The Leqvio Blame Game


Here we go again, 5 MORE focus accounts. Leqvios underperformance blamed on the reps as if more micro management will change a damn thing. Like we haven't been focusing on everyone we can. This drug is the hardest drug at Novartis to have in your bag. (yet our comp is the worst) The horrible coverage is what's to blame. It's been rather easy to get providers to try Leqvio but they soon find out the juice isn't worth the squeeze because its nothing but problem after problem to get patients on. Even the supposedly easy Medicare patients are rarely easy to get on. Im not saying I have all the answers, I just know the increased pressure of chasing BS metrics will do nothing to turn this around. I'm looking at moving to another division as soon as there's an opening. Are people happy in Oncology, Neurology, or Dermatology?

Here we go again, 5 MORE focus accounts. Leqvios underperformance blamed on the reps as if more micro management will change a damn thing. Like we haven't been focusing on everyone we can. This drug is the hardest drug at Novartis to have in your bag. (yet our comp is the worst) The horrible coverage is what's to blame. It's been rather easy to get providers to try Leqvio but they soon find out the juice isn't worth the squeeze because its nothing but problem after problem to get patients on. Even the supposedly easy Medicare patients are rarely easy to get on. Im not saying I have all the answers, I just know the increased pressure of chasing BS metrics will do nothing to turn this around. I'm looking at moving to another division as soon as there's an opening. Are people happy in Oncology, Neurology, or Dermatology?
New leaders are just as clueless as the last ones it looks like

Here we go again, 5 MORE focus accounts. Leqvios underperformance blamed on the reps as if more micro management will change a damn thing. Like we haven't been focusing on everyone we can. This drug is the hardest drug at Novartis to have in your bag. (yet our comp is the worst) The horrible coverage is what's to blame. It's been rather easy to get providers to try Leqvio but they soon find out the juice isn't worth the squeeze because its nothing but problem after problem to get patients on. Even the supposedly easy Medicare patients are rarely easy to get on. Im not saying I have all the answers, I just know the increased pressure of chasing BS metrics will do nothing to turn this around. I'm looking at moving to another division as soon as there's an opening. Are people happy in Oncology, Neurology, or Dermatology?

1) You say this like moving from division to division with Novartis is simple. Let us know how it went after you try it.
2) I'm not sure what new metric you are referencing, but I am not the least bit surprised if it is nothing more than worthless busy-work.
3) The horrible coverage is not "what's to blame". The awful Novartis management structure they launched the product with is responsible. Duane gave away millions of dollars in free product. He literally bonused the team to give the fucking thing away. Double credit was awarded as he became more insufferable, sweaty and desperate.
If you didn't launch this product, you could never properly understand just how abysmally incompetent Leqvio senior leadership was for the first two years.
Revamping target lists won't undo the damage those grossly negligent fuckers inflicted on the brand.
4) The drug itself it not hard to sell. In fact, it's kind of easy. What makes it impossible is the depravity of the goal setting, the district goaling versus the territorial goaling, the abysmal data capture and a senior management infrastructure that never bothered to learn buy and bill.
Every obstacle has been self-imposed. All of them. Every time you are able to put your foot on the gas, Novartis senior management comes along and throws a boulder on the brake pedal.

1) You say this like moving from division to division with Novartis is simple. Let us know how it went after you try it.
2) I'm not sure what new metric you are referencing, but I am not the least bit surprised if it is nothing more than worthless busy-work.
3) The horrible coverage is not "what's to blame". The awful Novartis management structure they launched the product with is responsible. Duane gave away millions of dollars in free product. He literally bonused the team to give the fucking thing away. Double credit was awarded as he became more insufferable, sweaty and desperate.
If you didn't launch this product, you could never properly understand just how abysmally incompetent Leqvio senior leadership was for the first two years.
Revamping target lists won't undo the damage those grossly negligent fuckers inflicted on the brand.
4) The drug itself it not hard to sell. In fact, it's kind of easy. What makes it impossible is the depravity of the goal setting, the district goaling versus the territorial goaling, the abysmal data capture and a senior management infrastructure that never bothered to learn buy and bill.
Every obstacle has been self-imposed. All of them. Every time you are able to put your foot on the gas, Novartis senior management comes along and throws a boulder on the brake pedal.
Classic post. All true, especially the sweaty adjective used.

1) You say this like moving from division to division with Novartis is simple. Let us know how it went after you try it.
2) I'm not sure what new metric you are referencing, but I am not the least bit surprised if it is nothing more than worthless busy-work.
3) The horrible coverage is not "what's to blame". The awful Novartis management structure they launched the product with is responsible. Duane gave away millions of dollars in free product. He literally bonused the team to give the fucking thing away. Double credit was awarded as he became more insufferable, sweaty and desperate.
If you didn't launch this product, you could never properly understand just how abysmally incompetent Leqvio senior leadership was for the first two years.
Revamping target lists won't undo the damage those grossly negligent fuckers inflicted on the brand.
4) The drug itself it not hard to sell. In fact, it's kind of easy. What makes it impossible is the depravity of the goal setting, the district goaling versus the territorial goaling, the abysmal data capture and a senior management infrastructure that never bothered to learn buy and bill.
Every obstacle has been self-imposed. All of them. Every time you are able to put your foot on the gas, Novartis senior management comes along and throws a boulder on the brake pedal.

1) You say this like moving from division to division with Novartis is simple. Let us know how it went after you try it.
2) I'm not sure what new metric you are referencing, but I am not the least bit surprised if it is nothing more than worthless busy-work.
3) The horrible coverage is not "what's to blame". The awful Novartis management structure they launched the product with is responsible. Duane gave away millions of dollars in free product. He literally bonused the team to give the fucking thing away. Double credit was awarded as he became more insufferable, sweaty and desperate.
If you didn't launch this product, you could never properly understand just how abysmally incompetent Leqvio senior leadership was for the first two years.
Revamping target lists won't undo the damage those grossly negligent fuckers inflicted on the brand.
4) The drug itself it not hard to sell. In fact, it's kind of easy. What makes it impossible is the depravity of the goal setting, the district goaling versus the territorial goaling, the abysmal data capture and a senior management infrastructure that never bothered to learn buy and bill.
Every obstacle has been self-imposed. All of them. Every time you are able to put your foot on the gas, Novartis senior management comes along and throws a boulder on the brake pedal.

Remember when the entire sales force walked out of the room in Dallas while Duane was still speaking? That was so beautiful.

I don’t think it’s that hard to sell compared to other buy and bill products. The problem is Novartis, and most of the sales force, just doesn’t understand buy and bill. Also, we aren’t paid accordingly. Typically buy and bill pays more because it’s harder work than pharma. Success has to be incentivized. I’ve been one of the top performers since the beginning and there is almost no reward for it. If you can’t incentivize your top performers, why should anyone work that hard? At this point, I just feel stupid for spending so many extra hours on Leqvio.

I don’t think it’s that hard to sell compared to other buy and bill products. The problem is Novartis, and most of the sales force, just doesn’t understand buy and bill. Also, we aren’t paid accordingly. Typically buy and bill pays more because it’s harder work than pharma. Success has to be incentivized. I’ve been one of the top performers since the beginning and there is almost no reward for it. If you can’t incentivize your top performers, why should anyone work that hard? At this point, I just feel stupid for spending so many extra hours on Leqvio.

District level goaling is the craziest thing I've ever seen. Its almost too ridiculous to be believed. At an absolute minimum there should be a 10-15% district kicker to keep your performers interested. Instead, they just let the non-performers come along for the ride and cash free bonus checks.
This was absurd in year one. Now, its just destroying the brand.

Maybe the worst launch and acquisition in pharmaceutical history. There are no words to describe how abysmal the launch and planning was for this drug. The sales team was gaslighted was 2 years by a senior management team that had the business acumen of a first grader.

Maybe the worst launch and acquisition in pharmaceutical history. There are no words to describe how abysmal the launch and planning was for this drug. The sales team was gaslighted was 2 years by a senior management team that had the business acumen of a first grader.
It’s stunning. Literally, ALL they would have to do to make this drug a blockbuster would be to pay us accordingly. Before someone whines about data- we have the data, it’s the 867 report. I know what I generated on that report, now why can’t they pay me for it? Because in true Novartis fashion, they’re more worried about saving money. Instead, they think making me prepare a slide deck on five accounts about the work I’m already doing will be free to them and somehow generate more sales. I can’t with this foolishness.

It’s stunning. Literally, ALL they would have to do to make this drug a blockbuster would be to pay us accordingly. Before someone whines about data- we have the data, it’s the 867 report. I know what I generated on that report, now why can’t they pay me for it? Because in true Novartis fashion, they’re more worried about saving money. Instead, they think making me prepare a slide deck on five accounts about the work I’m already doing will be free to them and somehow generate more sales. I can’t with this foolishness.

Two and a half years in and the PRISM data is complete trash. Why does 867 data not filter down directly to the reps? Why do managers have it sent to them and we don't?
The only defense you can make for the current regime thinking running more spreadsheets is the answer is that the product was already dead when they got here. They can't just sit and do nothing. They know they inherited an unpolished turd, and they know that the previous regime was so fucking desperate to save their own asses they gave the product away. Walking into a toxic cesspool like that probably isn't easy. Their solutions are simplistic and anachronistic, but I give them a small bit of credit for at least trying something that doesn't involve giving away millions of dollars and free product and getting the state of California fired.

Agreed. It’s like one or two performers in the district and the rest bring in minimal Leqvio getting the same bonus. It is INSANE! It’s not motivating.

District level goaling is the craziest thing I've ever seen. It’s almost too ridiculous to be believed. At an absolute minimum there should be a 10-15% district kicker to keep your performers interested. Instead, they just let the non-performers come along for the ride and cash free bonus checks.
This was absurd in year one. Now, its just destroying the brand.

The drug would have been a blockbuster if promoted the way it was intended: low price & primary care (i.e pharma sales)…and so we have the moonshits - population health, triple win, etc. good on the medicines company for cashing in.

Yeah it’s like hey the amount of effort required to get a little bit more from IC is hardly worth it like it’s not worth it. Management needs to understand this and yeah part of it’s probably related back to compliance whatever where they don’t wanna. “”overpay people” but gosh darn it, why are you gonna bust your ass for an extra thousand dollars or two…

Yeah it’s like hey the amount of effort required to get a little bit more from IC is hardly worth it like it’s not worth it. Management needs to understand this and yeah part of it’s probably related back to compliance whatever where they don’t wanna. “”overpay people” but gosh darn it, why are you gonna bust your ass for an extra thousand dollars or two…
Plus, if you blow it out of the water now, you’re only hurting yourself when they go to territory goals and you get the highest baseline. When Novartis lets me know they’re going to pay me for my efforts, I’ll go back into launch mode.

Plus, if you blow it out of the water now, you’re only hurting yourself when they go to territory goals and you get the highest baseline. When Novartis lets me know they’re going to pay me for my efforts, I’ll go back into launch mode.

Listen to what senior management has told you. They aren't moving to territory goals. They don't see a reason for it, and they're too lazy to do the work.
I guarantee two years from today they won't have territory goals. The only certainty is, if they ever do it, the freeloaders will win again & those who carried the weight will get fucked over.