Hey CBL...WE SEE THAT you are bragging about your "Best Practices Partnership Program". You even have a workshop at USCAP. What do you think we are all dolts? My pathology clients all know how you take away their business or have already done so. I have a client in OHIO who spoke to his friend in NY and was told you took all his GI business and then the GI realized you guys suck and internalized their POD lab.
Now that there all doing this your trying to be their partner. Well it won't work! Plus giving them an LIS as part of the deal is illegal !
The only reason anyone signed up for your workshop is too see what The Enemy is up to.
Besides what famous world renowned Pathologists and scientists do you have?
Just give it up already. We all know that eventually you are going to just become a central pathology testing facility for SONIC.....