List jobs that are going to be downsized here

FINALLY a good decision. Along with the pharmacy division being cut. LOSERS

Keep it classy. REally ! there are people who are significantly being impacted by these changes and we all work for GSK. I feel for everyone.
Like my mother always said" if you can't say something nice,don't say anything at all"

Keep it classy. REally ! there are people who are significantly being impacted by these changes and we all work for GSK. I feel for everyone.
Like my mother always said" if you can't say something nice,don't say anything at all"

I worked in this division. transferred 6 months ago. BELIEVE me ICT has nothing to do all day. The Boston region has a call average of 1 per week when they are actually in front of a doctor. They should not be paid to do nothing.

So glad this division is gone and the worthless FVP. Let the field reps sell the products as we always have in the past. I don't like the new term "retail" rep but at least i have still have a 6 figure base salary.

In these numbers, you do not have the GSK oncology people who are leaving for Novartis in Q1 2015, nor do you have the Novartis Vaccines people coming over who will be cut shortly thereafter. Hardly anyone from Novartis Vaccines will make the move to Philly if they are even offered the opportunity.

Re: All that ineffective Senior and Exec Management should be first to go

DC should be the first. What a flunky she is. GSK has always been top heavy with a bunch of mgmt personnel that no one knows what they really did anyway. Its a shame when you work your heart out and put way more than a normal employee would into your position only to have GSK and it's pathetic mgmt lay you off because they can't make intelligent business decisions, including contracting, marketing, mergers and acquisitions, R&D to name a few. It is not ALWAYS about the shareholder. The organization DOES have a responsibility to it's employees (most of whom are shareholders) who work their tales off. GSK is a pathetic shell of an organization now. They decimated the NC campus. I am sure morale will be extremely poor and rightfully so. But wait…GSK will put a bunch of public relations B/S out to try and smooth crap over. You can paint a turd DC ( et. al) but it is still a turd. Also, great time of year to announce this all.

Now we know the true values of dd the empty pantsuit!

To #24--some ICT reps create opportunities and FIND WAYS to add value and stay busy in the field despite being assigned to the hard-to-see accounts. It's a shame those people who have been creative, productive, and BUSY every single day are at risk of losing their jobs. Not everyone sits around like you apparently did and waits for an invitation.

To #24--some ICT reps create opportunities and FIND WAYS to add value and stay busy in the field despite being assigned to the hard-to-see accounts. It's a shame those people who have been creative, productive, and BUSY every single day are at risk of losing their jobs. Not everyone sits around like you apparently did and waits for an invitation.

"add value" and "stay busy". I wonder why the company would ever want to reduce positions where people are staying busy. This is the problem with the current sales model. A normal sales position would make an argument such as "I bring in 600k per year and cost the company 200k" not "I keep busy". It's not your fault, you only believed the company propaganda that you were fed.

Post 5- what does it mean by effective date 3/31? Thanks
Go to the North Carolina state department of Commerace WEB site and look at the list of WARN notices and you will see that there is a "notice date" and an "effective date"

1. ef·fec·tive adjective \i-ˈfek-tiv, e-, ē-, ə-\
: producing a result that is wanted : having an intended effect of a law, rule, etc. : in use
: starting at a particular time

To #24--some ICT reps create opportunities and FIND WAYS to add value and stay busy in the field despite being assigned to the hard-to-see accounts. It's a shame those people who have been creative, productive, and BUSY every single day are at risk of losing their jobs. Not everyone sits around like you apparently did and waits for an invitation.

Understand. But think back to the leaders in the east sector. "We know this is a hard job.Keep trying. We understand."

And then our diverse leader lets us all get fired.

To #24--some ICT reps create opportunities and FIND WAYS to add value and stay busy in the field despite being assigned to the hard-to-see accounts. It's a shame those people who have been creative, productive, and BUSY every single day are at risk of losing their jobs. Not everyone sits around like you apparently did and waits for an invitation.

Just want to make sure that I understand you. "I work in Boston area. I can't see any doctors. I make with bonus about $130K. I think GSK should continue paying me not to see doctors. I did manage to get 10 scripts of Anoro since launch. BTW this is for my WHOLE TEAM OF 7."

You are NUTS or just that crazy Spanish check that no one likes. Maybe try to understand how business works.

#32 nailed it! It's not your fault. However, some point you have to know that the music is going to stop. CAMs, HAMs, HSAMs, FBMs,CPLs,CDLs, etc, etc. They all literally generated "zero" prescriptions! Yes...ZERO!!! They walked around with egos and attitudes. They were supposed to be the ones with talent...right? Most of them "job justified" 80% of the time. The other 20% was annoying field reps about helping them with access or some other stupid initiative. I am truly sorry for all of those affected by this. However, for you to have put your head in the sand and felt as if you were truly elite...well this is what happens when real dollars come into play. GSK leadership is to blame. They over hired throughout the years and this is the result. One other thing, for those individuals to have felt superior to the field reps, you now realize that many/most of us never applied for those roles as we all new those positions were nonsensical, ego driven, worthless jobs. Those positions never did anything to advance the organization other than to make you folks believe your own hype. If you truly have talent. If you are what you said you are, then you will find work quickly and be able to charge a premium. Most of you will continue to apply for pharma sales roles as you do not have game. Is this cold? It's about as cold as the attitude you gave off at every meeting we had with you. As cold as watching you take credit for sales that you had NO influence on. Best of luck and hope you prove me wrong. Seacrest out!

Previous poster had it spot on...the arrogance of the lilly people to build empires of non-sales field positions is amazing...matrix partners, get real, to thnk this leadership in dd and ppv are still here...

#32 nailed it! It's not your fault. However, some point you have to know that the music is going to stop. CAMs, HAMs, HSAMs, FBMs,CPLs,CDLs, etc, etc. They all literally generated "zero" prescriptions! Yes...ZERO!!! They walked around with egos and attitudes. They were supposed to be the ones with talent...right? Most of them "job justified" 80% of the time. The other 20% was annoying field reps about helping them with access or some other stupid initiative. I am truly sorry for all of those affected by this. However, for you to have put your head in the sand and felt as if you were truly elite...well this is what happens when real dollars come into play. GSK leadership is to blame. They over hired throughout the years and this is the result. One other thing, for those individuals to have felt superior to the field reps, you now realize that many/most of us never applied for those roles as we all new those positions were nonsensical, ego driven, worthless jobs. Those positions never did anything to advance the organization other than to make you folks believe your own hype. If you truly have talent. If you are what you said you are, then you will find work quickly and be able to charge a premium. Most of you will continue to apply for pharma sales roles as you do not have game. Is this cold? It's about as cold as the attitude you gave off at every meeting we had with you. As cold as watching you take credit for sales that you had NO influence on. Best of luck and hope you prove me wrong. Seacrest out!


post 37- perhaps if you retail reps did your job and generated scripts
We wouldn't be here. I hope you learn from this positive experience otherwise
You will be on the chopping block December 2015