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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    One company to stay away from is LECO. You could be over goal and a great employee and have over 10 years seniority and then get fired on a whim. One of their sales directors is only 31 and thinks he's gods gift even though he never sold shit and he doesn't want anybody over 39 working on his team. One day the fuckhead will learn what karma is all about. Don't even think about working in this shit.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I've known a few people that worked for LECO. They all swear it was their worst sales job ever. The only redeeming point to working there is that the head of the company will buy you whatever vehicle you want, within reason, for your company car. It is all downhill from there though.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It does sound like a downhill type place. I interviewed there once. If you are a professional sales rep, you will not be impressed with a number of things: You have to fill out the same "blue collar style" application that their janitor fills out. The benefits are substandard for the industry. If you are used to 2 or 3 weeks, too bad. You start with only 2 for the first 3 years. Also, you have to wait 90 days before any of the benefits kick in, including life and casualty insurance. If you are killed in a car or plane crash before 90 days, your family is up shits creek. There is no excuse for offering this crap to a professional sales rep in this industry. Oh, and that application I mentioned has a back page that is truly a sight to behold. Jam packed with more small print waivers and disclaimers that I have ever seen in any other company.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I agree. If you have 3 or 4 weeks of vacation already, are you going to want to be cut back to two weeks? Waiting three months to receive your benefits is absolutely ridiculous. And it is always red flag raising to have to sign off on a page jam packed with waivers. It just does not reflect well on a company and no matter how enthused I'd be going into an interview, this kind of crap would affect my mindset and interview performance. It's too bad that they are excluding themselves from better candidates with this kind of approach. Professional salespeople expect better, even in this economy!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest


    It's pretty evident this company sucks to work for. Hey, I just read about their philandering toupeed leader on Wikipedia. Former pig farmer? Pretty friggin funny!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Mr. Warren is known throughout the industry as being "quirky", and the company tends to follow suit in that quirkiness. I have heard of lots of turnover and people getting let go for no reason, based on whim. Not a place to go to if you care about your career! Bennies are a bit lame too.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It's a crapco for sure, that's why all they could snag for the Northeast is that flunky DS with the horse teeth!
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I have no respect for these Bozo's. Horse tooth Dave is a terrible, job-hopping, flunky sales rep. This company needs to be bought by Agilent and have its whole house cleaned!
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    One of the reasons that LECO sucks is that they are not accountable to shareholders. Oh, and I've met horsetooth DS when he was a sales rep for another company. He does suck in sales. Whoever hired him must be a nimrod.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Nimrod maybe. But it is all about control. His young ego-maniac boss just wanted somebody he could push around or dance on puppet strings!