
Discussion in 'Merck' started by Anonymous, Feb 11, 2015 at 10:12 AM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I didn't saw that you did, but you are correct!

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This message makes me sick. Note that the receptionist says the lunch is for sale in the subject line. It was sent to approximately 50 reps that call on the office.
    Subject: Lunch for Sale
    > Lunch on Monday, 1/16/2015 is available! Let me know if you want it. There
    will be 29 employees in the office. That number includes 6 doctors, Dr. Kocian
    will be out. Lunch arrival should be no later than 11:30 AM. This appointment
    runs from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. It is important that the appointment last no
    longer than 1:00 PM as our doctors begin seeing patient again and another rep
    comes in shortly thereafter. Thanks everyone!
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Wow! It's a wonder the receptionist can type so much with those piggy feet. I can almost hear the snorting as I read that.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    So what is the local fare there in the Louisville, KY area? Amazing there's only one PC doc with that name in the US. Not such a bright move posting that particular detail.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sad thing is that after 1:00, the snack rep is coming in.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Two can play that game. When I schedule a lunch I provide the staff the following note: Dear staff, Merck is committed to the health of patients and staff alike. That said, lunch won't be provided to any fatasses that exceed the bmi index. For example a woman standing 5'4" cannot exceed 150 pounds. If you choose to stay during the lunch you will be offered bottled water, please note you will be asked to jump on the scale if I suspect you exceed our criteria.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Shut the F'k up you buzz killer! I love to go Hoggin with the Big boned Thick ass RNs
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Slap that big fat belly and ride the wave in
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Put this post on your worst competitors site and then notify the office what the competitor has done, slam their head in the vise and gain all business from his office.
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Love these stories. I relished a few years ago sticking it to a large family practice office who demanded you need to feed 75 to 100 staff per lunch. They opened the lunch books for the year and I signed up for monthly dates for an entire year. I did my first lunch for a January date. I was treated like crap and knew I had no opportunity here. Instead of cancelling the remaining committed 11 months worth of future lunches, I would call each month and cancel them about 20 minutes after their lunch hours began. NOT giving them a chance to scramble and find another pharma schmuck to come to their rescue. I made them squirm and freak about why the lunch was late and always made up some lame excuse why I could not make it. This practice fell for hit every time. God forbid they missed out. This office would ask me to confirm and promise each month, which I always did==tell them I was bringing top notch food, then BAM--- screw them over. Was one of the few ways I could exact revenge on these self-serving, overfed oafs. They fell for it every month. Always acted as if I was throwing them to the wolves. This office had at least 6 months worth of leftovers from each days rep lunches to last them through a nuclear winter but were always pissed. I LOVED doing this. God forbid they buy their own food. F this industry. I am glad I moved on. Sure was fun listening to them squirm.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They are all fat too
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You can count on one hand the number that are not complete hogs. I would muse watching the food slide down their bloated cheeks.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What exactly is being investigated.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Every rep that is targeted for removal. Their "investigation" usually yields nothing, but they accuse the rep of misbehavior, spread rumors to get her coworkers to ostracize her and get her to quit. It's happened about 20,000 times over the last ten years. The same playbook is used everywhere in the country. Anything to save a buck!
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    This is about as low as low can get and it's nothing short of repulsive. To do this to good, hardworking people is beyond the imagination of most people.

    Only a sinister mind part of a corrupt system could dream up doing this kind of thing.

    Say plenty about corporate America.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You cry babies and work impaired don't understand life. There is no investigation just cost centers. If you are in the cost center and don't cover your expense you are gone no more no less. Get on with life!
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They should investigate power trip CTLs. We know them as those who dare to pull a full Monte of dastardly deeds.
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    How are these investigations going? Any news on when the class action will be coming? Hear there are those who got gypped or downright screwed. Severance problems and denied thier bridges by weeks. I heard one is brewing. Is there any truth to this rumor?
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Again, are you just so caught up in your "all about me" world that you do not hear us. There have been horrible managers (CTLs) for 35 years ( just used to be fewer of them than today). True Merck has lost their culture, used to be most managers had been in the field for years before going straight to DM Charm School, not a rotation here and there after 18 months in the field. True there are few CTLs that have built relationships or know anything about real selling skills not stuff they read in a book or hear in a training seminar. But as crappy as all this is, CTLs don't have the power to make decisions on who stays and who goes, that is done by a outside firm that Merck pays big money for. Sure your manager can make life Hell and effect your ratings therefore your future with the firm and you can bet there is a lot more downsizing to come. I just find it hard to believe that people think Merck would leave themselves open to a lawsuit over this when they are run by a bunch of lawyers. Merck's HR dept. and lawyers use this outside consultant for exactly this reason, you really don't think it is so they can get the business right go you? Unless you were drafted by Merck, you asked them for a job and now you have this one. Just deal with it. Life is not alway's fair.