FACTS (if any) about layoffs- post here

Discussion in 'Alcon' started by Anonymous, May 13, 2014 at 11:00 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    European employe here.
    Job cuts have been anounced, but will be spread out over 3 to 6 month because of law restrictions and councils. So we know nothing for sure but some of us will be cut.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    On May 13th WaveLight (German Alcon Division) announced to lay off up to 50% of their R&D workforce in the coming months.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The McKinsey plan was written before the deal and continues to be executed, those in the know are fully aware Pharma will be assimilated. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE PLAN!

  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Did Matt von W survive the cuts? What about IGM and e-Compliance / IT QA?
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yes, unfortunately. IGM lost some what's e-Compliance?
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I can't imagine that Matt survived given the state of the IT budget at the end of 2013. I'm curious to know more about IT and IGM in FW.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    why not? none of what's happened since integration is his fault. he's forced to take it or leave it. so, it seems clear is that he's with the program. and, we still need a CIO who understands the future of the eyecare market. who else gets it like he does?
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    winner, winner. chicken dinner.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    e-Compliance is Novartis-speak for IT QA - GB was hired as the 'global head' of this non-value-added in 2012. did he survive? what about the 'global head of IGM' ( a little Indian guy)

    Also, did any HR VPs get axed? Such as Jim W?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You mean who else gets to overspend on IT like he does? Or leaves technology in the dark ages while the skills of the IT professionals in his group rapidly decline? Or maybe it's just the way things are deployed half-ass... I dunno - but perhaps you have another viewpoint on it.

    Generally speaking, Alcon has been viewed in the industry as a place for people to wait out their career until retirement pay kicks in. Changes brought forward by NVS have not been embraced by legacy Alcon - and so therefore they needed to clean house to make the company viable. But if you've worked at Alcon for 20 plus years you would have ZERO perspective on what else goes on in the industry and how far behind you really are.

    Short term pain, long term gain.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Whitley still around....no one is HR got hit
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Why do you think that someone who has 20 years with a company needs to be cleaned out or has zero perspective? You're probably under 30, your parents paid for your education and you have about two years of experience. See? I made an assumption about you.

    If Novartis sold us tomorrow you would bitch about how you don't like the changes too. Some day you will have experience and some snot nosed kid will say the same thing about you.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Just retire old fart you are obsolete and obviously can't lead the real talent, go play with you cool home network
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few."

    My point is that I believe the changes will be a good thing ultimately.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Your green horn ass better get promoted evry 2 years otherwise you are dead meat by your early 30's. Have fun.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Well the old farts managed to get numerous products to market and built this company. What has your REAL talent put on the market?

    I'll go put in my dentures now and count my patents.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The brain who led those efforts Jerry Cagle is long gone and there has not been anything but "me-too" since. Jerry's former underlings failed miserably and so has Sabri. So quite bragging about nothing, even Travatan as a rip off from someone else's discovery, remember Alcon had to pay royalties. You old farts left the place a mess and the cupboard empty, that is why this is happening now so shut the front door!
  18. Alcon cut good employees this time. Some of the best chemists were let go. It makes no sense- they could have gotten rid of poor performers by reorganizing and cutting them instead. Alcon is a sinking ship. Novartis has totally destroyed a once good company. It's a shame.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    well that is true. JD Edwards ERP is a bit old school.
    SAP's not cheap.