Worse Strategy, Capability, and Culture workshop by Linda McDonald

Discussion in 'Avanir Pharmaceuticals' started by anonymous, May 30, 2018 at 8:17 PM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    what about the sales goals that none
    of the reps can make ?
    Who the hell set these goals ?
    Also who in the hell is in charge of our
    managed care, because who ever it is should immediately be put on a PIP?
    Our coverage on both products is pathetic
    and worse than it was 3 years ago ??
    wtf ??

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Trying to draw a moral equivalent between those breaking the law and entering illegally, and the Jews in Nazi Germany is a farce. Many of the children apprehended are not with their parents to begin with. Yes, many are with adults, some trafficked, some with coyotes etc. You don't fix the problem through catch and release.
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Trump was wrong about one thing. I am not getting sick of winning.
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Time to stand up and be counted for. Not a proud moment for our country.
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Hello Hitler.
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    But what about the unobtainable
    sales goals that are coming from
    the home office ??
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    It is not immigration issue. There is anxiety about minorities in recent years in this country and the border is a symbol. There is anxiety about the white no longer being the majority a the rate we were going. That is the main issue.

    Muslim travel ban.... It did happen. Another stunt to minimize the expansion of minorities.

    What’s sad about what’s going on at the boarder is that it’s cruel. Kids are involved.

    After reading all this, I hope Otsuka makes notice the potential racism issue we may be having here at Avanir.
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Quit lying to yourself, others, or just quit being an uninformed dope that allows themselves to be spoon fed false or misleading narratives. There is no Muslim travel ban. There happens to be a ban regarding entering the USA from countries that are havens for terrorists, or hostile toward the USA. There is no ban for Malaysia, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey etc. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are not "banned" from travel into the USA.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Last I checked. Venezuela isn’t a Muslim country either.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    And there goes the token lib throwing out their go to word, Racism. Anything else? How about Nazi’s, homophobe, mysonogystic, islamaphobe?? Quit listening to idiots like Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. They are by far the biggest racists of them all. As well as the ENTIRE Democratic Party. Prove me wrong!
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Spot on!
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Let Freedom Ring! As you all enjoy your 4th of July remember you wouldn’t have the 4th of July if it wasn’t for the leaders of this country and those who fought for our freedom!
    TRUMP is the leader of this dime United States and has done more than any other president in history! We are making AMERICA great again!!!
    Trump 2020 he will get elected again!

    Way to go Linda! She wasn’t even in the US to vote for him since she lives in Belgium and is supporting him! You go girl!! Don’t back down. Keep moving forward - we need change. All the haters can move on... see ya! Stop companjninh - if you’re not happy leave! Enough with the sob stories wah wah wah get over it !
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Can we get back to the unobtainable sales goals being created by the home office ?
    Also what’s going on with
    Medical affairs ?
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Make Avanir Great Again !!
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest