
What makes you think that the next realignment, if and when it comes will be any better?
Fact is the new indication is not making a huge difference as predicted. And we still have way too many reps.

But thanks for Otsuka putting a hefty bonus in my bank account. Between the regular salary, bonus and driving for Uber / Lyft, life is fantastic. Gotta take a nap now.

I am still at home. Just can't get myself motivated to do this boring job anymore and listen to all the BS from my DM and the Home Office.
But, I started an another side hustle: Mobile Car Detailing. I bought a shop vac, and cleaning supplies and drive (using company SUV of course) to people's homes to detail their vehicle. I do this Saturdays and Sundays when I want a break from the driving for Uber/Lyft routine.
I highly recommend it. You make some friends and get referrals. I charge a flat $250 fee. It takes about 5 hours to do a very thorough cleaning job, including travel to the customer. On one Saturday, I actually did two cars.

Here is what I do:
1.) Wash car and apply a "ceramic" coat to the paint.
2.) Clean all windows inside and out, and apply a rain repellant to windshield.
3.) Clean the entire inside thoroughly and spray air freshener
4.) Refill window washer fluid and sharpen wiper blades.
5.) Check tire pressure and inflate as necessary with little air compressor.
6.) Spray tires with tire foam

Not a job for the winter to do this in people's driveway. But great for April - September, depending on where you live. In Florida you could do it year round.

I hand out a card for my services to anyone riding in my car while doing Uber/ Lyft, and also did some advertising in the local paper which has been very effective. Bought some magnetic signs for the car with phone number, and of course the internet. Our neighborhood has a website and I posted there as well.

It's easy and you make many new connections as well.

Try it. Otsuka doesn't seem to mind...

We had massive inflation. Prepare for the future. Nobody at Otsuka cares what you did for the company yesterday. Most companies in Pharma have reduced their salesforce or are thinking about it. Otsuka operates like it's the 60's and 70's...

I am going back to bed....

I think it is more than obvious that Sr HSAs are going away. This recent decision solidifies that. It’s a huge slap in the face that shows yet again that this position was never valued. Don’t tell us that it’s because we need to focus on our teams and customer relationships when we all know that at that point we won’t even be leading teams.

I think it is more than obvious that Sr HSAs are going away. This recent decision solidifies that. It’s a huge slap in the face that shows yet again that this position was never valued. Don’t tell us that it’s because we need to focus on our teams and customer relationships when we all know that at that point we won’t even be leading teams.
Why on earth would anyone value Sr HSA's? A fancy name for dipshits!

It’s not the actual people as Sr HSAs that are terrible, it’s the concept. The company did nothing to make it successful. You put high performers in a position that makes it impossible to do either job well and wonder why performance slips. Then you do not include them in leadership discussions, trainings, meetings, etc. The company put them strictly in a middle man position and made it useless. Good riddance to this position but now where do you think they will go? Most aren’t cut out for leadership and now will be asked to take a demotion. They have been privy to HR type discussions and now will go back to being a peer. This won’t be pretty

It’s not the actual people as Sr HSAs that are terrible, it’s the concept. The company did nothing to make it successful. You put high performers in a position that makes it impossible to do either job well and wonder why performance slips. Then you do not include them in leadership discussions, trainings, meetings, etc. The company put them strictly in a middle man position and made it useless. Good riddance to this position but now where do you think they will go? Most aren’t cut out for leadership and now will be asked to take a demotion. They have been privy to HR type discussions and now will go back to being a peer. This won’t be pretty
"The company did nothing to make it successful"

Doesn't that hold true for the entire salesforce?

Same info for ten years as far as Rex is concerned. Pathetic! Lazy! Dumb!

Otsuka: Never did so many people make so much money for doing or providing so little.

All at the expense of patients!

Scruples? long as the check comes in, right?

I wish we could get any kind of intelligent discussion on here from people who actually work here. We all know you think we hold no value. Go cry about it elsewhere.

for those of us who actually enjoy working here and want to discuss hypotheticals on what might happen within the next month, I would like to hear it.

senior HSAs will be no longer, I think each current ecosystem will split into three teams. Any other thoughts?

I wish we could get any kind of intelligent discussion on here from people who actually work here. We all know you think we hold no value. Go cry about it elsewhere.

for those of us who actually enjoy working here and want to discuss hypotheticals on what might happen within the next month, I would like to hear it.

senior HSAs will be no longer, I think each current ecosystem will split into three teams. Any other thoughts?
It’s the same idiot, each time

I wish we could get any kind of intelligent discussion on here from people who actually work here. We all know you think we hold no value. Go cry about it elsewhere.

for those of us who actually enjoy working here and want to discuss hypotheticals on what might happen within the next month, I would like to hear it.

senior HSAs will be no longer, I think each current ecosystem will split into three teams. Any other thoughts?

You know I am right. You have absolutely no arguments to the contrary. Now go persuade your providers to prescribe cough syrup for TBIs.

But hey, thanks for the name calling. Of course you enjoy "working" here. Why wouldn't you? Nothing to do, except drive around dropping samples and get paid handsomely.

And don't tell me you are doing anything different. If I would ask you how many doctors you persuaded in the last month, (because that's what you are supposed to do) you couldn't name one, and you know it.

Your DM's boots taste like....?

"Layoffs" and "reduction in size" are the same thing, or am I mistaken?

At any event, layoffs are desperately needed. We have too many people with not enough to do, and everybody knows it, home office included. If you scroll through the CP boards, you will see that many companies are laying off, because the effectiveness of a business model from the 70's has vanished. Historically, Otsuka has announced layoffs in October.

Going back to the Red/Blue thing will not solve anything. It's nothing but shuffling chairs, creating activity. If you can't access your customers, which we all have increasing difficulties with, calling yourself Red or Blue is a total waste. Instead of one rep standing in front of closed doors, you now have two. Can't raise sales? Raise prices. That's what Otsuka has done for years!

Our luck has been that we are not listed on any stock exchange. Shareholders would have long ago balked at the inefficient of this company. We act as if money doesn't matter because of patent protection, nobody objects, so we milk insurance companies and customers to the hilt.

Anyways, a Lyft customer needs a ride and I gotta get going...

I wish we could get any kind of intelligent discussion on here from people who actually work here. We all know you think we hold no value. Go cry about it elsewhere.

for those of us who actually enjoy working here and want to discuss hypotheticals on what might happen within the next month, I would like to hear it.

senior HSAs will be no longer, I think each current ecosystem will split into three teams. Any other thoughts?
"We all know you think we hold no value".

So what value do you bring to your customer? Try to articulate that, genius, if you can.
Starbucks and Olive Garden only count if you are a caterer. Neither does rehash of the same old data.

Don't validate my opinion with no answer or insults. You would simply prove me right, and you don't wanna do that, right?

I wish we could get any kind of intelligent discussion on here from people who actually work here. We all know you think we hold no value. Go cry about it elsewhere.

for those of us who actually enjoy working here and want to discuss hypotheticals on what might happen within the next month, I would like to hear it.

senior HSAs will be no longer, I think each current ecosystem will split into three teams. Any other thoughts?
So, after repeatedly asking you what your value or perceived value is, you can't answer it.
basically, you are indirectly admitting you have none. You are correct.
But I want to give credit, where credit is due:
The only redeemable value you have is that someone else doesn't have to do what you do!
:et that sink in for a moment, bagel boy!

I mean this in the nicest way possible, maybe stop arguing with everyone on here. It’s unproductive. We know Otsuka has a lot of issues. If we’re bagel boy, you’re Uber boy. Move on, Uber boy. People just want to know what new structure will look like. Period

I mean this in the nicest way possible, maybe stop arguing with everyone on here. It’s unproductive. We know Otsuka has a lot of issues. If we’re bagel boy, you’re Uber boy. Move on, Uber boy. People just want to know what new structure will look like. Period
Well good morning my friend. Glad to read your post. It's not so much that I am arguing, it's just that some people here are full of themselves, thinking they are important and necessary, thinking they are "heros" for being drug reps.

And yes, feel free to call me Uber boy. I actually like that, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Glad too hear that at least one person here admits that Otsuka has some (serious) issues the company fails to address.

Have a nice day!