Current Merck Retirees

Discussion in 'Merck' started by Anonymous, Oct 11, 2014 at 8:53 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Translation: time to write a sympathy pitch on a piece of cardboard box and get the good panhandler spot on the corner.

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Had a very prosperous afternoon making boatloads of cash. You bottom feeders should follow my lead. However, dumb is dumb can't change that especially with your parentage.
    I see that the year will move forward with the guidance of the educated and wealthy. Bottom feeders keep eating the crap on the bottom.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Translation: had to go fishing for dinner. End of the month but SS check hasn't come in yet. Hoping for a catfish but caught carp instead.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Up early to take advantage of worldwide money markets. Very exciting at the moment and very lucrative. Added well into the six figures. I understand that most of you haven't a clue as to what is going on in this segment simple 1% interest is all you know. I am happy with that because that means much more for me.
    How about the upsets in football, called those correctly as well and that sets the stage for the pros. Will make money on them.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Translation: stumbled into a convenience store at three am and bought a lottery ticket and then posted about it. Guzzled a malt liquor and full of liquid courage will call your bookie and lose more of your fixed income money on football. You shouldn't drink and gamble you degenerate gambler you.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    A wonderful thing of living from the time you enter this world until you leave is the chances offered by gambling. Some of the learned and ambitious gentlemen play the game to win and never lose sight of the end game. That game is to separate oneself from the lowly masses, accumulate vast wealth, enjoy all offerings to the fullest and attend club functions for the stirred martinis
    A hint, calculate the odds, place the bet and remain focused.
    With age comes wisdom. If you can understand my inferences, what unfortunately I doubt, you may prosper.
    Sorry I must now signoff!
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Have you ever met a gambler that admitted to losing? Nope, never.
    Yet those elaborate opulent extravagant casinos weren't built because the house always loses.
    The odds always favor the house.
    Here's a sure bet: you're a fantasy land living moron.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Translation: you play the lotto and the slots were the end game separates you from your meager pension check. Then you go to that dank, smoky dive named " The Hi-Lo Club" to swill cheap gin and call it a " martini."
    Sorry you, you must now pass out.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The small minded, jealous, envious are crawling out from under their crumbling rocks. It is an accomplishment when they do make it into the light of day but the putrid smell gives them away for all to avoid and shun. They give maggots a bad rapp and rats something to emulate.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Translation: " I just woke up and I'm in a dumpster."
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Translation: " I won a bet on the ravens with another homeless guy and won his " Hefty" bag he wears for a shirt. My " home in the Bahamas" is a box behind " Bahama Mommas " a cheap dive bar on the pier were indeed I have " offshore funds" of spare change I panhandled buried in a coffee can in the sand. My 'yard will need moved'... The AstroTurf doormat in front of my box moves ever time the wind kicks up."
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Got in the mail Saturday an invitation to attend a presentation on making the right decisions when retiring from Merck. It lists healthcare choices, whether to take annuity or lump, etc. Program to be held ay Upper Gwenyd. I retired over 2 years ago so sounds like they need to update lists!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sitting here in my newly purchased condo enjoying a mimosa and observing a beautiful sunrise. I am certainly happy that I am not on the mainland weather looks absolutely horrible.
    Due to my accumulated wealth these trips to balmy locations can occur frequently. Not sorry for the pathetic lower echelons that can't even hide in their local mall for warmth.
    Hey, how about those Cowboys, the bookies took a beating with my selection. The wager will cover a magnificent dinner for my close associates. I am considering jetting us all over to St. Martin for a day of gambling and of course fine eating and debauchery.What happens in St. Martin stays in St. Martin.

    For the rich and famous have a great week. For you low lives well who cares.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Translation: " I was rummaging in a dumpster behind Sears and found a new freezer box to live in. Found a carton of minute maid OJ and mixed it with ' mad dog 20/20,' I call it a ' mimosa '. Later I will sneak past the security guard at the mall and hang out for warmth. Then will eat soup at 'St. Martins' parish soup kitchen. Found a discarded cowboy hat to wear and it made me wish I could have seen the game, but no TV in the box I live in."
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So sad when the mind goes on these old farts!
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Lovely to observe the horrendous weather being endured by the financially strapped on the mainland. The advantages of created wealth and its effects on lifestyle are worthy of the rich and successful. But what is critically understood is we don't care how bad your existence has become with no hope of upward mobility such is the life of the lower segments.
    We arrived back at the condo after a wonderful night of frivolity and debauchery but you need not know the specifics well above your cerebral level.
    My Utica shale wells in Ohio are coming on line. I need to evaluate the impact of this additional wealth.
    My favorite native restaurant will be utilized today for lunch, conch salad and red snapper the specialities and of course cold beer as a complement.
    Have fun in your frigid world!
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Reality translation: " I arrived back at my freezer box after scoring some cans to sell at the recycling center from the dumpster behind the service station. I think I'll make enough for a fish sandwich and a malt liquor. My freezer box has " Frigidaire" written on the side. It's my ' world."
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Those cans you dug out of the dumpster said " Shell" not " shale".
    You're breathing too many fumes from the dumpsters you're diving in.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They are mainly drilling for natural gas in the Utica shale formations. Natural gas projections are around $2.88 per btu, a two year low. Oil is projected to go below $50 dollars a barrel. Instead of counting your " wealth" you may want to re-evaluate those " gambling trips to St. Martins."
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Obvious a very ignorant ass. I and everyone of the investors can wait until we get the liquidization plants on line and the world is ours / big bucks! We will then get all we want in profits. Don't attempt to understand what we big boys do or how we make money. What a f,,king loser / Dickwad!