mgmt made up for their mistake with make up payments. This year it was a one month bonus payout in the form of a retention plan aka STFU money.

    They still don't get it and still don't care.

    Someone with no lab expereince is the VP of Sales and the National Sales Director comes from a region where they made budget every year and Prez Clubs most years. An area where the competuiton is weak and the where selling product aka Compass actually resonates. Not having expereince in the realitites of the marketplace will be this mgmt team's downfall. Unfortunately only the grunt rep suffers for upper mgmt made sure to pay itself well.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Tina will be gone by the NSM. Question is whom will she bring down. There's only one district over budget for the year and the reason is they did not add in TOPA into the budget. Clueless new reps on bridges are making more money then reps that built this company. Tell me that is equitable.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Agreed Tina is a goner. Also a great point on the new rep vs old rep payouts. Feels like we are in a death spiral and nobody has a clue how to pull us out of it.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    it does not matter anymore. Genoptix is not meant to be a premier laboratory. it is now relagated to a tool of a big Pharma machine to help push their products.

    If the tenured folks think they are valued think again. It is better that you leave because they will only replace you with someone cheaper. We have legacy reps making over 95k and dopey new DMs making the same. Its better to let the higher piced folks leave so the company can save money for exec payouts. At least the entertainment factor has gone up -- can't wait for our amazonian cheerleader to lead us in some sales cheers at the next NSM.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Who said I'm not in President's Club YTD...........................?!

    Just because I asked a Question about the overall sales force results and stating there is lack of management support and lack of competitive action... does Not mean I am not making my goal! I'm seeing things within the company that are very disappointing, and I am new and it's pretty disturbing since I was looking for a career here.

    I asked the question hoping to find an answer. I want to see how we are doing as a company.I heard last year 80% of goals were adjusted to accommodate the poor sales results that were occurring.Would this happen again? Maybe we don't need it. I never heard of goal adjustment mid-year. Again, I ask what % of reps are hitting there goal?

    I guess, you, who answered is not so broad minded to think of the company and your fellow reps, to care. If you are management that answered... shame on you...I hope you are Not management and don't represent the bad apples in the group.

    There MUST be a problem since there is a "Retention Bonus". What % of reps left last year? I think retention of talent should be a concern!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Of course there's a problem when there is a retention payout in place. The bigger concern is there is No solution -- sales continue to drop.

    What is most interesting is how long does it go on before something changes? Tina is gone by the end of the year. PeteBob lasted only 10 months. How long does M & L last?
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Is Tina LEAVING?????????
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    She is accountable.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    you are right ROFL= Rep of Florida. Not a secret who it is.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Maybe sales isn't the real problem
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Let's not forget FCS -- Florida Cancer Specialists. It's easy to make your number when clients in jeopardy are removed from your budget and made a house account. If you are in Texas or Florida the company has you covered elsewhere they F@ck you!